Monday, September 30, 2019
Renaissance history
â€Å"Renaissance is a term with a variety of meanings, but is used widely in discussion of European history. Renaissance originates from the Latin word â€Å"Rinascere†and refers to the act of being reborn. It is believed that during the time from about 1400AD to around 1600AD, Europe was reborn. Originally the term Renaissance only referred to the time when man rediscovered the knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans. However, modern historians have realized these rediscoveries were also crucial to the formation of modern culture. The term Renaissance is now used to indicate all the historical developments that have inspired the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of modern history. Thus, the term Renaissance has now taken on a more significant meaning: not only does the Renaissance mean the rebirth of knowledge, but also represents a step from the past and a leap towards the future. The Renaissance overlapped the end of a period in European history called the Middle Ages. During this time, the great accomplishments of the ancient Greeks and Romans had been largely, though not entirely forgotten. With the ending of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance great cultural movement arose. Beginning in Italy, the new Renaissance spirit spread to England, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Spain and other countries. In Italy during the 14th and 15th centuries certain scholars and historians began to display a remarkable new historical self-consciousness. They believed their own time was a new age, at once sharply different from the barbaric darkness which was imagined had occurred in the centuries before. They grew to believe that there was more to be discovered about mankind and the world, than medieval people had known. The Italians are very eager to rediscover what clever Greeks and Romans had known in ancient times, as well as making their own intelligent attempts to understand the world. This renewed interest in the world and in mankind is called Humanism. Humanism was the most significant intellectual movement of the Renaissance. Humanism during the Renaissance received its name from one of the earliest concerns of the humanists: the need of a new education curriculum that would empathize a group of subjects known collectively as the ‘Studia Humanitatis†involving grammar, history, poetry, ethics, and rhetoric. However, this new education curriculum conflicted directly with the traditional education, which involved logic, science and physics, and often sharp clashes occured between the two educators. However, more was at stake than the content of education. The traditional education was intended chiefly to prepare students for careers in medicine, law, and above all theology. To Renaissance humanists this seemed too narrow, too abstract and too exclusively intellectual. They proposed a system of education that centred on the general responsibilities of citizenship and social leadership. Humanities essential contribution to the modern world is not found in its concern with ancient knowledge, but in its new attitude of flexibility and openness to all the possibilities in life. With people receiving education-involving leadership, they began to gain more confidants. More people began to reject ideas about science put forward by the ancient Greeks and began to search for the truth. They realized that the Greeks†ideas were often intelligent, but also often wrong. Many people still did not want the old ideas disapproved, and threatened scientists to stop having new ideas. However, this did not stop many brilliant scientific inventions being produced at this time. A great scientist of the Renaissance was the Polish student Nicolaus Copernicus who developed the theory that the earth was a moving planet. He is considered the founder of modern astronomy. In Copernicus†time, most astronomers accepted the theory the Greek astronomer Ptolemy had formulated nearly 1400 years earlier. Ptolemy stated that the Earth was the centre of the universe and motionless. He also stated that all the observed motions of the heavenly bodies were real and that those bodies moved in complicated patterns around the Earth. As the church supported Ptolemy theory no one dared to challenge it until Copernicus. Copernicus believed Ptolemy†s theory was too complicated. He decided that the simplest and most systematic explanation was that every planet, including the Earth, revolved around the sun. The Earth also had to spin around its axis once every day. Copernicus couldn†t prove his theory, but his explanation of heavenly motion was mathematically strong and was less complicated than Ptolemy†s theory. The later work of later scientists such as Galileo Galilei helped to prove that Copernicus†theory was correct. Galileo was a Florentine physicist, philosopher, and inventor, whose name became the chief emblem of Renaissance science and of ensuing technological revolution. In 1609, he heard that the rulers of Florence and Venice were searching for someone who could invent an instrument that made distant objects appear closer. Galileo set to work to construct one, and within a few days he had finished, naming it a telescope. During the winter, he turned his telescope to the sky with startling results. He announced that the moon surface was quite similar to earth†s – irregular and mountainous; the Milky Way was made up of a host of stars; and the planet Jupiter is accompanied by at least four satellites. The electrifying effects of these discoveries were amazing. They showed the human senses could be aided artificially to discover new truths about nature, something that neither philosophy nor theology had previous contended with. However, most importantly Ptolemy†s astronomical theory was impossible. Galileo had proven Copernicus theory correct. Galileo had great importance upon the history of ideas. The Renaissance produced many important people who invented or theorized very important advances in history. They all became strong symbols of revolt against the forces of authority, whilst the Renaissance flourished with the power of question. The Renaissance period provided modern culture with a variety of advances in technology, art, science and most importantly it gave mankind confidence. The ancient civilizations, in particular the Greeks and Romans, laid the foundations for civilizations and the Renaissance added the most important ingredient; the ability to ask why. It is appropriate to use the label ‘Rebirth†to describe European history in the 15th and 16th centuries.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Kuhnian Model
KUHNIAN MODEL According to many science is a steady progression of accrual of new ideas but to Kuhn science was as a result of occasional revolutionary explosions of new knowledge whereby each revolution was triggered by introduction of new ways of thought that were so large that he called them paradigms. These paradigms according to Kuhn were supposed to generally recognize scientific achievements, present model problems and solutions for group of researchers. A paradigm is supposed to describe; * How the outcome of most scientific investigations should be interpreted. * What is to be observed and scrutinized? The kind of questions that are supposed to be asked and probed for answers in relation to this subject. The Kuhnian model consists of five main steps which include: * Prescience- it has no workable paradigm to guide its work successfully. * Normal science- it is a normal step where the field has a scientifically based model of understanding a paradigm that works * Model drift- here the model of understanding starts to drift. This is due to accumulation of anomalies and events the model cannot explain. * Model crisis- the previous step becomes so excessive the model is broken.It can therefore no longer serve as a reliable guide to problem solving. Any attempts to patch the model up to work will fail hence the field is in anguish. * Model revolution-it immediately becomes considerable when serious candidates for a new model emerge; it is referred as a revolution because the new model is so drastically poles apart from the previous one. * Paradigm change-here the field changes from the old to the new paradigm because a new one emerges. This new paradigm then becomes the normal science and the khunian model is complete. HOW IT WORKSThe new fields normally begin in prescience where they have begun to focus on a problem area but are not yet capable of making major advances. Working techniques that later provide a model of understanding eventually works hence t his will put the field in normal science step. In this step it takes longer. As time passes by new questions arise but the current model of understanding cannot answer this puts it in the model drift step. The model crisis step is reached later if the anomalies appear and the model cannot be patched up to explain them unfortunately it tends to fail due to guesswork and intuition.At long last the model revolution begins. It is a revolution because the new model is a new paradigm. It’s radically different from the old paradigm. This makes the believers in both paradigms not to communicate well. The paradigm change step begins when the new paradigm is settled on by a few influential supporters. After field transitions from the old to the new paradigm occur the old paradigm is sufficiently replaced and becomes the field’s new normal science. Guess what happens next? The cycle begins again because our knowledge about the world is never complete. References The structure of Scientific Revolutions- Thomas. S. Kuhn
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Mother Earth Essay
Our precious Mother Earth is the one who suffers the most because of the bad practices we do in our daily lives. We do not even consider how badly it will affect her as long as we are happy with what we are doing. We throw our garbage to places that are not supposed to be thrown at like the different bodies of water and in this case, we pollute our water and there is little clean water for us to drink. We are using up our non-renewable resources in such a short time without even thinking that it takes a very long time for nature to reproduce it. We are also cutting young and old trees without even planting new trees for replacement and because of this, flash floods and landslides happen. We continue using appliances that emit chlorofluorocarbons, which damages the ozone layer that protects us from the harmful UV rays. These are only some of the proofs that we are very selfish. We are selfish in the sense that we think only of ourselves and don’t even care about Mother Earth where in fact she is the very reason why we live peacefully and happily. We have to do something in return to Mother Earth for all of her sufferings. After all, we owe everything to her. Now is the time to repay her. However, how can we do this? We have to be contented, aware, disciplined and responsible so that we can take care of her properly and lessen her sufferings. First, we have to be disciplined enough to do what is good and what is bad for our environment. Second, by being aware in the sense that we have to know if what we are doing have good or bad effects to her. Third, be contented on what she has given us and do not want anything more that will cause you harm. Finally, be responsible for all your actions. Remember that what you do to Mother Earth comes back to you. And one more thing, Love Mother Earth and s he will love you back.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Fashion Media and Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Fashion Media and Communication - Essay Example The essay "Fashion Media and Communication" explores the media and communication in fashion. Essentially, for my investigation, I’ve decided to focus on the dazed vision described as the â€Å"in house video arms†. Notably, dazed vision came to being in December 2012. Most notably, the Vise Media; a globally recognized digital media; acquired the British style bible i-D. It is worth noting that this move took the online world by storm and established a new experience in the digital communication through video-driven experiences. Apparently, this innovation was brought about to counter the changes experienced in the young fashion industry. In addition to that, the fashion industry has been crowded with more than enough outdated media used in communicating with the consumers. Notably, the new launches thus demonstrate how the media landscape is radically reshaped each day by the dynamics of the internet. Furthermore, these dynamics have modified the content and how it is being advertised to the targeted consumers.It is important to note that the industry, especially the fashion industry, have to change their ways of staying competitive in the market. On the same point, this competition has therefore brought about innovation in a manner that the most innovative company attracts both the investors and the large base of customers. On the contrary, there are several important factors that can be used to give a detailed definition of the dazed vision, namely. Statistical evidence shows that by the year 2017.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Recruitment and selection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Recruitment and selection - Essay Example Indeed, the recruitment and selection process helps in finding and employing top quality and proficient workers who meet organisational needs and focus on accomplishment of assigned goals and targets (Iles, 2001 p. 134). It should be emphasised that technology only accelerates the production strength but its employees who plan, organise, lead and control business operations. Therefore, there is dire need to implement right recruitment strategies to select right workers at the right time for business growth, survival and sustainability. The paper will first throw light over importance of Human Resource Management followed by importance of recruitment and selection process. The paper will then discuss various recruitment techniques such as internal and external recruitment, consultation from any HR agency, use of job and career fairs, referrals etc. In addition, the paper will provide an explanation on equality and discrimination followed by a discussion on how issues of Equality affect the recruitment and selection process. Finally, the researcher will provide the conclusion to summarise the findings from and shortcomings of current literature. Human Resource Management refers to managing employees and organisational members. Indeed, HRM is also known as personnel management and it plays vital role in success and growth of any business firm. For instance, the first major responsibility of HR professionals is to prepare a top quality workforce that could meet present and future organisational needs as well as could accomplish assigned targets. Hence, if right workers are not inducted then a company may not be able to form an excellent customer base, relationships with partners, distribution channel members and other stakeholders. Also, the absenteeism and turnover rates may become high that, in turn, increase costs (Caroline &
Walden by Henry Thoreau Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Walden by Henry Thoreau - Essay Example The author harps on the self sufficiency while penning down the book which is clearly evident from the lines: â€Å"There is no odor so bad as that which arises from the goodness tainted. It is human, it is divine, carrion. If I knew for a certainty that a man was coming to my house with the conscious design of doing me good, I should run to my life. No- in this case I would rather suffer evil the natural way.†(Thoreau) The paper attempts to analyze Walden with a critical perspective. Once the reader starts reading the book he/she is acquainted with the knowledge of what made the author reside in a cabin made by him by the Walden Pond. The author feels that most of the people in this world spend their time in â€Å"mere ignorance and mistakes†(Thoreau) where the quest is only for acquiring luxuries. The author feels that the labor is wasted â€Å"from excessive toil†where man fails to acquire the â€Å"true integrity†. (Thoreau) But the author makes it clear that he was not a hermit who wanted to spend the time in the nature zealot but he was guided by a set of philosophical set of ideas. The reading of the book reveals the effort of the author in self discovery which was an experiment to learn how to live life. The author approach of life is that to live free and uncommitted as he is of the opinion that â€Å"It makes but little difference whether you are committed to a farm or the county jail†. (Thoreau) He makes a difference between the mortal and the immortal by saying â€Å"In accumulating property for ourselves or our posterity, in founding a family or a state, or acquiring fame even, we are mortal; but in dealing with truth we are immortal†(Thoreau). The reading of the book reveals the author’s education from the nature when he says â€Å"I had more than ever come within the influence of those books which circulate round the world, whose sentences were first written on bark, and are now merely copied from time to time on to the linen paper†(Thoreau) The book reveals the transcendentalism of the author where he emphasizes on the beauty of the nature by describing the sides of the path being adorned by â€Å"the sand cherry with its delicate flowers†. (Thoreau) The sounds of the nature like the bird chirping make the author feel the harmony and pleasure. The author perfectly enjoys his â€Å"strange liberty†(Thoreau) The description of the nature by the author reveals the perfect harmony and joy the author is experiencing. One may be of the opinion that the books deals with the author’s opinion against the modern life settlement and the luxurious life one spends, â€Å"I see young men, my townsmen, whose misfortune it is to have inherited farms, houses, barns, cattle and farming tool†or the authors explanation of the beauty of nature while he explains the â€Å"strange liberty of nature†(Thoreau), but reading of the complete book would reveal that the book is all about individuality, about leading the life one wants without following the conventions, â€Å"The life in us is like the water in the river†. (Thoreau) The book needs a thorough reading and understanding of the reader and reassessing is required as the narrative style is difficult. The initial reading of the book reveals the sarcasm and the wit of the author where he talks about the â€Å"frivolous†(Thoreau) nature of the human kind. The book focuses on
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Strategic management - Essay Example This is because every finite extensive form game contains at least a sub-game perfect equilibrium. For example, by applying backward induction it can be proved that the strategy combination comprising of the Nash-equilibrium contours of all sub-games is apparently sub-game perfect. c) Yes, after iterated elimination of dominated strategies in two player games and only one strategy survives, then the strategy combination must be a Nash-equilibrium. This is because the strategies match up to rationalizable strategies. Indeed, no pure strategy that is persistently strongly dominated can comprise of a Nash-equilibrium. Non-recursively weakly dominated strategies can comprise of a Nash-equilibrium and so the iterated elimination may remove one or more Nash equilibria. It can then be shown that one Nash-equilibrium will survive the iterated elimination of weakly dominated strategies. Question two a) Extensive form of the game Rating profits on a scale of 100 for best, payoff for the incumb ent are 100 if the entrant fails to enter, 50 if he enters and shares the market and 0 if he enters and the incumbent starts a price war. The entrant payoffs are 0 if he does not enter, 40 (profit – entry cost) if he enters and -10 if there is a price war. The game can be presented in an extensive form as illustrated below: War (-10, 0) Enter No (40, 50) No (0, 100) In the figure, the entrant’s choice is indicated at node 1 and the incumbent’s choice is indicated at node 2. The numbers at the right side indicates the payoffs with entrant’s payoff first. Therefore, the entrant will need to think strategically or to anticipate how the incumbent responds if he decides to enter. Normal form of the game In normal form of the game incumbent strategies are contingent strategies: If the entrant enters then accommodate and if he enters then initiate price war. The entrant’s strategies are enter and do not enter. The game in normal form is indicated below: I ncumbent If the entrant enters, then accommodate: if the entrant does not enter, continue with the usual business If the entrant enters, then initiate prices war; if the entrant does not enter continues with the usual business. Entrant Enter 40, 50 -10, 0 Do not 0,100 0,100 b) Pure strategy Nash equilibrium Incumbent If the entrant enters, then accommodate: if the entrant does not enter, continue with the usual business If the entrant enters, then initiate prices war; if the entrant does not enter continues with the usual business. Entrant Enter 40, 50 -10, 0 Do not 0,100 0,100 Enter and accommodate is a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium. c) The sub-game perfect outcome is the Nash equilibrium in the simultaneous move game, which is (no entry, business as usual). Question three Due to Nash equilibrium, pricing strategies that appear to be super-competitive can in fact be anticompetitive. The market strategies for all players respond to the Nash equilibrium. This is best explained by an example. Suppose that the monopoly price for gaming consoles is $200. Now suppose firm A advertises that if a consumer buys a console from him at $200 and discovers that he/she can buy it cheaper at B, A will refund the full purchase price. Again suppose that B does the same thing. It can then be shown that it is Nash for both firms to charge $200. Question four Glaxo and EMI developed important innovations in the 70s, but succeeded
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Rediscovering the Link between Traditional and Modern Shamanism Research Paper
Rediscovering the Link between Traditional and Modern Shamanism - Research Paper Example Since the rituals of the shaman are very specific and distinctive it is difficult to identify which one deserves restoration. Shamanism is flexible and open, which allowed an interaction between, for instance, Buddhism and shamanism in Mongolia (Witzel 2011: 44). Hence it would nowadays be hard to identify whether the practices of a shaman in Mongolia are inspired by centuries-old Buddhist rituals or whether Buddhist practices are rooted in shamanic beliefs. This paper analyzes the changes that traditional shamanism went through in order to adapt to contemporary needs, and the impossibility of restoring the pure, original form of shamanism. Contemporary Shamanism The 20th-century shamans in Japan or Siberia embrace the belief that they are merely a rough version of past events. The shaman has evolved and thus has his/her advocates and their needs. Shamanism in post-Reformation Europe appears to thrive in its neo-shamanic form because people can create an interpretation of supernatura l occurrences which are difficult to understand or explain in the perspective of the Protestant church (Jakobsen 1999: 209). Likewise, as stated in the accounts of Laura Kendall, shamanism attracts mostly Korean housewives. Contemporary shamanism thus has gone through transformations which have matched it to the users’ needs and focuses on prophecy and the family. ... Coercion of individuals by several shamans is common in all shamanic cultures. A number of scholars, such as Hahm Pyong-choon, emphasize this point since shamanism is threatened by the exact causes of neo-shamanism’s success in the Western world. Apparently, the current threats to shamanism are major perils to its survival. Worldwide occurrences, especially industrialization, urbanization, modernization, technological and scientific progress, the powerful spread of Christianity, and westernization have all created serious threats (Meadows 2011: 105). As the heightening of individualism and disintegration of the family persist shamanism will undoubtedly be threatened further. The dissimilarity between neo-shamanism and contemporary Korean shamanism is that in the latter the bond to the deceased family members and their impact on the lives of the living is the emphasis. The core element is the family. In neo-shamanism the person focuses on those who need attention and it is thus better adapted to contemporary Western urban culture (Gallagher 2006: 82). In South America, certain healers still perform some of the healing methods of the earlier shamans but it is a quite special challenge that shamans have to face in an urban environment. Nowadays, healers act in response to immorality in urban areas, to issues of drug addiction, domestic violence, child abuse, family disintegration, and prostitution. The morality of the healer, his spiritual defenses and his capacity to change the spirit domain for the benefit of his audiences is similar to early Amazonian practices (Adlam & Holyoak 2005: 531). His healing practices definitely are different from those of the mainstream medical procedures offered, for a fee, in urban areas. The urban
Monday, September 23, 2019
Censorship, The First Amendment, and Free Speech Essay - 2
Censorship, The First Amendment, and Free Speech - Essay Example Regulation of the general speech is censorship but regulation of evil and illegal speech is not censorship. The government should control some internet content such as hate sites, excessive violence, pornography and misuse of chat rooms (Kagan 12-46). The first step of controlling and regulating internet content is by proper enforcement of National laws. Laws are important since they are effective in controlling the harmful content in the internet. For example, the Communications Decency Act (CDA) and the Child Online Protection Act (COPA) efficiently help in regulating harmful internet content to children. The government should also pass a bill which restricts contents such as pornography, misuse of chat rooms, information stimulating excessive violence and hate sites (Akdeniz 2-12). Pornography is the major evil element in the internet. According to the annual review of Online Computer Library Centre (2001), there were about 74000 websites containing â€Å"adult content†which were generating more than $1 billion as a profit. Despite the wide-spread of pornographic material in the internet, most of them are legal except the child pornography, bestiality, sadomasochism and necrophilia. Therefore, the government should establish laws that restrict adults from holding or viewing pornographic materials (Akdeniz 2-12). The law should also ensure that internet users do not misuse chat rooms. The government law should restrict the hate sites and ban their creation in the internet. R v Graham case of 1999 is an example of how government can regulate internet content through the enforcement of the law. Secondly, the government can regulate and control the harmful and illegal internet content by developing active hotlines for reporting various cases involving illegal internet content. Hotlines are important in regulation since they enable the government to identify users who are
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Daughter Essay Essay Example for Free
Daughter Essay Essay February 2013 A Mothers Story Have you ever considered how becoming a parent could affect your life? I never knew how much a child could change my life until I became a mother. Growing up I never really knew what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go in life. I liked to party and be rebellious. I felt like nobody cared about me, so I didn’t really care about myself or where my life went. When I turned 19, everything that I ever felt, thought, or did, became a major reconsideration when I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, Dalayshia Briana Harris. During my childhood, I felt like my mother wasn’t there for me, which led me to make a lot of negative decisions in my life. Becoming a mom has made me as my dad would say, â€Å"Wake up and smell the coffee†. The one thing that I’m sure about now that I’ve became a mother, is that, I do have a purpose, and I want to be the best role model I can be to my daughter. September 28, 2007 is a date that changed my life forever. Growing up I never really felt like I had a place in this world. My parents got married and had me at a young age. My mom wasn’t quite ready to be a mother, and my dad did the best he could. My parents divorced when I was twelve, and that day is when my world ended and I felt like no one cared about how the outcome of their decisions would affect me. I thought the anger, loneliness, and my battered emotions, was the way my life would be, so I accepted it. As a child, I tried to numb myself from the pain and move forward in my life. My teenage years were quite memorable, but unfortunately not as positive as I wish they could have been. When I turned sixteen, I felt like school was not important. I could never focus and my behavior left me getting into a lot of trouble. I chose to drop out of high school and see what else life had in store for me. I started hanging out with the wrong people, which led me to getting a false identification card that said I was twenty-one. Then I began going to adult clubs with these friends. As I entered the club life, it was like a new world to me. I started drinking and partying on a consistent basis. The club scene became so much a part of me that for the next couple of years of my teenage life, that’s all my life consisted of. I had no goals and no positive outlook on my life. The only thing I became to know and like to do was party and hang out with my friends. When I turned eighteen, little did I know I was in store for some life changing news. When I turned eighteen I officially became an adult. Little did I know that in becoming an actual adult I was about to be hit with the most shocking news ever. One morning I woke up, I just didn’t feel well at all. So the next day I went to the doctor to find out why I was feeling so under the weather. The doctor ran some test as I sat there and patiently waited for the results. Finally the doctor comes in and says, â€Å"Congratulations, you’re pregnant†! I didn’t quite understand, so I asked him to repeat his self once more, so I could make sure I heard right before I went into a complete state of shock. The doctor repeated himself with saying, â€Å"Congratulations, you’re pregnant†! My whole world started spinning. I didn’t know how to take the news. I was scared and confused. I didn’t really know how to take care of myself, better yet bring a child in this world. Before going to the doctor the only thing I had become immune to doing is partying and drinking. Now I had to reconsider my whole life. Being a mom I never really considered that lifestyle before. Now I was faced with a decision that was going to change the rest of my life. I didn’t really know what to do, however, all I knew is that I was pregnant. During my pregnancy I stop drinking, but continued to party. Partying was a path I continued down, because that was all I knew, and the friends I thought I had were the only people who I felt cared about me. I continued to go to the club until I was eight months pregnant. By this time, I was far enough to know that I was having a girl. I had put on enough weight, where being in the clubs became miserable. I just wanted to rest, something I had not done in a long time. As I became further along in my pregnancy, I started to think about what I was going to do and where I was going to be once I had my daughter. When I first became pregnant my mom told me she didn’t want anything to do with me, but as I got closer to my due date she became more accepting. I packed my stuff up and decided to go back home to my mom’s house, where I could be to myself and focus on my future until I delivered. I spent the remainder of my pregnancy at my mom’s house. I had nothing but time to rest and think about the future I was soon to be faced with me and my unborn child. As I thought about my future my mind was still everywhere, and uncertain about what I was going to do. I didn’t know how to be a mom or how I was going to take care of a child. My due date was set for September 22, and was getting closer and closer. It was September, 28 2007, and the weather was beautiful and warm. I was set to deliver my daughter on September 22, but my baby was running late, guess she was just not ready to come in the world yet. September 28, I was supposed to go to the hospital and be induced since my baby hadn’t been quite ready to come on the original due date. When I got to the hospital I ended up not getting induced, because I went straight into labor. After twelve hours of labor, the time had come for me to push. After my first three pushes I felt a major release of pressure. When I looked up, there she was, my beautiful baby girl! After spending two days in the hospital, I got to bring my daughter home. From that point I knew my life would change forever. When I looked at my daughter, everything I ever felt missing in my life as far as the love, neglect, and loneliness started to go away. All I knew was that I wanted to love and be the best mom I could be for my daughter. From that moment I brought my daughter home is when I realized that I was somebody in life. I wanted to change, so I could reflect, and be the most positive person that I could be for myself and child. Today in my life, if someone were to ask me if I ever considered being a parent and how it could affect my life, I could honestly say â€Å"Yes†, because now I am a parent and have truly adapted to the word sacrifice. Once I became a mom I wanted to be the best possible role model I could be for my daughter. I knew for me to be a good role model, I had to work on myself to set a good example for my child. Everything that wasn’t important to me when I was a teenager had become goals for me to accomplish as a mother. I went back to school and got my GED, and now I am a college student. I no longer go to the clubs or drink. I’ve realized that there is way more to life than what you settle for. Now I can say I am a great role model not only for myself, or my daughter, but for anyone.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A Review On Nelson Mandela History Essay
A Review On Nelson Mandela History Essay Nelson Mandela, the first democratic South Africa president was not just a great leader due to her leadership skills and traits, but also because he was a leader with a vision, persistence and courage. He is considered one of the greatest leaders of 21st century and a hero to many for his actions and personality. Nelson is a great leader, a leader other modern leaders need to emulate, if they need to fight corruption and provide the best leadership to those below them. Nelson Mandela aka Madiba was a leader by birth and a leader to the end as until today many people see him as a leader although retired. In his first year in Fort Hare University, he started involving himself in the council representing students, called SRC, which was opposing harsh and unfair policies in the University. After retiring in 1999, he went ahead and formed organizations to help other people mostly those with HIV in South Africa. Mandela was a leader with a vision that he ensured it was fulfilled no matter the hindrances. During his trial, he said that he had fought the dominion of white and that of black people and he was ready to die to ensure that all people had the same rights, irrespective of their race. During his 27 years in jail, he continued to influence and fight apartheid through his wife Winnie Mandela. He even studied a bachelor in law from London External Program University while still in the prison with no hope of when he was to be released. In all times, Mandela was a leader who sacrificed himself for the benefit of other. He sacrificed his youth and life to fight against racialism. At age of 20, he was still involved in fighting apartheid. He even went to jail for 27 years just because of his stand of equal rights to white, black and colored people. After being in jail for 27 years for his country, he became the president for only four years and then retired in order to give chance for another leader to lead South Africa (Klerk, 2). Moreover, he even sacrificed his good peaceful retirement just to cater for those people with HIV and AIDs and those poor. These are great sacrifices that not all leaders mostly todayà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s leaders can be able to do just for the sake of those under them. An influential characteristic was one of his traits. To support this, when he was in first year, he was ordered to leave the University due to his involvement in boycotts and his great influence which the university saw as a threat. They even black mailed him by asking him to be elected in SRC if he wanted to remain a student in the university. Another indication that he is an influential person is that still when in prison, he was able to gain supporters both inside and outside the prison with the help of his wife Winnie. When he came out of prison, all people with one voice wanted him to become the president even the former president, as he was able to convince all that he was indeed the leader they were looking for. Mandela leadership skills were unique, as for him, he led from behind. This is a skill he learned from a tribal king called Jongintaba who raised him. The king, when in a tribal meeting, he would let all the other leaders speak and then he would speak putting in place what the other leaders had said. In modern leadership, people want a leader that will listen to their needs and pleads and hence act accordingly to what all or most of those under them want. When as a president, many activist tried to opposed his leadership mostly concerning the matter of how he approached the HIV pandemic in South Africa, Mandela never tried to prove them wrong by then, he waited till he retired and that when he started organizations to help people living with HIV/AIDS. He let people criticize his actions but he had plans on the best way to curb those problems (Stengel, 9). Mandela was a leader that never broke his promises and fought for what was just ethically but not by law. In support of this, from his youth, he fought for equality to all and opposed dominion by any race even his own. He stood by this mission and even when he became the president, he greatly influenced black people not to hate white people for all they had done to them. To emphasize on this, during Rugby World Cup in 1994, he led black people to support South African team that they greatly hated because it was dominated by whites. He even handed over the trophy, after springboks won the finals, to the captain of the team who was called Pioneer while wearing his jersey although the player was white. This was a great move in reconciliation of black and white South Africans. Simplicity is a trait that is essential to all good leaders and this is a trait that Nelson Mandela had. During his life in prison, Mandela was able to form daily habits like athletes and good eating regimes, habits that he have maintained over the years. The results of this have led to him being alive up to date with over 93 years of age. Still in support of this, Mandela is one of the few leaders that maintained their stature, visions and integrity even after becoming president while other many freedom fighters, ended up being dictators and manipulating power for their own sake. This have made him to be hailed as one of the greatest moral leader even leading to him being honored with over 200 awards in just four decades, including the most treasured Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He has also being honored with over 50 international degrees from different countries. All this credit has being because he maintained his humbleness and visions to the end (Jong, 4). Nelson Mandela, even when others saw no hope ahead, he never gave up. This is a trait that a good leader should have as all other followers see them as role models. Even when in a political prison, with harsh conditions like hard labor, very few visits, inadequate food and segregation in accordance with races, Nelson never gave up, even after all those years in prison. His spirit was still alive during his life in prison, this led to him studying law in prison and influencing those young activist that were black and imprisoned in Robben Island on how to curb the apartheid. His dream to become the person to bring equality to all no matter the challenges was finally achieved when he was elected as the first democratic president of South Africa even when being at age of 75 (Mandela, 129). He was a passionate leader and a risk taker. After coming back to prison and being separated from the others who had being his friend for the last 20 years, Mandela opposed their move to riot due to his separation. He told them there may be some good that was to come out of that. This separation helped him to have negotiation in 1985 with the government in power operating apartheid. To many other activists that saw him as a leader, they started opposing his move. They even termed his actions as a move to sell them out. To help gain other imprisoned activist support, he launched a campaign persuading other ANC activist that what he was doing was the right thing to do. Deliberately and slowly, he brought all this people along with his idea. This led to all things changing and for apartheid to be abolished ( Brick, 4) Moreover, he organized and raised money to support his campaigns from outside countries, a move that led to his imprisonment. That was an act requiring courage and that was risky, knowing that it could lead to him being imprisoned for lifetime, but he went along and did it. While other activist looked on the best way to end apartheid in short run, Mandela was always focusing on the best way to end apartheid with minimal bloodshed even if it was to be achieved in long run. To him leadership and victory was not a matter of principle but a matter of tactics. With the knowledge of when precisely and how to change between the many roles he had in hand as a diplomat, politician, Marty and a warrior, he created a non-racial south African country after overthrowing apartheid. While many reached a time and saw bloodshed as done by other independent countries in Africa as the only option to end apartheid and colonialism, to him he saw it as the time to engage in peaceful negotiation with the government to ensure justice to all and loss to none. To another trait to support the argument, Nelson was a transformation leader. While many leader go into negotiation with a move to trade one thing with another even with their followers, Nelson was a visionary leader who seek appealing to his followers to change their intentions and plans and move with him to a better universal purpose and need. In short he was an agent of change. Another trait that makes Nelson Mandela a great leader is that he was a learner not a teacher. By this I mean that, he accepted that he did not know all and allowed to learn from others that had skills. When young he learned from the tribal leader on the best way to rule. When in prison he studied law to increase his knowledge on law and ways to govern. Moreover, he listened to other activist views in order to learn on what all wanted to achieve in the end. The teaching he gave to the activist was to help them see his vision in a different perspective where they could achieve what they wanted without even shedding blood and causing mayhem and havoc. Even when he went to negotiations with the government, he was able to convince the others and let them see things as he was seeing them. Nelson Mandela also had a charismatic personality in that when others were afraid of the future or looked on the negative side of things, he encouraged them to look on the positive side of things. When he was to be separated from his long friends and activists in prison, as his friends planned to riot, he opposed their move and encouraged them that there was some good that could arise from that and they trusted him. Moreover, when he was taken to jail for sabotage, people started losing hope to the end of apartheid but his assurance and advice kept their spirit on. All his life, Mandela has show courage ever since he was a young boy. During his circumcision, he expressed his courage and was even offered a name Dalibunga meaning Bungha founder, a body that ruled Transkei traditionally. Even when found guilty of sabotage, he never feared to go in prison and he said that he was even ready to die for justice and equality of all. Moreover he never feared engaging in talks with the government, a move that could lead to him being killed or rejected by his own people if it failed. To him, he never feared to fail. It was better to try and fail than not to try at all. Even before going to prison, when ANC was banned after the government saw the success it had, Mandela and other activist came up with a risky decision by continuing with ANC underground as nonviolence movements could not work anymore. This risky act made Mandela go to prison but in a great way, it inspired many others to help in preparing the country for a change. A unique character that Mandela had was that, he was and still is generous. This is a trait that makes leaders better as they end up putting those under them in limelight as they go on with their duties. For Mandela, after retiring in 1999 from politics, he became involved in various human and social rights organizations. Since then he has facilitated building of many schools and even helped those living with HIV. Another indication of his generosity is when he retired from president office only after four years even after being in jail for over two decades. After completing his mission to unite all South African people to become one no matter their races and abolishing apartheid, his mission was over and hence he retired for another leader to take over which was Thambo Mbeki. For his entire life, generosity was the reason why people loved him so much and adored him. In a great way his success to lead others can be contributed to his tactfully use of consensus. With consensus, better and more supported decisions are made hence building motivation and commitment in the members of that group toward achieving the set objectives. Over his life as a leader, he has involved other subordinates to come up with the best policies and actions for all. In conclusion, although each and every person has his weakness and failures in life, Nelson Mandela is a human too and hence eligible to the same weaknesses. With him failing to help some people when they needed him and making remarks not pleasing to all, he still stands as one of the greatest leaders of our time with the reason being that, over his life he have sacrificed a lot and done a lot than very many leaders have done. He has ended up fulfilling his missions and plans and even correcting the little mistakes he may have made. Even after very many years, Nelson Mandela will be seen as to be a great leader. Work cited Brick A. Nelson Mandela. 7 June 1998. 17 March 2011 . Jong. Nelson Mandela Introduction and Contribution. A Great leader (2009): 4. Klerk, De. biography of Nelson Mandela. 13 August 1993. 17 March 2011 . Mandela, Nelson. Long Walk to Freedom. Johnersberg: Little brown and company, 1995. 129. Stengel, Richard. Mandelas 8 Lessons of leadership. Mandela (2008): 9.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Onderwerp de doodstraf
Onderwerp de doodstraf Ik kies voor het onderwerp de doodstraf omdat het vrij actueel is en het mij interesseert omdat het een veelbesproken onderwerp is. Ik heb dit onderwerp gekozen omdat bijna alle mensen hier een mening over hebben en omdat er in de Bijbel over gesproken wordt. Ikzelf ben van mening dat de doodstraf iets is wat niet mag en dus afgeschaft moet worden. Ik vindt het ook een heel erg interessant onderwerp omdat het niet duidelijk in de Bijbel staat. Het is voor mij dus ook een klein beetje een zoektocht naar antwoorden Toch delen de mensen die de Bijbel hebben gelezen niet dezelfde mening, dat komt omdat er in de Bijbel niet heel duidelijk staat of het wel of niet mag. Zo staat er: Jullie hebben gehoord dat tot de ouden gezegd is: U zult niet doden. Wie doodt, zal uitgeleverd worden aan het gerecht. Maar Ik zeg jullie: ieder die zijn broeder een kwaad hart toedraagt, zal uitgeleverd worden aan het gerecht. (Matteà ¼s 5, 21-22) Hier staat dus dat je niet mag doden en dus niet mag oordelen of iemand moet blijven leven of ter dood veroordeeld moet worden. Nog bekender is de uitspraak: Oog om oog, tand om tand.( Exodus 21 ). Dat zou dus betekenen dat als je iemand dood, zelf ook gedood moet worden. Dus in moderne tijd vertaald; iemand die heeft gedood, moet door de rechter ter dood worden veroordeeld. Maar in de Bijbel staat ook: Wie iemand zo treft, dat hij sterft, zal zeker ter dood gebracht worden. Wie zijn vader of moeder slaat, zal zeker ter dood gebracht worden. Wie een mens rooft, hetzij hij hem reeds verkocht heeft, hetzij deze nog in zijn bezit wordt aangetroffen, zal zeker ter dood veroordeeld worden. Wie zijn vader of moeder vervloekt, zal zeker ter dood gebracht worden. Het staat dus niet duidelijk in de Bijbel of het wel of niet mag. Daarom is ook niet iedereen het erover eens. Er zijn verschillende ideeà «n en theorieà «n over de doodstraf. Dit is ook een van de redenen dat ik me hierin wil verdiepen, het is een veelbesproken onderwerp maar nog te onduidelijk voor mij om te beoordelen of het wel of niet mag volgens de Bijbel. Het is een onderwerp die naar mijn mening ook te maken heeft met abortus omdat je met abortus een levend kind wegneemt. Je kiest er dus voor om dat kind te doden. Dit is iets wat volgens de Bijbel verboden is. Voor mij is dit abortus nog erger dan de doodstraf. Maar omdat het ik het over het onderwerp de doodstraf doe ga ik daar niet te veel op in. Ook is het vaak de vraag of dat de veroordeelde wel echt schuldig is. Want hoe vaak is het wel niet voorgekomen dat iemand onterecht vast zat? Ook is dit een paar keer met mensen gebeurd die achteraf onschuldig bleken te zijn. Zoals hierboven staat zijn er veel verschillende standpunten. Ook onder mensen met dezelfde religies zijn de meningen verdeeld. Zo is mijn oom dominee en tegen de doodstraf terwijl mijn andere oom ook christelijk is maar wel voor de doodstraf is. Er is dus nog veel om te doen en juist daarom zijn er veel verschillende argumenten en standpunten.. Ik heb de standpunten en argumenten in 4 groepen verdeeld. Voor de doodstraf Voor de doodstraf volgens Bijbels perspectief Tegen de doodstraf Tegen de doodstraf volgens Bijbels perspectief Voor de doodstraf. Het is veel goedkoper om de doodstraf toe te passen dan iemand een aantal jaar in de gevangenis te houden. De familieleden van het slachtoffer of het slachtoffer zelf hebben veel leed moeten doorstaan door de dader, terwijl ze dit niet hebben verkozen. De doodstraf maakt dit iets dragelijker. Het kan ook meteen voorkomen dat mensen het recht in eigen handen gaan nemen en het slachtoffer gaan wreken. De doodstraf kan werken als een afschrikkend middel. Een crimineel zal nu zich eerder bedenken om een zwaar misdrijf te plegen vanwege de zware straf die erop staat. Een moordenaar zou niet meer de maatschappij in mogen want hij zou misschien weer kunnen herhalen wat hij al eerder heeft gedaan. De doodstraf is de zwaarste straf die je kunt geven en de enige vergelding voor. Voor de doodstraf vanuit Bijbels perspectief. Wie iemand zo treft, dat hij sterft, zal zeker ter dood gebracht worden Wie zijn vader of moeder slaat, zal zeker ter dood gebracht worden. Wie een mens rooft, hetzij hij hem reeds verkocht heeft, hetzij deze nog zijn bezit wordt aangetroffen, zal zeker ter dood veroordeeld worden. Wie zijn vader of moeder vervloekt, zal zeker ter dood gebracht worden. Als een man overspel pleegt met de vrouw van een ander, moeten beiden ter dood worden gebracht. Tegen de doodstraf. Het is tegen de rechten van de mens (artikel 3 en 5) De doodstraf is onherroepelijk Het wordt gebruikt als vergelding niet als straf De doodstraf schrikt niet af, terwijl dat wel de bedoeling is. Het is vooral een straf voor de nabestaanden De doodstraf heeft discriminerende effecten De dader heeft geen kans om zijn leven te beteren Het is kwaad met kwaad vergelden, je doet zelf wat je tegen een ander zegt dat Hij/zij dat niet mag doen. Tegen de doodstraf vanuit Bijbels perspectief. De doodstrafdruist in tegen andere bijbelse opdrachten, zoals Gij zult niet doden. Maar we mogen volgensPaulusook geen kwaad met kwaad vergelden(Romeinen 12:17) Jullie hebben gehoord dat tot de ouden gezegd is: U zult niet doden. Wie doodt, zal uitgeleverd worden aan het gerecht. Maar Ik zeg jullie: ieder die zijn broeder een kwaad hart toedraagt, zal uitgeleverd worden aan het gerecht. (Matteà ¼s 5, 21-22) Jullie hebben gehoord dat er gezegd is: Oog om oog en tand om tand. Maar Ik zeg jullie een zaak niet uit te vechten met iemand die je kwaad heeft gedaan. Maar als iemand jou een klap op je rechterwang geeft, houd hem dan ook de andere voor. (Matteà ¼s 5, 38-39) Jullie hebben gehoord dat er gezegd is: U zult uw naaste liefhebben en uw vijand haten. Maar Ik zeg jullie: heb je vijanden lief en bid voor wie je vervolgen, dan zullen jullie kinderen worden van je Vader in de hemel, want die laat zijn zon opgaan over slechten en goeden, en Hij laat het regenen over rechtvaardigen en onrechtvaardigen. Wees volmaakt, zoals ook uw hemelse Vader volmaakt is. (Matteà ¼s 5,43-45, 48) Uiteraard zijn er nog meer standpunten en argumenten maar ik kan ze niet allemaal gebruiken dus heb ik een selectie gemaakt. Mijn standpunt over de doodstraf of het wel of niet mag is heel makkelijk. Het mag NIET!! Ik vind dat de mens niet mag oordelen of iemand dood moet of moet blijven leven, er staat ook in de bijbel dat de mens niet mag oordelen dus laten we dat dan ook niet doen. Ook hebben we niet de capaciteit, ik neem als voorbeeld Amerika waar nog met regelmaat de doodstraf wordt opgelegd. Het hele land en in sommige gevallen bemoeit de hele wereld zich ermee, iedereen heeft een mening en de media zit er bovenop. Dan lijkt het mij niet dat een rechter onder deze druk een goed besluit kan nemen. Ik heb ook altijd geleerd van mijn ouders dat als ik boos was niet boos mocht blijven en hem of haar ook niet iets toe mocht wensen. Als ik dat wel deed dan zou ik over iemand oordelen en er was maar 1 iemand die dat mocht doen; God ! Dus, als je er niet over mag oordelen, waarom zou je het dan wel in werkelijkheid mogen brengen? Het klopt dat de Bijbel vol staat over moorden, en mijn bovengenoemde argumenten staan ook allemaal in de Bijbel. Toch denk ik dat het volgens de Bijbel niet mag. Alle argumenten die hierboven zijn opgenoemd staan in het OUDE Testament. Jezus is in het NIEUWE Testament gekomen en heeft dus een aantal dingen gezegd waaruit ik kan opleiden dat moorden(doodstraf) niet mag. Hij haalde het Oude Testament aan om de Oude wet te voltooien omdat Hij de Nieuwe wet was en is. Veel mensen gebruiken dan het argument: Ja maar in de Bijbel staat oog om oog, tand om tand. Deze mensen hebben het stuk dan niet gelezen. Want er staat namelijk ook : Oog om oog en tand om tand. Maar Ik zeg jullie een zaak niet uit te vechten met iemand die je kwaad heeft gedaan. Maar als iemand jou een klap op je rechterwang geeft, houd hem dan ook de andere voor. (Matteà ¼s 5, 38-39) Tegenwoordig zijn er verschillende manieren om de doodstraf uit te voeren. De meeste manieren zijn de galg, de kogel, de elektrische stoel, de gaskamer en de dodelijke injectie. De meningen zijn verdeeld over wat nu het meest humaan is. Veel mensen vinden de dodelijke injectie het meest humaan maar ze realiseren zich niet dat ook een hele lijdensweg is. Misschien heb je geen pijn maar stel je voor dat je daar ligt (terecht of onterecht) je zit vastgebonden en er is niks meer wat je kan doen. De lichten in de kamer gaan aan en het doek gaat open, ze ziet nog de blikken van je eigen familie, de jury en de familie van de gedupeerde. Dan krijg je opeens een paar spuiten in je arm, de doeken gaan dicht en je bent alleen in een dichte kamer. je wilt nog dingen zeggen en je wilt bewegen maar niemand die jou hoort en ziet. Alles wordt langzaam minder, je zicht, je ademhaling, je hartslag. En je weet dat je binnen enkele minuten dood gaat. Ook dit is geen fijne dood. Dus het maakt mij niet uit hoe de doodstraf wordt uitgevoerd ik ben gewoon tegen de doodstraf omdat het een onmenselijke en onomkeerbare straf is. Ook zonder de bijbel te hebben gelezen. Zou ik tegen deze straf zijn. Ik vind het ook hypocriet, je mag niet moorden maar omdat de verdachte/dader heeft gemoord, vermoord je hem of haar ook maar. Ook voor de nabestaanden levert dit niks op. Als de dader de doodstraf krijgt opgelegd dan is de dader wel dood maar daar krijgen ze niet hun verloren persoon mee terug. Deze persoon krijgen ze natuurlijk nooit meer terug maar als de dader levenslang krijgt dan kan hij wel na gaan denken in zijn cel over zijn zonden en misdaden. Naar mijn mening is dit dus ook een veel betere straf en kan de dader ook spijt betuigen voor zover hij/zij dat nog niet heeft gedaan. Hij leert er dus iets van en kan in die cel misschien wel tot bekering komen. De doodstraf is dus een nutteloze straf waarbij geen winnaars vallen, eigenlijk al leen maar verliezer. De doodstraf is een heel terechte straf voor zware misdrijven. Als je de doodstraf invoer weten de mensen wat de gevolgen kunnen zijn dus is het gelijk een stok achter de deur. Het schrikt dus af en dan bedenken de criminelen zich wel een tweede keer voor ze een poging doen tot een zwaar misdrijf. Het is ook heel terecht want als jij een leven van iemand neem dan heb je zelf natuurlijk ook het recht niet meer om te leven. In de mensenrechten staat wel dat iedereen recht heeft op een leven. Maar als iemand andere mensen heeft vermoord, heeft hij zelf dan nog wel het recht op leven? Ik vind van niet!! Ieder mens heeft recht op een bestaan maar op het moment dat jij dat leven afpak van iemand heb je dat recht gewoon verspeelt. Bovendien is iemand die een moord heeft gepleegd een moordenaar en dus ook een bedreiging voor de samenleving. Is het dan wel verstandig om zo iemand op te sluiten en hem verder te laten leven tussen vier muren? Nee, iemand kan altijd ontsnappen of wegens goed gedrag vrij komen (als de dader geen levenslang heeft gehad). Daarom is het beter om deze dader de doodstraf op te leggen. Ook voorkom je hiermee wraakacties. Vaak is een familielid of vriend van de gedupeerde uit op wraak, als iemand dood is kan hij/zij geen wraak meer nemen. Ook kan de doodstraf in sommige gevallen humaner zijn dan een (levenslange) gevangenisstraf. In Nederland is dit misschien niet het geval maar denk aan landen in Azià « of in het Oostblok, daar is de gevangenis echt geen pretje. Daar zijn de voorzieningen zeer slecht, je zit met veel mensen in à ©Ãƒ ©n cel en heb dus geen privacy. Je krijgt daar lichamelijke straffen, je wordt verkracht. Ook dat is geen pretje. Daarom willen sommige daders liever de do odstraf dan levenslang. Ook in financieel oogpunt is de doodstraf beter. Het is een goedkopere manier om de daders te straffen. In Nederland kost het ongeveer 300 euro per dag voor à ©Ãƒ ©n gevangene ! Kun je nagaan hoeveel het kost als iemand 25 jaar lang in een gevangenis zit! Dat is 2,8 miljoen euro ! Nou is de vraag of diegene het wel waard is nadat hij/zij zon erge misdaad heeft gepleegd. Ook in de bijbel staan er veel voorbeelden waarin staat wanneer de doodstraf toegestaan is, zoals: Als een man overspel pleegt met de vrouw van een ander, moeten beiden ter dood worden gebracht. Hier staat dus dat als een man overspel pleegt hij ter dood gebracht moet worden. In andere woorden: vreemdgaan = doodstraf. Dus ook in de Bijbel is het toegestaan dat de doodstraf wordt uitgevoerd, waarom zouden we die nu dan niet toepassen. Als je iemand veroordeelt tot een paar jaar gevangenisstraf terwijl hij een hele familie vermoordt schrikt dat natuurlijk niet af, daarom is het juist goed om zware misdrijven hard aan te pakken. Vaak kan dat alleen met de doodstraf. En waarom zouden we de doodstraf niet invoeren als dat toch geen negatieve gevolgen heeft voor het gewone volk. Het is immers de bedoeling dat alleen de misdadigers worden aangepakt. Het volk dat zich normaal gedraagt zal hier niks van merken. Daarom moet de doodstraf weer worden ingevoerd. Het gaat alleen op voor mensen die zich niet aan de wet houden, als jij je aan de wet houdt is er niks aan de hand. En vaak zijn de mensen die moorden, mensen waarbij een steekje los zit. Kranten VS in actie tegen de doodstraf OPENING, Van onze correspondent Bert Lanting op11 augustus 00, 00:00, bijgewerkt20 januari 09, 12:31 Ook al is er binnen de Verenigde Staten kritiek op de doodstraf, de belangstelling voor de ultieme straf is gering. Amerikaanse kranten hopen de discussie een nieuwe wending te geven door een DNA-test te laten uitvoeren in een oude zaak. Een aantal Amerikaanse kranten wil de discussie over de doodstraf in de VS een nieuwe wending geven door een DNA-test te laten doen om na te gaan of een gevangene die vier jaar geleden werd geà «xecuteerd, werkelijk schuldig was. De kranten kregen daarvoor deze week toestemming van een rechter in Georgia. Het gaat om de zaak van Ellis Felker, die in 1996 in Georgia ter dood werd gebracht wegens het verkrachten en vermoorden van een meisje. Felker heeft altijd volgehouden dat hij onschuldig was. Via een DNA-onderzoek van zijn haar en stukjes huid die onder de nagels van het meisje werden gevonden, hopen de kranten waaronder The Boston Globe en The Atlanta Journal-Constitution er achter te komen of Felker gelijk had. De afgelopen jaren zijn al tientallen gevangenen vrijgekomen, nadat uit DNA-onderzoek was gebleken dat zij onschuldig waren. Bij terdoodveroordeelden gebeurde dat zelfs op het moment dat zij op hun executie zaten te wachten. Als ooit kan worden aangetoond dat iemand ten onrechte is geà «xecuteerd, krijgt het debat over de doodstraf een heel andere wending, voorspelt Ben Bradlee jr. van de Boston Globe. Dat zou vooral pijnlijk zijn voor de gouverneur van Texas, George Bush, die er steeds op hamert dat onder zijn bewind nooit een onschuldige is geà «xecuteerd. Een paar jaar geleden probeerde de rooms-katholieke kerk in Virginia een DNA-test te laten doen om zekerheid te krijgen over de schuld of onschuld van een andere gevangene die wegens moord en verkrachting ter dood was gebracht. Maar een rechtbank weigerde dat omdat het bewijsmateriaal besmet was. Volgens openbaar aanklager Kelly Burke uit het district waar het vonnis tegen Felker werd voltrokken, zegt het DNA-onderzoek niets. Ook als de stukjes huid onder de nagels van het slachtoffer van iemand anders blijken, zijn er volgens hem voldoende andere bewijzen die aantonen dat Felker de dader was. Gouverneur George Bush, de Republikeinse presidentskandidaat, is vanuit het buitenland onder vuur komen te liggen wegens de executie van een zwakzinnige gevangene. Mensenrechtenorganisaties en de EU hadden er tegen geprotesteerd, maar Bush legde de kritiek naast zich neer. Texas executeerde gisteren twee gevangenen, maar de protesten richtten zich vooral tegen de executie van Oliver Cruz. De 33-jarige Cruz kreeg de doodstraf wegens het verkrachten en vermoorden van een vrouw die op een luchtmachtbasis in San Antonio werkte. Maar volgens zijn advocaat verdiende hij die straf niet, omdat hij zwakzinnig is. Het besluit de executie door te laten gaan werd genomen door vice-gouverneur Rick Perry, maar gouverneur Bush, die op campagne is, liet weten dat hij het met diens besluit eens was. De jury heeft uitgebreid bewijsmateriaal gehoord over de geestelijke vermogens van Cruz, maar is tot de conclusie gekomen dat zijn gruwelijke en berekende misdaad een doodvonnis rechtvaardigde, zei Bush. Een half uur voordat Cruz een dodelijk spuitje kreeg , was een andere gevangene in de executiekamer terechtgesteld. Hij was veroordeeld wegens de moord op een bejaard echtpaar. Met de voltrekking van de twee vonnissen kwam het aantal gevangenen dat onder gouverneur Bush ter dood is gebracht op 140, een record. De executie van Cruz heeft in de Amerikaanse pers tot een discussie geleid over het executeren van misdadigers met uiterst beperkte geestelijke vermogens. Dertien van de 38 staten die de doodstraf kennen, hebben wetten die de executie van zwakzinnigen verbieden. De meeste van die staten leggen de drempel bij een IQ van 65. Cruz kwam bij intelligentietests uit op een IQ van 63. De openbaar aanklager bestreed dat niet, maar betoogde dat het hem alleen maar gevaarlijker maakte. Hoewel er vanuit het buitenland veel kritiek was op de executie van Cruz, trok zijn zaak in de Verenigde Staten echter veel minder aandacht dan de executie van Gary Graham, eerder deze zomer. De kritiek was dat Graham ter dood was veroordeeld op basis van de verklaring van slechts à ©Ãƒ ©n ooggetuige. Graham zelf hield tot het eind vol dat hij de moord niet had gepleegd. Ondanks alle kritiek liet George Bush de executie doorgaan. Sindsdien lijkt de belangstelling voor het onderwerp te zijn weggeà «bd.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Hamlet’s Best Friend, Horatio Essay -- Essays on Shakespeare Hamlet
Hamlet’s Best Friend, Horatio      The Shakespearean drama Hamlet shows much deception and crime. Few friendships in the play survive till the end. But Hamlet and Horatio, best of friends, are not even separated by the hero’s death. This essay will elaborate on this relationship.  A.C. Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy notes a problem involving Horatio in Shakespeare’s Hamlet:  When Horatio, at the end of the soliloquy, enters and greets Hamlet, it is evident that he and Hamlet have not recently met at Elsinore. Yet Horatio came to Elsinore for the funeral (I.ii. 176). Now even if the funeral took place some three weeks ago, it seems rather strange that Hamlet, however absorbed in grief and however withdrawn from the Court, has not met Horatio. . . (368).  Marchette Chute in â€Å"The Story Told in Hamlet†describes Horatio’s part in the opening scene of the play:  The story opens in the cold and dark of a winter night in Denmark, while the guard is being changed on the battlements of the royal castle of Elsinore. For two nights in succession, just as the bell strikes the hour of one, a ghost has appeared on the battlements, a figure dressed in complete armor and with a face like that of the dead king of Denmark, Hamlet’s father. A young man named Horatio, who is a school friend of Hamlet, has been told of the apparition and cannot believe it, and one of the officers has brought him there in the night so that he can see it for himself. The hour comes, and the ghost walks (35).  Horatio, frightened, futilely confronts the ghost:  What art thou that usurp'st this time of night,     Together with that fair and warlike form     In which the majesty of buried Denma... ...Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Excerpted from Stories from Shakespeare. N. p.: E. P. Dutton, 1956.  Granville-Barker, Harley. â€Å"Place and Time in Hamlet.†Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Reprint from Prefaces to Shakespeare. vol.1. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University P., 1946.  Levin, Harry. General Introduction. The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974.  Mack, Maynard. â€Å"The World of Hamlet.†Yale Review. vol. 41 (1952) p. 502-23. Rpt. in Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Rev. ed. Ed. Leonard F. Dean. New York: Oxford University P., 1967.  Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos. Â
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Huck Finn Novel Analysis :: essays papers
Huck Finn Novel Analysis I. Setting The story of Huck Finn begins in his hometown of Hannibal, Missouri. Then the setting changes to Jackson Island because Huck decides to run away and live there. After that the setting changes to the Mississippi River and various towns alongside, when Jim and Huck decide they are heading to a state where Jim will be free. The setting immediately reflects the tone of the book because the book is written in a southern dialect and the story is set in the south. The setting is crucial to the actions in the book. If Huck lived in a state where slaves were free, then there would have been no need for Huck and Jim to travel the Mississippi looking for a state where Jim would be a free man. If they had not traveled up the Mississippi then there would not have been any adventures of Huck Finn. II. Characters The protagonist in this story is Jim, a runaway slave. He always looks out for those around him, especially Huck. The three other major characters in the story are Huck Finn, the king, and the duke. Huck Finn is the main character in the story and Jim’s best friend. The king and the duke are thieves who force Huck and Jim to let them on their boat. Jim and Huck are dynamic characters. Their personalities and feelings on issues change throughout the story. The king and the duke are static characters. They are greedy thieves only out for themselves and they remain this way throughout the entire story. Two minor characters in this story are Mary Jane and the Widow Douglas.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Persuasive speech Essay
`Americans should be considered equal and allowed the opportunity to marry a person of the same sex if they desire`.               For years, marriage has been defined as the union of a man and woman. In fact, in the United States, the Defense of Marriage Act has been passed by the Congress. This has prohibited and denied same-sex marriages. According to, this issue on same-sex marriages has continued to bring out divided and different opinions from people, though some states have stepped towards allowing legal rights to gay marriages. According to, same sex marriage has become a major constitutional issue.               In all these debates, my stand is that we should allow this kind of marriage. I believe that every person, whatever his or her gender is, should be treated with equality.               Mary Bonauto, the Civil Rights Project Director of Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, said that civil rights movements make an effort â€Å"to create a world without privileged places from which individuals or groups of people are excluded solely because of personal characteristics.†They have struggled for women, African Americans and now lesbians and gays in America. Are we to overlook and disregard those struggles? If they have fought for equality for women and for African Americans and we have learned to accept it, why can we not give way to equality in terms of marriage? Gays and lesbian couples want to get married simply because they love each other deeply. Bonauto said that these people view marriage as the ultimate means of expressing their love for each other, just like other people do. Many of these couples would want to marry if only they were allowed to do so, according to               According to, Mary Becker, Professor of Law at DePaul University College of Law found the real good in marriage, it being â€Å"an intimate human connection that transcends gender and procreation†. Professor Becker suggests that the government should support a model that advances â€Å"human happiness and well-being†in its regulation of marriage.               There had been a lot of arguments on this, though. I quote from a press release from white, â€Å"America is a free society, which limits the role of government in the lives of our citizens. This commitment of freedom, however, does not require the redefinition of one of our most basic social institutions. Our government should respect every person, and protect the institution of marriage. There is no contradiction between these responsibilities. We should also conduct this difficult debate in a manner worthy of our country, without bitterness or anger.†              Also, the site cites things that gay marriages can result to, such as weakening of the family and the encouragement of people to remain homosexual.               Well, what I have to say is I think that every person has a choice to become what he wants to be. He can choose what to make of that right. What steps can we do to solve this issue? For starters, if we are to respect every person in the real sense, we are not to let discrimination hurt anyone. And I know that each of us can handle this debate without bitterness. I hope we could all open our eyes and see beyond ourselves, to see where other people come from and what they believe in and to respect what they uphold. If we say that we are a free society then let’s show it. Let us give gay couples the freedom to marry if they want to.               At some point in our lives, we may have experienced discrimination in various ways. And we know that doesn’t feel good. You see, we all have rights. And we need to treat all people, including gays and lesbians equally and with respect, just like how we want to be treated. Same-sex marriage is not a bad thing. Gay marriages just prove that marriage, love and commitment pass beyond gender. Think of this. What if you were in their shoes, not having the chance to marry the person you love because of gender biases? How would you feel? Live and let live. Sources: Becker, M., â€Å"Family Law in the Secular State and Restrictions on Same-Sex Marriage: Two Are Better Than One,†University of Illinois Law Review, 2001:1-56, Retrieved November 21, 2006 from Bonauto, M. L., â€Å"Civil Marriage as a Locus of Civil Rights Struggles,†Human Rights, 30(3):3-7 ( 2003) (American Bar Association, Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities) Retrieved November 21, 2006, from Henkle,G. (2004). Same Sex Marriage In The News. Retrieved November 21,2006, from Knight, R. (2003). ‘Gay Marriage’ Is Not Only Wrong; It’s Socially Destructive. Retrieved November 21, 2006, from Wriggins,J. MARRIAGE LAW AND FAMILY LAW: AUTONOMY, INTERDEPENDENCE, AND COUPLES OF THE SAME GENDER, Retrieved November 21, 2006, from Gay Marriage in Native America (2005). Retrieved November 21,2006, from President Calls for Constitutional Amendment Protecting Marriage (2004). Retrieved November 21, 2006, from
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Good Essay Or Term Paper Essay
1. Answers the question No matter how interesting or well-written an essay, you will not be given any credit for your efforts unless it answers the question that was set. Your argument and evidence must be relevant to the question. This is the most important feature of what makes a good essay. It must deal with the subject or the topic(s) posed in the question rubric. Your answer should demonstrate that you have understood what the question is asking for, that you have grasped its key terms, and that you have followed all its instructions. 2. Clear structure An essay should be like a good piece of architecture – built on firm foundations to carefully made plans. The points of your argument should be arranged in some structure which is logical and persuasive. If you are dealing with a number of issues, the relation between them should be clearly explained. The connections between each stage of your argument and the original question should be evident throughout the essay. 3. Appropriate style For an academic essay the third person (‘he’, ‘she’, or ‘it’) rather than the first person (‘I’) is a more preferable style. Occasional use of ‘I’ may be acceptable if a personal opinion has been specifically requested. You should keep your audience in mind. Try to imagine that you are addressing someone who is intelligent and reasonably, but not necessarily well-informed in the subject. Remember that your writing should be grammatically accurate. Poor punctuation and weak sentence construction will create a bad impression. Mixed tenses and metaphors should be avoided. Spelling mistakes should be corrected. 4. Arguments supported by evidence Essays should not be just a series of unsupported assertions. You need to provide some evidence to support them – either in the form of factual details, your own reasoning, or the arguments of others. In this latter case, you should always reveal the fact that you are using someone else’s ideas. Provide attribution by using a system of footnotes or endnotes and accurate referencing. Never try to pass off other people’s written words as your own. This is called plagiarism – a form of intellectual dishonesty which is severely frowned upon in academic circles. 5. Clarity of thought One of the hallmarks of a good essay is that it demonstrates clarity of thought. This may be your ability to identify different issues and discuss them in a logical manner. It may mean organizing materials into a coherent structure for the essay. It could be showing that you are able to make important distinctions and insights. This may not come easily at first, but with practice it should be possible to gain greater clarity through discipline, selection, and planning. 6. Evidence of wide reading and understanding Essays are often set to encourage and direct your reading in a subject. If you show that you have read widely and thoroughly understood the subject you are discussing, you will be demonstrating your competence. The best essays are often produced by people who have taken the trouble to acquaint themselves both with the principal ‘set books’ and with secondary works of commentary and criticism as well. They will often show evidence of intellectual curiosity which has taken them beyond the bounds of what has been prescribed as a minimum. 7. Originality An essay will be rewarded with a good mark if it competently reviews all the well-known arguments in a subject and reaches a balanced conclusion. The highest grades however are often given – deservedly – to essays which display something extra. This may be a demonstration of original ideas or an unusual, imaginative approach. Such essays usually stand out because of their freshness and the sense of intellectual excitement they convey. But remember that you are not usually required to be original. Your tutor(s) will be perfectly satisfied if you simply answer their essay questions in a sensible and competent manner.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Akshaya Patra
Meal Programs in India Although 50 percent of Indian's children were malnourished, the provision of midday meals was sporadic and in many places non-existent. Responding to pressure from the Indian people, the Supreme Court of India passed an order on November 28, 20014, which mandated: â€Å"Cooked midday meal is to be revived in all the government and government-aided primary schools in all the states†.Inconsistent food quality, occasional food poisoning, poor hygiene, and operational concerns were among the complications to the provision of government-sponsored midday meals. The meals were prepared by teachers, who cooked the same meal every day. Today, through the partnership with the Government of India and various State Governments, as well as philanthropic donors; the organization runs the mid-day meal programmer. Built on a public-private partnership, Sashay Patria combines good management, innovative technology and smart engineering to deliver a atrocious and hygienic school lunch.Financial Sashay Patria, believe in absolute transparency in all our activities. Transparency, especially for an MONGO, is the key to trust and reliability. Sashay Patria upholds absolute transparency in all its activities. They have also apply the latest principles of fair value accounting and recognize all in kind donations. Organization's best practices have always resulted in keeping the operational expenditure to a fraction of revenues earned. This has resulted to optimize the administration and fundraising costs.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Qwl Journal of Management and Business Research
Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume 12 Issue 18 Version 1. 0 Year 2012 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh By Mohammad Baitul Islam East West University (EWU, BD) Abstract – Quality of work life is a critical concept with having lots of importance in employee’s life.Quality of work life indicates a proper balance both in work and personal life which also ensure organizational productivity and employee’s job satisfaction. This research study attempted to find out the factors that have an impact and significance influence on quality of work life of employees in private limited companies of Bangladesh. To begin with the factors are identified through literature review and current context of Bangladesh. Seven factors were found and a quantitative research was done. After developing a questionnaire, survey was conducted among 100 employees.The outcome of the research is that six out of seven factors (work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, working environment, working condition and career growth) have significant influence on quality of work life. The study concluded that an appropriate organization culture, compensation policy, career growth and relative facilities can leads to a satisfied employee mindset which ensure the overall organization productivity. Keywords : Quality of work life, Job satisfaction, Organization Productivity, Career, Organization Culture, Relative Facility.GJMBR-A Classification : FOR Code: 150305, 150311 JEL Code: J28, O15 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh Strictly as per the compliance and regulations of:  © 2012. Mohammad Baitul Islam. This is a research/review paper, dis tributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3. 0 Unported License http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc/3. 0/), permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Business Management Study GuideFactors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh Mohammad Baitul Islam Abstract – Quality of work life is a critical concept with having lots of importance in employee’s life. Quality of work life indicates a proper balance both in work and personal life which also ensure organizational productivity and employee’s job satisfaction. This research study attempted to find out the factors that have an impact and significance influence on quality of work life of employees in private limited companies of Bangladesh.To begin with the factors are identified through literature review and current context of Banglad esh. Seven factors were found and a quantitative research was done. After developing a questionnaire, survey was conducted among 100 employees. The outcome of the research is that six out of seven factors (work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, working environment, working condition and career growth) have significant influence on quality of work life.The study concluded that an appropriate organization culture, compensation policy, career growth and relative facilities can leads to a satisfied employee mindset which ensure the overall organization productivity. Keywords : Quality of work life, Job satisfaction, Organization Productivity, Career, Organization Culture, Relative Facility. II. Background of the Study n Bangladesh a good number of people are working in private sector and they contribute a certain level of valuable time to their companies.In there, they give their best effort to get an appreciation and for company’s goodwill. But quality of work life is such a concept which needs a certain balance both in professional and personal life. This research is all about identifying the factors that directly affects one’s quality of work life. It is very important to have a positive quality of work life experience if someone wants to give his or her 100 percent effort to the company.Quality of work life is a philosophy or set of principals which holds that people are trustworthy, responsible and capable of making valuable contribution to the organization (Rose, Beh, Uli & Idris, 2006). However, quality of work life is directly influenced by job satisfaction and external environment and personal like. There should have be a proper level of balance in work life and total life space. In my research, I have identified some major factors that Author : BBA (Marketing & HRM) & MBA (HRM), East West University (EWU, BD).PGD (Marketing Management), Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM, BD). E-mail : [email prote cted] com I I. Introduction It is very important for employees to have a sound mindset in their work field in order to utilize their full potential and to add value to the organization. A satisfied employee is an asset for a company as he or she will ensure the full productivity. To begin with, quality of work life is such a concept that directly related to the satisfaction.According to Dolan, Garcia, Cabezas and Tzafrir (2008), quality of work life is a major concern for employees and how organizations compact with this issue is both of academic and practical consequence. Therefore, job satisfaction and satisfaction in private life both are important for having a positive quality of work life experience. Mostly the quality of work life considers the work life and it is to change the climate at work along with human-technological-organizational interface (Luthans, 1995).According to (Davis & Cherns, 1975; Sashkin & Burke, 1987), quality of work life is not only enhancing the company ’s productivity but also employee identification and a sense of belonging and pride in their work. Based on various researches we can identify some determinants of quality of work life which are – adequate and fair compensation, safe and health work environment, opportunity for career growth and security, social integration in the work organization which relates to freedom of speech, work and total life space and the social relevance to the work. 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I may directly affect the quality of work life experience and the factors are, work load, working condition and career growth, compensation and benefits, working environment which are directly influence the job satisfaction. These factors are controllable by the company. Besides, family life and transportation facilities are the other factors that directly influenced individual’s mental motivation in Banglade sh.However, the meaning of quality of work life may vary to different people. So the primary objective of this research is to test the reliability of identified factors that influenced the quality of work life and the insights are captured from the employees of private limited companies of Bangladesh. Based on the primary objective and data evaluation, a recommendation has been drawn in my research. Year 2012 23 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh 24 2Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I In Bangladesh candidate’s supply is more than the demand therefore it is difficult to find one’s suitable job in the market. Though the private companies are increasing but employee satisfaction is still a major concern for quality of work life. Along with that, in Bangladesh employee satisfaction can be hampered by private life also. Transportation engagement is a maj or part of private life and in Bangladesh lack of transportation facility is a vital issue for late coming in the office.In this study I have included family life and transportation facility in to the quality of work life concept. These two factors are also related to mental health of employees and a sound mental health is very important to gain enthusiasm in the work. However, I have also included some other factors which works inside the organization and also related to quality of work life of employees. In the context of quality of work life, organizations have policies and benefits for proper employee valuation.Quality of work life is often considered in two direction, one is to removal of negative aspects of work and working conditions and other direction is the modification of work and working conditions to enhance the capability of employees and to promote behavior which important for individual and society (Kotze, 2005). According to Dessler (1981), quality of work life was seen as the level to which employees are able to satisfy their personal needs not only in terms of material matters but also of self respect, contentment and an opportunity to use their talents make contribution and for personal growth.So it is very important for an organization to provide employees proper valuation which will satisfy them and will ensure the productivity. III. ? Research Objectives a) Broad Objectives Determining the Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh. b) Specific Objectives ? ? ? ? Determining the variables that affect the quality of work life of employees. Determining which variable plays the most significant role on quality of work life.Establishing hypothesis on the basis of the research work. Drawing a qualitative and quantitative conclusion on the basis of the survey. IV. Literature Review Based on researchers analysis numerical articles have been written on quality of work life. In case of Bangladesh the research article on quality of work life is very few. In this study I have tried my best to introduce some concerning factors that affects the quality of work life of those people who are working in private sector of Bangladesh.I do believe several advantages are associated with my study. Quality of work life is such a concept that indicates a balance both in personal and professional life of an individual. Therefore; it can be hampered if someone is not satisfied with his or her work life or family life. However; positive quality of work life experience is very important and it is directly interrelated with job satisfaction and productivity. It is a fact which also controls the mental health.According to Plug, Louow & Gouws (1991) mental health is a state of relative good alteration that is escorted by feeling of satisfaction, a zest for life and the actualization of potential skills as well as absence of psychopathological conditions. So to have a positive quali ty of work life experience, a good quality of life is very important. Mendola and Pellingrini (1979) summarized quality of life as it is the individual’s accomplishment of a satisfactory social situation within the limits of apparent physical ability.Every human has a concern about their life and quality comes out when it the concentrations ends with some specific points. According to Shin and Johnson (1978) Quality of life is the ownership of resources necessary for the satisfaction of individual needs, wants and desires, participation in the activities permitting personal development and self actualization and satisfactory comparison between oneself and others. Moreover, a proper balance in quality of work life can generate more productivity for an organization. A satisfied employee can give more than 100 percent contribution to his or her company.If we consider the whole organization as an internal environment then it becomes very important to have optimum work pressure, a ccurate benefits and enough facility along with career development within the company. All of these interrelated with the job satisfaction and therefore quality of work life. Besides, if we consider the external environment then family life, social status and transportation will be the vital factors. So having a proper balance in these areas is also important. In Bangladesh a great amount of people are working in private limited companies and the number of private company is increasing day by day.Considering the large number of population, in Bangladesh the human resource supply is more than the demand. Therefore, the bargaining power is more for company where candidates are having less bargain power. On the other hand, lots of employees are not running on their suitable jobs. It seriously affects their career development. Most of the employees consider compensation package and benefits, position, work load and career development as their satisfaction benchmark. However, in Banglade sh transportation facility is another very important factor that directlyYear 2012  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh affects employee’s mental health. Based on this, some upper level company like Grameenphone limited, Robi, Unilever Bangladesh, Nestle Bangladesh, Banglalink, some private banks, private universities has develop their own culture and working environment. Besides, a good compensation package and benefits are offered by them. All of these are important for job satisfaction and finally quality of work life.In Bangladesh, companies are mainly performance oriented and their organizational culture and work pressure may be the reason of dissatisfaction in quality of work life. As human supply is more so high turnover rate and high competition is also a major concern regarding quality of work life. Quality of work life has been defined in various ways. Accordin g to Rose, Beh, Uli and Idris (2006); quality of work life is a philosophy or set of principals, which holds that people are trustworthy, responsible and capable of making a valuable contribution to the organization.It also involves respect and the elements that are relevant to an individual quality of work life include task, working environment, organizational culture, administrative system and the relationship between on the job and off the job life. Serey (2006), define quality of work life as it is a certain and best meet the existing work environment along with meaningful and satisfying work. It also includes: a. an opportunity to implement one’s talents and abilities to face challenges that require independent initiative and self direction. b. an activity thought to be valuable by the individual’s involvement. c. n activity in which the role of individual in achievement of some overall goals is understandable. d. a sense of taking pride in what one is doing and i n doing it well. Lau, Wong, Chan and Law (2001) measures quality of work life as the favorable working atmosphere that chains and promotes satisfaction by giving employees with rewards, job security and career development opportunity. Therefore quality of work life and its relationship with employee health and performance has become an explicit objective for many of the human resource policies in modern organizations (Dolan, Saba, Jackson & Schuler, 2007).Heskett, Sasser and Schlesinger (1997) summarize quality of work life as the outlook that employees have towards their job, colleagues and organization that light a chain leading to the organization’s growth and profitability. Quality of life is such a concept which is basically associated with satisfaction mainly in the work life and Mirvis and Lawler (1984) highlighted that salary, working hours, working condition, safe working environment and opportunities for advancement describes- the basic components of a good quality of work life.Hackman and Oldhams (1980) suggest the V. Conceptual Framework A conceptual framework has been developed (Figure 1) that is one of the relative construct of this study. VI. Hypotheses Development 1= Word load has an impact on quality of work life of the employees 2 = Family life affects the quality of work life of the employees 3 = Transportation facilities affect quality of work life of the employees 4 = Compensation and benefits affects quality of work life of the employees = Colleagues and supervisor relationship affects quality of work life of the employees 6 = Working environment has an impact over quality of work life of the employees 7 = Working condition and career growth opportunities affects quality of work life of the employees VII. Based on research question following hypotheses has been developed for the study- Research Methodology The type of research used in this article is of descriptive nature. Through this descriptive research, the article sough t to determine the answers to why,  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US)Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I constructs of quality of work life in relation to the interaction between work environment and personal needs. Along with structural modification good relation between supervisor and subordinates is important for a good quality of work life (Bertrand and Scott, 1992). Quality of work life refers the quality of life that is associated with job characteristics and work conditions as well as capability of shaping a job with an employee’s option, interest and needs (Lawler 1982; and Beukema 1987; Datta 1999).Katzell et. Al (1975) defined quality of work life more broadly as an individual’s valuation of the outcome of the work relationship. They observed employee can have positive quality of work life if he has positive feelings towards his job, if he is motivated with his private life and if he has a balance between the t wo terms of his personal values. To conclude, most of the studies on quality of work life are focused on personality and job satisfaction in where some studies also focused on motivation, organization culture and individual’s needs and desire.In the context of Bangladesh the most important factors that directly affect the quality of work life are work load, compensation and benefits, colleagues and supervisor, working condition and career development, working environment, family life and transportation facilities. After evaluation of studies and considering the nation these factors individually has an impact on quality of work life. 25 Year 2012 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh 26 2 Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I hat, where and how questions of the existing employees in public sector of Bangladesh and their expectations. It also involves collecting i nformation that explain people’s beliefs, knowledge, attitude and behavior (Fink, 1995, Sommer & Sommer, 1996). Primary data was collected through telephone and online survey for analysis and secondary data was be used as a support tool. A total of 100 sample size considered to be adequate for my study. Each and every response is checked thoroughly for incomplete and missing response. The questionnaire has two parts in were the first part contains some demographic information.Table 1 gives a proper summary of this sort of information. In the second part, the questionnaire contains 32 items to construct the seven independent variables along with a dependent variable in my study. The selected independent variables are: work load, compensation and benefits, colleagues and supervisor, working environment, working condition and career growth, family life and transportation. A five point Likert scale (1= Strongly Disagree to 5= Strongly Agree) was used to collect data from the resp ondents. The questionnaire was outlined in English and understandable.Reliability analysis was done to identify the reliability of my study. Beside this, regression analysis, hypothesis testing was done for a proper justification and to draw an appropriate recommendation in my study. VIII. mean scores of the factors of QWL with standard deviation also shown (Table 4) in my study. i. Hypotheses Testing To conduct the hypothesis test a regression analysis has been done and seven factors which have an effect in quality of work life are considered. However, details of the influence of independent variable over dependent variable have been shown in Table 7.First hypothesis was 1 , Word load has an impact on quality of work life of the employees. According to the analysis, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 000, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 1 is accepted. Second hypothesis was 2 , Family life affects the quality of work life of the employees. According to the analysis, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 000, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 2 is accepted.Third hypothesis was 3 , Transportation facilities affect quality of work life of the employees. In this case, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 007, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 3 is accepted. My fourth hypothesis was 4 , Compensation and benefits affects quality of work life of the employees. Here, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 000, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 4 is accepted.My fifth hypothesis was 5, Colleagues and supervisor relationship affects quality of work life of the employees. According to the analysis, the significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 332, which is greater than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So , null hypothesis is accepted and H5, is rejected. Sixth hypothesis was 6, working environment has an impact over quality of work life of the employees. The significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 014, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and is accepted. Final hypothesis was 7 working condition and career growth opportunities affects quality of work life of the employees. The significance value for the hypothesis is 0. 009, which is less than level of significance ? = 0. 05. So, null hypothesis is rejected and 7 is accepted. ii. Regression Analysis From the regression analysis (Table 5), I found the R square value to be 0. 425 meaning 42. 5% of the variability in the quality of work life of employees in the private limited companies in Bangladesh can be explained by these seven independent factors.In this case the independent variables are work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, colleagues and supervisor, working environment and working condition and career growth. From the ANOVA table we see that the significance value is 0. 000 (Table Year 2012 Data Analysis and Findings My study contains 69% male respondent and 31% female respondent (Table 1). Among them 94% respondent’s age is in between 21-30 years and rest of 6% respondents is under 31-40 years of age. However, 44% respondents already have 2-3 years of professional experience in where 27% respondents have 3-5 years of experience.Moreover, some fresher’s are having 1-2 years of experiences are also included in my study and the percentage is 23%. A reliability analysis is commonly used to identify the internal consistency of the variables. However, Cronbach’s alpha is commonly used to test the reliability and the range of alpha coefficient value is in between 0 to 1. The higher value indicates the higher reliability (Hair, et al. , 1992). A value more than . 70 is significantly good measure for su fficient scale of reliability (Cronbach, 1951, Nunnally, 1987).According to the Cronbach’s alpha test the value of alpha in my study is 0. 732 (Table 2 & Table 3) which is higher than minimum acceptable value. Therefore, 73. 20% of data are reliable in my study. This reliable analysis has been done for all dependent and independent variables and so far I am satisfied. Besides, this reliability test contains 32 items based on which I make my hypothesis test. A  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) a) Demographic Data Analysis b) Secondary Data Analysis Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh ), thus proving that the model is valid and significant. However, among 7 factors six of them (work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, working environment, working condition and career growth) have positive and significance influence on quality of work life. Only single factor named colleagu es and supervisor has no significance impact on quality of work life. Probably, respondents have given less notice on it. iii. Limitation This research study has some limitation and the major limitation factor for this report is complexity of the topic.Since the survey will be conducted on questionnaire therefore it is a great challenge to ensure the actual validity of the response. In some cases, the topics were not understood by the employees who have minimal idea about the quality of work life. Respondents are selected only from Dhaka city; therefore this research does not reflect the perception of employees of each corner of Bangladesh. However unwillingness of respondents was another limitation of my study. Moreover, R Square (0. 425) is comparatively low which means that other factors can also influence the quality of work life of employees in private limited companies of Bangladesh. v. References References Referencias 1. Arts, E. J. , Kerksta, J. and Van der Zee (2001) Quali ty of Working Life and Workload in Home Help Nordic College of Caring Sciences, 12-22. 2. Baptiste, N. R. (2008). 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The seven factors are work load, fami ly life, transportation, compensation policy and benefits, colleagues and supervisor, working environment and working condition and career growth. The outcome of the research indicates that six out of seven factors (work load, family life, transportation, compensation policy and benefit, working environment and working condition and career growth) have significant influence on quality of work life and the remaining factor (colleagues and supervisor) has no ignificant influence on quality of work life. From the finding, it can be recommended that quality of work life is such a critical concept that might be disturbed due to dissatisfaction of mind set. However, the companies can focus on their employee’s welfare by providing them a better and attractive compensation policy, optimum work load and by providing a superior work environment. The private companies should create a career growth opportunity within their environment that may lead to a better performance and therefore a better productivity.Moreover, participation management will increase the enthusiasm of employees as they will have an opportunity to participate with their ideas. So the private companies of Bangladesh can focus on it. On the other Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I Year 2012 hand, transportation is such a factor which is seriously involve in mental satisfaction. Therefore, if the companies can provide a transportation facility then they might grab a positive impression from employees and the employees may not need to harass by external environment.However, the government of Bangladesh can take some steps to provide adequate and affordable transportation facilities for the local people. 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Manager Manager Merchandiser Asst.Territory Officer Territory Manager Management Trainee Teacher Specialist Total 100. 00 Total 100. 00 Total (%) 48. 00 4. 00 19. 00 4. 00 6. 00 2. 00 2. 00 3. 00 3. 00 2. 00 4. 00 3. 00 100. 00 Total 100. 00 Year of 1-2 Years 2-3 Years 3-5 Years 5-7 Years 8 Years and (%) 23. 00 44. 00 27. 00 4. 00 2. 00  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Global Journal of Management and B usiness Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I Year 2012 Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh Table 2 : Reliability Statistics. Cronbach's Alpha . 32 Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items . 786 N of Items 32 Table 3 : Reliability Tests. Factor’s Name Items 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Values 0. 796 0. 60 0. 825 0. 526 0. 821 0. 927 0. 809 0. 471 Quality of Work Life (Dependent) Work Load (Independent) Family Life ((Independent)) Transportation (Independent) Compensation Policy and Benefits (Independent) Colleagues and Supervisor (Independent) Working Environment (Independent) Working Condition and Career Growth (Independent) Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I Year 2012 30 2 Table 4 : Mean Scores of the Factors of QWL.Factors Workload Family Life Transportation Compensation Policy Colleagues and Supervisor Working Environment Working Condition and Career Growth Mean 3. 0800 3. 4350 3. 4900 2. 5325 4. 0325 3. 8700 3. 4850 Std. Deviation . 50861 . 94054 . 86524 1. 02473 . 74845 . 76581 . 64630 Table 5 : Regression Analysis. Model 1 R . 652(a) R Square . 425 Adjusted R Square . 381 Std. Error of the Estimate . 48606 a. Predictors: (Constant), Working Condition and Career Growth, Work Load, Transportation, Compensation Policy, Family Life, Colleagues and Supervisor, Working Environment Table 6 : ANOVA.Model Regression 1 Residual Total Sum of Squares 16. 072 21. 735 37. 807 df 7 92 99 Mean Square 2. 296 . 236 F 9. 718 Sig. .000(a) a. Predictors: (Constant), Working Condition and Career Growth, Work Load, Transportation, Compensation Policy, Family Life, Colleagues and Supervisor, Working Environment b. Dependent Variable: QWL  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Factors Affecting Quality of Work Life: An Analysis on Employees of Private Limited Companies in Bangladesh Table 7 : Hypothesis Testing. Coefficients (a)Model (Constant) Work Load Famil y Life Transportation Compensation Policy Colleagues and Supervisor Working Environment Working Condition and Career Growth Unstandardized Coefficients B 3. 425 . 577 . 287 -. 218 -. 245 -. 104 . 309 -. 308 Std. Error . 604 . 123 . 073 . 078 . 058 . 107 . 123 . 115 . 475 . 436 -. 305 -. 407 -. 126 . 382 -. 322 Standardized Coefficients Beta 5. 668 4. 705 3. 943 -2. 782 -4. 206 -. 974 2. 518 -2. 682 . 000 . 000 . 000 . 000 . 332 . 014 . 009 . 007 t Sig. 1 a. Dependent Variable: QWL  © 2012 Global Journals Inc. (US) Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XII Issue XVIII Version I Year 2012 31
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