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Qwl Journal of Management and Business Research
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume 12 Issue 18 Version 1. 0 Year 2012 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh By Mohammad Baitul Islam East West University (EWU, BD) Abstract – Quality of work life is a critical concept with having lots of importance in employee’s life.Quality of work life indicates a proper balance both in work and personal life which also ensure organizational productivity and employee’s job satisfaction. This research study attempted to find out the factors that have an impact and significance influence on quality of work life of employees in private limited companies of Bangladesh. To begin with the factors are identified through literature review and current context of Bangladesh. Seven factors were found and a quantitative research was done. After developing a questionnaire, survey was conducted among 100 employees.The outcome of the research is that six out of seven factors (work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, working environment, working condition and career growth) have significant influence on quality of work life. The study concluded that an appropriate organization culture, compensation policy, career growth and relative facilities can leads to a satisfied employee mindset which ensure the overall organization productivity. Keywords : Quality of work life, Job satisfaction, Organization Productivity, Career, Organization Culture, Relative Facility.GJMBR-A Classification : FOR Code: 150305, 150311 JEL Code: J28, O15 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh Strictly as per the compliance and regulations of:  © 2012. Mohammad Baitul Islam. This is a research/review paper, dis tributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3. 0 Unported License http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc/3. 0/), permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Business Management Study GuideFactors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh Mohammad Baitul Islam Abstract – Quality of work life is a critical concept with having lots of importance in employee’s life. Quality of work life indicates a proper balance both in work and personal life which also ensure organizational productivity and employee’s job satisfaction. This research study attempted to find out the factors that have an impact and significance influence on quality of work life of employees in private limited companies of Bangladesh.To begin with the factors are identified through literature review and current context of Banglad esh. Seven factors were found and a quantitative research was done. After developing a questionnaire, survey was conducted among 100 employees. The outcome of the research is that six out of seven factors (work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, working environment, working condition and career growth) have significant influence on quality of work life.The study concluded that an appropriate organization culture, compensation policy, career growth and relative facilities can leads to a satisfied employee mindset which ensure the overall organization productivity. Keywords : Quality of work life, Job satisfaction, Organization Productivity, Career, Organization Culture, Relative Facility. II. Background of the Study n Bangladesh a good number of people are working in private sector and they contribute a certain level of valuable time to their companies.In there, they give their best effort to get an appreciation and for company’s goodwill. But quality of work life is such a concept which needs a certain balance both in professional and personal life. This research is all about identifying the factors that directly affects one’s quality of work life. It is very important to have a positive quality of work life experience if someone wants to give his or her 100 percent effort to the company.Quality of work life is a philosophy or set of principals which holds that people are trustworthy, responsible and capable of making valuable contribution to the organization (Rose, Beh, Uli & Idris, 2006). However, quality of work life is directly influenced by job satisfaction and external environment and personal like. There should have be a proper level of balance in work life and total life space. In my research, I have identified some major factors that Author : BBA (Marketing & HRM) & MBA (HRM), East West University (EWU, BD).PGD (Marketing Management), Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM, BD). E-mail : [email prote cted] com I I. Introduction It is very important for employees to have a sound mindset in their work field in order to utilize their full potential and to add value to the organization. A satisfied employee is an asset for a company as he or she will ensure the full productivity. To begin with, quality of work life is such a concept that directly related to the satisfaction.According to Dolan, Garcia, Cabezas and Tzafrir (2008), quality of work life is a major concern for employees and how organizations compact with this issue is both of academic and practical consequence. Therefore, job satisfaction and satisfaction in private life both are important for having a positive quality of work life experience. Mostly the quality of work life considers the work life and it is to change the climate at work along with human-technological-organizational interface (Luthans, 1995).According to (Davis & Cherns, 1975; Sashkin & Burke, 1987), quality of work life is not only enhancing the company ’s productivity but also employee identification and a sense of belonging and pride in their work. Based on various researches we can identify some determinants of quality of work life which are – adequate and fair compensation, safe and health work environment, opportunity for career growth and security, social integration in the work organization which relates to freedom of speech, work and total life space and the social relevance to the work. 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I may directly affect the quality of work life experience and the factors are, work load, working condition and career growth, compensation and benefits, working environment which are directly influence the job satisfaction. These factors are controllable by the company. Besides, family life and transportation facilities are the other factors that directly influenced individual’s mental motivation in Banglade sh.However, the meaning of quality of work life may vary to different people. So the primary objective of this research is to test the reliability of identified factors that influenced the quality of work life and the insights are captured from the employees of private limited companies of Bangladesh. Based on the primary objective and data evaluation, a recommendation has been drawn in my research. Year 2012 23 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh 24 2Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I In Bangladesh candidate’s supply is more than the demand therefore it is difficult to find one’s suitable job in the market. Though the private companies are increasing but employee satisfaction is still a major concern for quality of work life. Along with that, in Bangladesh employee satisfaction can be hampered by private life also. Transportation engagement is a maj or part of private life and in Bangladesh lack of transportation facility is a vital issue for late coming in the office.In this study I have included family life and transportation facility in to the quality of work life concept. These two factors are also related to mental health of employees and a sound mental health is very important to gain enthusiasm in the work. However, I have also included some other factors which works inside the organization and also related to quality of work life of employees. In the context of quality of work life, organizations have policies and benefits for proper employee valuation.Quality of work life is often considered in two direction, one is to removal of negative aspects of work and working conditions and other direction is the modification of work and working conditions to enhance the capability of employees and to promote behavior which important for individual and society (Kotze, 2005). According to Dessler (1981), quality of work life was seen as the level to which employees are able to satisfy their personal needs not only in terms of material matters but also of self respect, contentment and an opportunity to use their talents make contribution and for personal growth.So it is very important for an organization to provide employees proper valuation which will satisfy them and will ensure the productivity. III. ? Research Objectives a) Broad Objectives Determining the Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh. b) Specific Objectives ? ? ? ? Determining the variables that affect the quality of work life of employees. Determining which variable plays the most significant role on quality of work life.Establishing hypothesis on the basis of the research work. Drawing a qualitative and quantitative conclusion on the basis of the survey. IV. Literature Review Based on researchers analysis numerical articles have been written on quality of work life. In case of Bangladesh the research article on quality of work life is very few. In this study I have tried my best to introduce some concerning factors that affects the quality of work life of those people who are working in private sector of Bangladesh.I do believe several advantages are associated with my study. Quality of work life is such a concept that indicates a balance both in personal and professional life of an individual. Therefore; it can be hampered if someone is not satisfied with his or her work life or family life. However; positive quality of work life experience is very important and it is directly interrelated with job satisfaction and productivity. It is a fact which also controls the mental health.According to Plug, Louow & Gouws (1991) mental health is a state of relative good alteration that is escorted by feeling of satisfaction, a zest for life and the actualization of potential skills as well as absence of psychopathological conditions. So to have a positive quali ty of work life experience, a good quality of life is very important. Mendola and Pellingrini (1979) summarized quality of life as it is the individual’s accomplishment of a satisfactory social situation within the limits of apparent physical ability.Every human has a concern about their life and quality comes out when it the concentrations ends with some specific points. According to Shin and Johnson (1978) Quality of life is the ownership of resources necessary for the satisfaction of individual needs, wants and desires, participation in the activities permitting personal development and self actualization and satisfactory comparison between oneself and others. Moreover, a proper balance in quality of work life can generate more productivity for an organization. A satisfied employee can give more than 100 percent contribution to his or her company.If we consider the whole organization as an internal environment then it becomes very important to have optimum work pressure, a ccurate benefits and enough facility along with career development within the company. All of these interrelated with the job satisfaction and therefore quality of work life. Besides, if we consider the external environment then family life, social status and transportation will be the vital factors. So having a proper balance in these areas is also important. In Bangladesh a great amount of people are working in private limited companies and the number of private company is increasing day by day.Considering the large number of population, in Bangladesh the human resource supply is more than the demand. Therefore, the bargaining power is more for company where candidates are having less bargain power. On the other hand, lots of employees are not running on their suitable jobs. It seriously affects their career development. Most of the employees consider compensation package and benefits, position, work load and career development as their satisfaction benchmark. However, in Banglade sh transportation facility is another very important factor that directlyYear 2012  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh affects employee’s mental health. Based on this, some upper level company like Grameenphone limited, Robi, Unilever Bangladesh, Nestle Bangladesh, Banglalink, some private banks, private universities has develop their own culture and working environment. Besides, a good compensation package and benefits are offered by them. All of these are important for job satisfaction and finally quality of work life.In Bangladesh, companies are mainly performance oriented and their organizational culture and work pressure may be the reason of dissatisfaction in quality of work life. As human supply is more so high turnover rate and high competition is also a major concern regarding quality of work life. Quality of work life has been defined in various ways. Accordin g to Rose, Beh, Uli and Idris (2006); quality of work life is a philosophy or set of principals, which holds that people are trustworthy, responsible and capable of making a valuable contribution to the organization.It also involves respect and the elements that are relevant to an individual quality of work life include task, working environment, organizational culture, administrative system and the relationship between on the job and off the job life. Serey (2006), define quality of work life as it is a certain and best meet the existing work environment along with meaningful and satisfying work. It also includes: a. an opportunity to implement one’s talents and abilities to face challenges that require independent initiative and self direction. b. an activity thought to be valuable by the individual’s involvement. c. n activity in which the role of individual in achievement of some overall goals is understandable. d. a sense of taking pride in what one is doing and i n doing it well. Lau, Wong, Chan and Law (2001) measures quality of work life as the favorable working atmosphere that chains and promotes satisfaction by giving employees with rewards, job security and career development opportunity. Therefore quality of work life and its relationship with employee health and performance has become an explicit objective for many of the human resource policies in modern organizations (Dolan, Saba, Jackson & Schuler, 2007).Heskett, Sasser and Schlesinger (1997) summarize quality of work life as the outlook that employees have towards their job, colleagues and organization that light a chain leading to the organization’s growth and profitability. Quality of life is such a concept which is basically associated with satisfaction mainly in the work life and Mirvis and Lawler (1984) highlighted that salary, working hours, working condition, safe working environment and opportunities for advancement describes- the basic components of a good quality of work life.Hackman and Oldhams (1980) suggest the V. Conceptual Framework A conceptual framework has been developed (Figure 1) that is one of the relative construct of this study. VI. Hypotheses Development 1= Word load has an impact on quality of work life of the employees 2 = Family life affects the quality of work life of the employees 3 = Transportation facilities affect quality of work life of the employees 4 = Compensation and benefits affects quality of work life of the employees = Colleagues and supervisor relationship affects quality of work life of the employees 6 = Working environment has an impact over quality of work life of the employees 7 = Working condition and career growth opportunities affects quality of work life of the employees VII. Based on research question following hypotheses has been developed for the study- Research Methodology The type of research used in this article is of descriptive nature. Through this descriptive research, the article sough t to determine the answers to why,  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I constructs of quality of work life in relation to the interaction between work environment and personal needs. Along with structural modification good relation between supervisor and subordinates is important for a good quality of work life (Bertrand and Scott, 1992). Quality of work life refers the quality of life that is associated with job characteristics and work conditions as well as capability of shaping a job with an employee’s option, interest and needs (Lawler 1982; and Beukema 1987; Datta 1999).Katzell et. Al (1975) defined quality of work life more broadly as an individual’s valuation of the outcome of the work relationship. They observed employee can have positive quality of work life if he has positive feelings towards his job, if he is motivated with his private life and if he has a balance between the t wo terms of his personal values. To conclude, most of the studies on quality of work life are focused on personality and job satisfaction in where some studies also focused on motivation, organization culture and individual’s needs and desire.In the context of Bangladesh the most important factors that directly affect the quality of work life are work load, compensation and benefits, colleagues and supervisor, working condition and career development, working environment, family life and transportation facilities. After evaluation of studies and considering the nation these factors individually has an impact on quality of work life. 25 Year 2012 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh 26 2 Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I hat, where and how questions of the existing employees in public sector of Bangladesh and their expectations. It also involves collecting i nformation that explain people’s beliefs, knowledge, attitude and behavior (Fink, 1995, Sommer & Sommer, 1996). Primary data was collected through telephone and online survey for analysis and secondary data was be used as a support tool. A total of 100 sample size considered to be adequate for my study. Each and every response is checked thoroughly for incomplete and missing response. The questionnaire has two parts in were the first part contains some demographic information.Table 1 gives a proper summary of this sort of information. In the second part, the questionnaire contains 32 items to construct the seven independent variables along with a dependent variable in my study. The selected independent variables are: work load, compensation and benefits, colleagues and supervisor, working environment, working condition and career growth, family life and transportation. A five point Likert scale (1= Strongly Disagree to 5= Strongly Agree) was used to collect data from the resp ondents. The questionnaire was outlined in English and understandable.Reliability analysis was done to identify the reliability of my study. Beside this, regression analysis, hypothesis testing was done for a proper justification and to draw an appropriate recommendation in my study. VIII. mean scores of the factors of QWL with standard deviation also shown (Table 4) in my study. i. Hypotheses Testing To conduct the hypothesis test a regression analysis has been done and seven factors which have an effect in quality of work life are considered. However, details of the influence of independent variable over dependent variable have been shown in Table 7.First hypothesis was 1 , Word load has an impact on quality of work life of the employees. According to the analysis, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 000, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 1 is accepted. Second hypothesis was 2 , Family life affects the quality of work life of the employees. According to the analysis, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 000, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 2 is accepted.Third hypothesis was 3 , Transportation facilities affect quality of work life of the employees. In this case, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 007, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 3 is accepted. My fourth hypothesis was 4 , Compensation and benefits affects quality of work life of the employees. Here, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 000, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 4 is accepted.My fifth hypothesis was 5, Colleagues and supervisor relationship affects quality of work life of the employees. According to the analysis, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 332, which is greater than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So , null hypothesis is accepted and H5, is rejected. Sixth hypothesis was 6, working environment has an impact over quality of work life of the employees. The significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 014, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and is accepted. Final hypothesis was 7 working condition and career growth opportunities affects quality of work life of the employees. The significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 009, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 7 is accepted. ii. Regression Analysis From the regression analysis (Table 5), I found the R square value to be 0. 425 meaning 42. 5% of the variability in the quality of work life of employees in the private limited companies in Bangladesh can be explained by these seven independent factors.In this case the independent variables are work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, colleagues and supervisor, working environment and working condition and career growth. From the ANOVA table we see that the significance value is 0. 000 (Table Year 2012 Data Analysis and Findings My study contains 69% male respondent and 31% female respondent (Table 1). Among them 94% respondent’s age is in between 21-30 years and rest of 6% respondents is under 31-40 years of age. However, 44% respondents already have 2-3 years of professional experience in where 27% respondents have 3-5 years of experience.Moreover, some fresher’s are having 1-2 years of experiences are also included in my study and the percentage is 23%. A reliability analysis is commonly used to identify the internal consistency of the variables. However, Cronbach’s alpha is commonly used to test the reliability and the range of alpha coefficient value is in between 0 to 1. The higher value indicates the higher reliability (Hair, et al. , 1992). A value more than . 70 is significantly good measure for su fficient scale of reliability (Cronbach, 1951, Nunnally, 1987).According to the Cronbach’s alpha test the value of alpha in my study is 0. 732 (Table 2 & Table 3) which is higher than minimum acceptable value. Therefore, 73. 20% of data are reliable in my study. This reliable analysis has been done for all dependent and independent variables and so far I am satisfied. Besides, this reliability test contains 32 items based on which I make my hypothesis test. A  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) a) Demographic Data Analysis b) Secondary Data Analysis Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh ), thus proving that the model is valid and significant. However, among 7 factors six of them (work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, working environment, working condition and career growth) have positive and significance influence on quality of work life. Only single factor named colleagu es and supervisor has no significance impact on quality of work life. Probably, respondents have given less notice on it. iii. Limitation This research study has some limitation and the major limitation factor for this report is complexity of the topic.Since the survey will be conducted on questionnaire therefore it is a great challenge to ensure the actual validity of the response. In some cases, the topics were not understood by the employees who have minimal idea about the quality of work life. Respondents are selected only from Dhaka city; therefore this research does not reflect the perception of employees of each corner of Bangladesh. However unwillingness of respondents was another limitation of my study. Moreover, R Square (0. 425) is comparatively low which means that other factors can also influence the quality of work life of employees in private limited companies of Bangladesh. v. References References Referencias 1. Arts, E. J. , Kerksta, J. and Van der Zee (2001) Quali ty of Working Life and Workload in Home Help Nordic College of Caring Sciences, 12-22. 2. Baptiste, N. R. (2008). 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The seven factors are work load, fami ly life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, colleagues and supervisor, working environment and working condition and career growth. The outcome of the research indicates that six out of seven factors (work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefit, working environment and working condition and career growth) have significant influence on quality of work life and the remaining factor (colleagues and supervisor) has no ignificant influence on quality of work life. From the finding, it can be recommended that quality of work life is such a critical concept that might be disturbed due to dissatisfaction of mind set. However, the companies can focus on their employee’s welfare by providing them a better and attractive compensation policy, optimum work load and by providing a superior work environment. The private companies should create a career growth opportunity within their environment that may lead to a better performance and therefore a better productivity.Moreover, participation management will increase the enthusiasm of employees as they will have an opportunity to participate with their ideas. So the private companies of Bangladesh can focus on it. On the other Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I Year 2012 hand, transportation is such a factor which is seriously involve in mental satisfaction. Therefore, if the companies can provide a transportation facility then they might grab a positive impression from employees and the employees may not need to harass by external environment.However, the government of Bangladesh can take some steps to provide adequate and affordable transportation facilities for the local people. 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Manager Manager Merchandiser Asst.Territory Officer Territory Manager Management Trainee Teacher Specialist Total 100. 00 Total 100. 00 Total (%) 48. 00 4. 00 19. 00 4. 00 6. 00 2. 00 2. 00 3. 00 3. 00 2. 00 4. 00 3. 00 100. 00 Total 100. 00 Year of 1-2 Years 2-3 Years 3-5 Years 5-7 Years 8 Years and (%) 23. 00 44. 00 27. 00 4. 00 2. 00  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Global Journal of Management and B usiness Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I Year 2012 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh Table 2 : Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha . 32 Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items . 786 N of Items 32 Table 3 : Reliability Tests. Factor’s Name Items 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Values 0. 796 0. 60 0. 825 0. 526 0. 821 0. 927 0. 809 0. 471 Quality of Work Life (Dependent) Work Load (Independent) Family Life ((Independent)) Transportation (Independent) Compensation Policy and Benefits (Independent) Colleagues and Supervisor (Independent) Working Environment (Independent) Working Condition and Career Growth (Independent) Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I Year 2012 30 2 Table 4 : Mean Scores of the Factors of QWL.Factors Workload Family Life Transportation Compensation Policy Colleagues and Supervisor Working Environment Working Condition and Career Growth Mean 3. 0800 3. 4350 3. 4900 2. 5325 4. 0325 3. 8700 3. 4850 Std. Deviation . 50861 . 94054 . 86524 1. 02473 . 74845 . 76581 . 64630 Table 5 : Regression Analysis. Model 1 R . 652(a) R Square . 425 Adjusted R Square . 381 Std. Error of the Estimate . 48606 a. Predictors: (Constant), Working Condition and Career Growth, Work Load, Transportation, Compensation Policy, Family Life, Colleagues and Supervisor, Working Environment Table 6 : ANOVA.Model Regression 1 Residual Total Sum of Squares 16. 072 21. 735 37. 807 df 7 92 99 Mean Square 2. 296 . 236 F 9. 718 Sig. .000(a) a. Predictors: (Constant), Working Condition and Career Growth, Work Load, Transportation, Compensation Policy, Family Life, Colleagues and Supervisor, Working Environment b. Dependent Variable: QWL  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh Table 7 : Hypothesis Testing. Coefficients (a)Model (Constant) Work Load Famil y Life Transportation Compensation Policy Colleagues and Supervisor Working Environment Working Condition and Career Growth Unstandardized Coefficients B 3. 425 . 577 . 287 -. 218 -. 245 -. 104 . 309 -. 308 Std. Error . 604 . 123 . 073 . 078 . 058 . 107 . 123 . 115 . 475 . 436 -. 305 -. 407 -. 126 . 382 -. 322 Standardized Coefficients Beta 5. 668 4. 705 3. 943 -2. 782 -4. 206 -. 974 2. 518 -2. 682 . 000 . 000 . 000 . 000 . 332 . 014 . 009 . 007 t Sig. 1 a. Dependent Variable: QWL  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I Year 2012 31
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