Wednesday, May 6, 2020
American Identity - 1566 Words
My American Identity The five key values that were studied and learned about in class were civic engagement, freedom, equality, patriotism and democracy. I do not believe that one of these values is more American than the other though three of these mean more to me personally than others. Patriotism, freedom, and equality. Together they make the United States of America unique from any other country. Yes, some countries have freedom, but no other country in the world is like ours because we hold these values nearest and dearest to us; at least most of us do. These five values are the values that we strive for in perfecting to make us so great. Some are more rounded than others but they are all what makes the United States so unique.†¦show more content†¦I very so agree with this because it is an example of what has happened in the past in America. People have fought for their freedom and died over it at the same time because they chose not sit around like prisoners. People in the past have foug ht and died for the freedoms that I have today so that I would not have to. With me being a black, female, it is almost exact opposite of what you needed to be to have freedoms in the past, it would be unthinkable for me to be treated to same as a white man in the past but because blacks and women have fought for freedom, I do not have to do it myself. The last value that I have chosen to do was equality. I chose this one because equality in America is big. America to me is like a big mixing pot. We have the people who were born here in America, and the ones who live here from that are from other countries. In 2010, there was a record breaking 40 million immigrants in the United States, legal and illegal. The total population in the United States was about 308.7 million people in 2010. America is a place filled with different people who believe in different things, a land of absolute diversity. So who is to say that only one group of people should be given certain privileges because of the color of their skin, who they pray to, or where they were born. Here in America equality is probably one of the most important things we try to pursue as a nation. In the past people have fought to be treated equal and even today inShow MoreRelatedNative American Identity Essay1363 Words  | 6 Pages Cornell University Professor Clinton Rossiter explains identity as, â€Å"an intangible feeling. It is something that is felt†¦ An identity is not static. Feelings change with time and therefore, so can identity.†( When colonists first arrived to North America, some people wanted to establish an identity unique to themselves and their new colonies. 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