Monday, December 30, 2019
Literary Analysis Of Recitatif - 1135 Words
Literary Analysis Paper: â€Å"Recitatif†by Toni Morrison Many authors write fictional novels about historical events. A common topic written about is the racial integration between African Americans and whites during the 1950’s. Although the short story â€Å"Recitatif†explicate many different themes, the central topic of Morrison’s writing is about racism. Throughout the story, the author expresses examples of hatred between black and white races at the shelter, the different encounters they have, and the remarks to Maggie’s race in conversations between Twyla and Roberta. The short story titled â€Å"Recifatif†is written by Toni Morrison. Morrison was born in 1931 in Ohio, and is known for writing novels with African American history involved. She†¦show more content†¦When the mothers of Twyla and Roberta visit on Easter Sunday, the two friends are happy for them to meet each other. As they are introduced to each other, Twyla’s mother stuck her hand out to shake hands, Roberta’s mother looked at her, grabbed Roberta and walked away. Roberta’s mother presented a snobbish attitude, and the generation of prejudice still existed. Throughout the short story, Twyla and Roberta have multiple encounters after they are old enough to leave the shelter. In the first scene, Twyla is a cashier at a restaurant as Roberta visits with a few friends. As Twyla approaches Roberta, she attempts to have a conversation to catchup with each other. Roberta presents herself as snobby as her mother was, and laughs at her when mentioning a famous singer Twyla does not know. As years pass by, they run into one another in line at a grocery store. This time, Roberta greets Twyla to engage the conversation. As they talk, the event of Roberta acting snobby at the restaurant is brought up by Twyla. Roberta’s response was â€Å"you know how it was in those days: black-white†. As Roberta seems much friendlier, â€Å"those days†appear to be over, as they exchange phone numbers before departing. Another event displaying racism was when Roberta was spotted at a high school. Her and other mothers were outside â€Å"picketing†about their children attending a racial integrating school. Twyla was driving by, andShow MoreRelatedRecitatif: Toni Morrison Essay935 Words  | 4 Pageslife. This story takes place during the time period of the Civil Rights Movement. The idea of civil rights was encouraged by the government but not enforced by the states, leaving many black Americans suffering every day. In Morrison’s short story Recitatif, Morrison manipulates the story’s diction to describe the two women’s races interchangeably resulting in the confusion of the reader. Because Morrison never establishes the â€Å"black character†or the â€Å"white character†, the reader is left guessing theRead MoreMetaphors from Slavery to Post Emancipation: An Exploration of The Loophole of Retreat and The Veil1613 Words  | 7 Pagesslaveholders. A uthors had to reach southern and northern audiences and have an appearance of humbleness to attract some and action to attract others. One of the methods that was used to make their writings attractive across audiences was metaphor. This literary device allowed them to code meaning to present information in the dosage that each type of audience needed. This paper will explore â€Å"the loophole of retreat†in Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and â€Å"the Veil†in W.E.B. Dubois’
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay about William Wordsworth - 1193 Words
William Wordsworth William Wordsworth was born April 7, 1770, at Cockermouth in Cumberland, England. His poetry, and especially his poems on solitude, must have been heavily influenced by the death of his mother and the splitting up of his family when he was only eight (Kilvert 1). At that time, fate sent him to live in Hawkshead, England, where his teacher started him writing poetry. Wordsworth got his higher education at Cambridge, his memories of which play a part in his later poetry (Noyes 201). Fate again stepped in when, as a young man, he received an inheritance, which gave him the freedom to study literature. One might guess that this is when he first became part of the Romantic movement, (Pinion, 21). The poetry of†¦show more content†¦Martha was in love with Stephen, who betrayed her by marrying another woman. Martha was pregnant by Stephen, and the rumor was that she had murdered her baby. The reader feels all her pain when she cries, Oh misery! oh misery! Oh woe is me! oh misery! These words express her heartbreak at losing Stephen; her anguish at finding herself pregnant; her shame at being an unwed mother; her guilt and regret for murdering her baby; her grief over the babys death; and her knowledge that her life is ruined. The thorn is a powerful symbol of all this misery. Just as the thorns, Marthas appearance makes it seem as if she, too, could never have been young. She, too, is A wretched thing forlorn. By contrast, what seems to be the infants grave lies in a beautiful mound of color. Of coarse, the child is innocent and its beauty is forever filled with color; but Marthas only color is her scarlet cloak of shame. The power of imagination is the theme of Most Sweet It Is With Uplifted Eyes. The title, itself, is full of meaning-- when we walk with our eyes uplifted, we are not looking at the real world around us, but are dreaming on the stars. While the real world may be beautiful, it may also be very ugly and painful. However, imagination gives us the power to block out what is bad and to create a special world. We can look insideShow MoreRelatedWilliam Wordsworth1477 Words  | 6 PagesWordsworth’s Use of Literary Devices Related to Nature William Wordsworth’s frequent references to nature in his poetry shows that he paid close attention to the details of the physical environment around him. His poetry relates to nature by focusing primarily on the relationship between inner life with the outer world. William Wordsworth uses literary devices such as personification, similes, and the impressions nature makes on him to show the importance of the relationship that man should haveRead More William Wordsworth Essay1402 Words  | 6 Pages William Wordsworths â€Å"The World is Too Much With Us†is a Romantic Sonnet that can be broken into two parts. The speaker tells us in the first part that we have lost our connection with nature, and that that connection was one of our most important relationships. The speaker the goes on to tell us that that he is willing to sacrifice everything to recover this relationship, and begins on line 9. In romantic poems, the speaker tries to convince us of our flaws, in this case our skewed relationshipRead MoreDaffodils by William Wordsworth1871 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam Wordsmiths I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud or Daffodils: Analysis A BESTWORD ANALYSIS As far as there is to mention, there is little of weight or consequence to speak of in the direct analysis of William Wordsworth’s â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud†, or â€Å"Daffodils†as it is popularly referred to today. From introduction to conclusion, William Wordsworth cleanly describes the act of watching a patch of country daffodils swaying in the breeze and the lasting effect this pleasant image hasRead More William Wordsworth Essay3686 Words  | 15 PagesWilliam Wordsworth William Wordsworth is considered to be the greatest among all of the English Romantic poets. Although he did not always get the recognition that he rightfully deserved in the early part of his career, only through trials and tribulations did he reach the pinnacle of the literary world. Wordsworth said of the Prelude that it was a thing unprecedented in the literary history that a man should talk so much about himself: I had nothing to do but describe what I had feltRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth Essay1942 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. He grew up surrounded by beautiful scenery. He was very close to his sister, Dorothy Wordsworth. (William Wordsworth Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb 2012. His sister led the way for him to love nature by showing him its beauty. His mom died when he was eight years old and then his father die d when he was thirteen years oldRead MoreThe Prelude, By William Wordsworth1031 Words  | 5 Pages Mind and Imagination An elevated concentration to the way the mind works is without a doubt one of the most significant attributes of Romantic poetry. In William Wordsworth’s poem, The Prelude, the poet allows several memories from his youth to be brought up again in his adulthood and looks to grasp onto these certain influences that have assisted in establishing his mind and could potentially help him become the best poet possible. John Keats described his idea of imagination to a friend in anRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth s The Prelude1008 Words  | 5 PagesIn William Wordsworth’s poem, The Prelude, he describes how he imagines London to be. He is very descriptive when he touches on what he expects upon arrival to the city, and then realizes London was not the paradise he alluded to earlier in his poem. William Wordsworth use of imagery and diction reflect the city’s natural environment, which he also uses in order to convey his feelings of anticipation and dissatisfaction with w hat he has discovered. In the beginning of The Prelude, William Wordsworth’sRead MoreTintern Abbey, by William Wordsworth664 Words  | 3 PagesWilliam Wordsworth was a fanatic towards nature. From one of the texts written by William Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey describes nature at its finest. While this story was set in the Romantic time periods, Wordsworth would be the most important poet in the generation one poets. After spending five years away from what he had loved, Tintern Abbey, Wordsworth learned that it was the little things in life that mattered the most. Tintern Abbey is located somewhere in the United Kingdom. Once was a greatRead MoreNature And Time By William Wordsworth1197 Words  | 5 Pagesmarked not by reason and rationalism, but by feelings, emotion, and nature. Of the writers of the Romantic era, William Wordsworth was one of the most representative, spearheading the movement by co-authoring â€Å"Lyrical Ballads†with his contemporary Samuel Coleridge. Thus, to gain a better understanding the Romantic period as a whole, it is useful to focus on the works of William Wordsworth, the period’s flagship writer. To do this, one can conduct a close reading of â€Å"Lines Written a Few Miles aboveRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth s Poetry :. Eliot And W. Wordsworth1442 Words  | 6 Pages Theories in Poetry: T.S. Eliot and W. Wordsworth T. S. Eliot and William Wordsworth were both well-known poets, born 100 years apart; both were famous poets in their own right. Both men were influential in changing the face of poetry as the world had known it. Eliot looked at poetry in a Modernistic view, while Wordsworth was a writer who chose a Romantic view. Eliot’s view seems to be one of disconnect, where Wordsworth’s view is one of emotion and feelings. Both men wrote with a different
Friday, December 13, 2019
Ramses II’s Victory Free Essays
The victory of Ramses II over the Khita’s was probably one of the greatest stories of Egyptian literary works on war that had survived thousands of years to convey to us, the present generation, the underlying truths on how the centuries-past generations of Egyptians had regarded their Pharaohs: as a leader, a warrior, a general, and a man-god. WAR The poem starts with the king of Khita, together with his enormous armies and chariots, laid in wait for an ambush on the Egyptian Pharaoh. He had his armies divide into two groups, the first initiated a surprise attack on the Legion of Hormakhu, south of Kadesh, and successfully annihilated the Egyptian armies in that town who were not expecting such an attack (Halshall, 1998). We will write a custom essay sample on Ramses II’s Victory or any similar topic only for you Order Now Upon being informed of the tragedy that befell his troops, Ramses II quickly readied himself for war, donning his weapons and armors, and galloping on his majestic horses. But soon he found himself in the middle of the Hittite army; completely surrounded and alone, in an impossible battle between 2,500 chariots against one (Halshall, 1998). Due perhaps to his imminent defeat and utter helplessness, the Pharaoh-god called upon his deceased father for help. Enumerating the many glorious monuments, temples, shrines, and sacrificial offerings he had made for the glory of the deceased former god/Pharaoh Ammon, his father (Poem of Pentaur, 2003). And behold! Ammon had heard his cry from the temple of Hermonthis and had come for his beloved son for help. With strength as the sun-god Ra, and arms as strong as hundreds of thousands of men, Ammon found grace in Ramses II’s valor and bravery, and allowed for Ramses II to use Ammon’s god-strength in defeating the Hittites. And when Ramses II, alone except for his charioteer, Menna, finally assaulted the 2,500 strong enemy, the entire Khita army, together with their king, were stunned, frozen with fea r, unable to wield their sword and spear, for Ramses II fought with the spirit of a god. And when the day had come to pass, Egypt’s Pharaoh was able to slay each and every army of the Khita. No one was able to escape alive, each and everyone was fell by the Pharaoh. Propagandistic Element The Battle of Kadesh, as written by the ancient Egyptian authorities during Ramses’ reign, was a literature made for propagandistic purpose. Perhaps the ruler’s aim, other than for the citizens’ assertion of their belief of the Pharaoh as a god-man, was also to use this as a psychological tool on other nations against planning an invasion against Egypt. These types of exploits of Egypt’s Pharaohs being engraved on the walls of temples further amplify the effect of invincibility and immortality of the rulers of Egypt, by making it as a monument for all nations to see. Such is the case in one of the walls (Fig. 1. 1) where Egyptian chariotry is engaged in a battle between Hittite foot soldiers, when in actuality based on facts, it had been Hittites’ tradition to do battle using chariots (Battle of Kadesh, 2003). Thus, using politics in asserting control and obedience over the populace, as well as in warfare, rulers of ancient kingdoms often relied on exaggerated literature on war-victories as a means in achieving these. In the modern history, we have witnessed similar propagandistic methods used by governments, usually in defense of its purpose in declaring war: Hitler’s Arian race ideology, Marx’s and Lenin’s Russian Proletariat Revolution, the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and so forth. Almost always, the adage that goes, the victors write history, is appropriate. How to cite Ramses II’s Victory, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Globalization and human resource management -
Question: Discuss about the Globalization and human resource management. Answer: Introduction Airlines industry is one of the growing sectors of todays world due to increasing demand of flight service. The industry has always worked in alliance with the International Air Transport Association. The industry has always formed an alliance because of the fear of staying behind of others. The International Air Transport Association has recently formed association with three big airlines company such as Star Alliance, Oneworld Alliance and the Sky Team Alliance. Sincethe alliance the relation between the partner companies have grown deeper, benefitting the industry (Belobaba, Odoni and Barnhart 2015). The paper analyses the micro and macro factors that affects the industry directly or indirectly. Further, it presents a SWOT analysis to be informed about the strength and weaknesses about the industry. Micro Industry Analysis Micro environmental analysis analyses the factors that affects the industry directly. The factor also affects the internal process of the business (Indiatsy et al. 2014). Some of the factors that are considered in the micro industry analysis are customers, competitors and suppliers. Customers Customers play a vital role in the growth and existence of the industry. The position of the industry in the market largely depends on the competitors in a large way. With the rising dead from the customers, many companies in the industry are forming alliance with each other. This shows the importance customers play in this sector (Grant 2016). The customers of airlines industry are the passengers that fly from one place to others with both commercial and personal purpose. Moreover, the customers have the powers on the industry as they have huge options to choose from. Competitors Competitive nature of the industry is visible in the case study, which shows that with the growing competitive nature, companies in this industry are finally forming alliance with each other with the fear of being left behind others. As the number of airline companies is increasing, the competitive level of the industry is increasing to a large extent (Fleisher and Bensoussan 2015). This is the reason the companies are being encouraged to form alliance and survive in the industry for longer time. Macro Industry Analysis To analyze the macro environment of the industry a Porters Five Forces Analysis is the ideal concept. Threat of substitute The industry faces moderate treat from substitute. The major substitute that poses a threat on the industry is other mode of transports such as land transport and water transport. However, the threat is limited because customers will have options to choose these substitutes within the domestic zone (Iata 2018). While travelling internationally most of them only have the option of choosing air transport. Threat from competitors The industry faces a huge threat from competitors because with the growing demand large number of companies is adding in the industry. This makes the competitive environment much severe. Due to huge competition and threat of being left behind has caused many airlines companies to form an alliance with each other (Aapairlines 2018). This shows the level of competition the industry is facing with growing time. Threat from new entrant The industry faces huge threat from new entrants because huge number of small and medium size airline companies is continuously increasing in the industry. This is because with the improvement in technology new companies are finding easy to enter the industry (Shaw 2016). Moreover, the industry needs one time huge investment, which a new entrant can plan and successfully enter the industry. Bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers of this industry face low bargaining power because the suppliers of this industry do not want to lose business from such big airline companies. Due to no switching cost,the companies can switch from one supplier to the other (Eaton 2017). Thus, this makes the bargaining power of the supplier week in this industry. Bargaining power of buyers In case of bargaining power, the buyers faces high bargaining power in the industry. This is because of availability of large number of competitors in the industry, which makes the buyers choose from one company to the other. Moreover, due to no switching cost in case of the buyers, the buyers can easily switch from one company to the other according to their preference (Eaton 2017). Thus, the airline companies need to maintain their prices and facilities that would be preferential for the customers to hold back the demand. SWOT analysis Thus, the resultof both micro and macro will help to recognize the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat of the industry (Fleisher and Bensoussan 2015). Strength Strength of forming alliance and partnership within companies Partnership help to gain better customer segments Huge control over the suppliers with their competitive position Fast growing industry on a global range Offering huge and advanced facilities to the customers with the flight Strong management power with improving technologies Weakness Huge competition from small and medium size airline companies Huge control from buyers which forces the airline to reduce flight fares Opportunities Huge growth potential in the coming years Increasing chance of alliances with great market leaders of airline industry Improving the position of the company by offering extraordinary facilities to the customers Develop future opportunities due to uncertainties in the external environment Better management with rising computer reservation system that will improve monitoring and controlling power Threat Huge threat from rising competitors with much advanced technologies Elimination of price regulating powers from the hand of the companies Table: SWOT Analysis Source: Authors creation Conclusion From the above analysis,it can be concluded that the airline industry faces huge threats and opportunities both from the customers and from the competitors. The industry has established its position by being one of the fastest growing sectors. The industry is experiencing huge threat from competitors. This has led to the formation of alliance between many airline companies in order to stay ahead of competitors. The growing technological advancement has helped the industry to manage and control their processes such as booking, facility offered and demand in a better way compared to before. Thus, businesses in this industry has to focus on offering extraordinary facility to customers. References 2018.Future Growth of the Airline Industry. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. Belobaba, P., Odoni, A. and Barnhart, C. eds., 2015.The global airline industry. John Wiley Sons. Eaton, J., 2017.Globalization and human resource management in the airline industry. Routledge. Fleisher, C.S. and Bensoussan, B.E., 2015.Business and competitive analysis: effective application of new and classic methods. FT Press. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. 2018.Outlook for airline markets and industry performance [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. Indiatsy, C.M., Mwangi, M.S., Mandere, E.N., Bichanga, J.M. and George, G.E., 2014. The Application of Porters Five Forces Model on Organization Performance: A Case of Cooperative Bank of Kenya Ltd.European Journal of Business and Management,6(16), pp.75-85. Shaw, S., 2016.Airline marketing and management. Routledge.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Rembrandt Essays (417 words) - Rembrandt, Arts, Visual Arts
Rembrandt Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn was a baroque artist, who ranks as one of the greatest painters in the history of Western art. He understood the human nature very well, and with his outstanding ability, made him a painter that is very famous. Not only was Rembrandt a superb painter but he was also very good in drawing and etching. It is said that no painter has ever equaled Rembrandt's ability to use a different variety of shading and color contrast. He was born in Leiden, a city in the west Netherlands, on July 15, 1606. Rembrandt's parents thought it was very important for Rembrandt to get a good education. He began his studies at the Latin School, and at the age of 14 he was enrolled at the Leiden University. The program did not interest him, and he soon left to study art. His first apprentice was a local master, Jacob van Swanenburch. Then he moved on in Amsterdam, with Pieter Lastman, known for his historical paintings. After six months, having mastered everything he had been taught, Rembrandt returned to Leiden. In Leiden, Rembrandt was well respected even though he was barely 22 years old. So he started teaching people to paint to make a living. Rembrandt moved to Amsterdam in 1631. He married in 1634 to Saskia van Uylenburgh. She cousin of a successful art dealer and this enhanced his career by bringing him in contact with wealthy patrons who eagerly commissioned portraits. Rembrandt's mythological and religious works were much in demand. Because of he was well known as a teacher, his studio was filled with pupils, some of whom were already trained artists. In contrast to his successful public career, Rembrandt's family life was was just the opposite. Between 1635 and 1641 Saskia gave birth to four children. Only the last, Titus, survived. She died in 1642 which upset Rembrandt because he loved her very much. Hendrickje Stoffels, became his housekeeper in 1649, and eventually became his common-law wife. She modeled for many of his pictures. Despite Rembrandt's financial success as an artist, teacher, and art dealer, his love for the life of luxurious living, forced him to file for bankruptcy in 1656. Much of his works were auctioned off to pay his debts which was very saddening to him. In this auction he also sold his house. These problems in no way affected Rembrandt's work, if anything, it motivated him. His personal life, however, continued to be disturbed. His beloved Hendrickje died in 1663, and his son, Titus, in 1668. Eleven months later, on October 4, 1669, Rembrandt died in Amsterdam. Biographies
Monday, November 25, 2019
Organizational Communication Essays
Organizational Communication Essays Organizational Communication Essay Organizational Communication Essay Organizational Communication Name: Course: Institution: Instructor: Date: Organizational Communication Organizational Communication is the process of conveying, understanding information, and the bonds that tie organizations together (Stoner and Freeman 1992). Most managers spend 75% of their time communicating to their employees, customers and shareholders. Communication and comprehension abilities and skills are extremely important to managers. This is because they are crucial in their line of work. Managers should not depend on their secretaries to do all their organizational communication, as strong writing skills add to the credibility of the manager and reflects positively on a company’s image. Managers must be discreet in their written work and must know how to write effectively, they and should depend little on their secretaries (Dubrin 2000). Through communication, an organization’s activities are coordinated to enable the organization meet its goals. Managers should have excellent writing skills as it creates a good impression on the people around them including their colleagues, employees and clients. Poor communication is the leading cause of problems, and it can be extremely expensive. Organizational communication is the integral element of a manager’s function that means that a manager needs to have a good and effective way of communicating. Communication is the foundation on which the organization, and administration must be built and it should be the first function that managers develop and maintain. This is because it is the process that managers accomplish their work. During a regular working day, managers communicate via email to employees notifying them of different instructions concerning their duties at work. Such messages must be concise and self-explanatory, to enable time saving by avoiding time wastage while asking for further instructions. Business people are busy, and well-written communications helps in saving time (Torrington and Hall 1987). Managers are expected to write reports, emails, letters and memos, which their employees are supposed to read. If this communication is badly structured and written, the employees will waste time interpreting it. Effective communication is created when the intended meaning of the source and meaning of the receivers are the same. This should be the manager’s aim in any communication as good writing skills have a direct impact on their career and future. Reference: DuBrin, A. J. (2000). Essentials of management. Cincinnati: South-Western College Pub. Stoner, J. A. F., Freeman, R. E. (1992). Management. Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall. Torrington, D., Hall, L. (1995). Personnel management: HRM in action. London: Prentice Hall.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Is social inequality meritocratic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Is social inequality meritocratic - Essay Example One motive for the incredible persistence of social hierarchies is that they are reinforced by ideology, cultural viewpoints that cause and maintain the interest of definite categories of people and justify stratification. Naturally, ideology takes the structure of developing cultural patterns that are confirmed directly and indirectly in accordance with a disproportionate distribution of resources and rights to definite categories of people. Melvin M. Tumin studied social stratification and inequality and summarized: functional justification is similar to class system; we act according to certain patterns or sets of ideas. Social stratification can in fact cause demotivation of people, those who are deprived of their rights might also be demotivated. Also Tumin states that social stratification depends on relations of power and distribution of power in society. "The main functional necessity explaining the universal presence of stratification is precisely the requirement faced by an y society of placing and motivating individuals in the social structure. As a functioning mechanism a society must somehow distribute its members in social positions and induce them to perform the duties of these positions. It must thus concern itself with motivation at two different levels: to instill in the proper individuals the desire to fill certain positions, and, once in these positions, the desire to perform the duties attached to them" (Tumin, 1953,, par. 5). Social inequality systems' purpose is to provide the privileged classes with the political power needed to obtain recognition and supremacy of an ideology which rationalizes the status quo, whatever it may be, as "logical," "natural" and "morally right. This way, social inequality systems are those of fundamentally conservative influences in the societies in which they are established. So Tumin states that meritocracy is based on the importance of one's status and occupation.Social-conflict perspec tive shows that, rather than benefiting society as a whole, social stratification guarantees that some people get advantage at the expense of others. Karl Marx states that the two main social classes match to the two basic relationships people have to the resources of production. People can own property or they can work for others. In industrialized class models, the capitalists (or the) manage plants, which use the manual labor of workers (the proletariat). Work that consists mostly of manual labor is known as "blue-collar" work whereas work that contains middle-management office jobs is known as "white-collar" jobs. Marx believed that social disparity was dangerous for society. Marx gives a vivid contraposition of those two classes and suggests that social inequality is exactly meritocratic, since 'white-collar' class is more privileged and comprises elite, which exploits proletarians, or people who have no own property. The inner merit of person from higher class is that he or sh e was born in such family and belongs to bourgeoisie.Marx's and Weber's concepts are similar in many aspects, so the author decided to compare them. The idea of class and class struggle does not occupy as significant a role in Weber as in Marx. In Weber's opinion, the rising speed of bureaucracy in all organizations is an unavoidable of the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Representation and Stereotype of Women in Video Games Dissertation
Representation and Stereotype of Women in Video Games - Dissertation Example The portrayal of the woman in video games has always been a controversial topic. It is controversial because it reflects the negative sides of the woman. It is the major claim of those who protest against the stereotype of women that in video games women are presented in an unrealistic and exaggerated manner. The video games mostly contain the violence and sex together. The women are generally represented as a hyper-sexual character. The content of the dissertation thus shows that the girls as well as women are based on gender-stereotyped. Hence, it is quite common to see a woman with a typical figure and complexion and in a tight outfit. Keywords: videogames, women, portrayal, unrealistic hypersexual Executive Summary: This paper is based on the stereotype presentation of the women in video games. Women’s image in all types of media has always been just a sex symbol. Whatever the media would be, such as television, advertisements or any type of magazines and newspaper, the wo men cannot come out of the typical periphery which is drawn for them by the male dominated society. In media they are sometimes shown in a very humiliating manner. This research has discussed thoroughly on the same issue. The research paper is divided into four different chapters. First chapter is associated with problems and its setting. The researcher decided this kind of subject out of the concern of the portrayal of women in video games and their impact on the society, especially the adolescent young boys around whom the entire video industry is revolving. The women in video games are far from reality from all points of view such as their physical appearance and the role they played in the game. In the first chapter the introduction about the topic is given. Then the researcher has designed the problem related questions for discussion. There are five research questions to be discussed. The researcher then discusses about the significance of the problem and significance of his re search. The researcher here has discussed about the usefulness of his research in finding out the problem. In the next section the researcher deals with the significance of the study. For any research to be reached to its conclusion the hypotheses are necessary to form so that it can give a proper direction for the research. Here the researcher has taken the hypothesis that still the image of women in video games is stereotype and it has not changed. The women are shown either as a sex symbol or a passive and distressed object. After that the researcher discusses the scope of the study. There are many new concepts in the research paper so it is necessary to mention the definition of the terms used in the research paper. Here the researcher has given the definitions of various terms used in the research paper. The second chapter deals with the literature review. For the research it is very necessary to find out the related documents or any existing theory which can support the ideas of the researcher. The references have been collected from various sources such as books written on this same topic. Apart from that some previous research papers, articles, blogs, websites etc are also referred. The researcher has given thorough information about the collection and information which has been collected by the above mentioned sources. In the third chapter, the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Realism and Idealism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Realism and Idealism - Essay Example Ideally, art should come from within an individual but this does not happen and instead, art is taught in schools. Courbet asserts that art cannot be taught and that it should come from inside an individual and should be an expression of the artists towards the things that surround him. In the same way, a person from another generation cannot accurately form an art of either the previous or he next generation. It is impossible to do so since an artist can only draw accurately what they experience. From this reading, it is clear that everyone knows their place in the society. The poor are aware that there are places they can only admire from afar but not get into. Even children are conscious of the poverty and the lanes that they should maintain. The children stare with amazement at how beautiful the building is yet the narrator had already exclaimed that it was unfinished. Further, the other guest is uncomfortable at the sight of the poor family and asks the companion to request the manager to send them away. The world has had a class struggle from time immemorial. There are those who own factors of production and those that work for the rich to earn a living. The bourgeoises are the rich in the society who continue accumulating wealth at the expense of the poor. The society has become such a money-minded community that even the prestigious professions such as medicine and engineering are focused on making money rather than helping the people. The proletariats, on the other hand, are the workers who work for the bourgeoises for a living. Once in a while they attempt to join hands so that they can have fair dealings with the bourgeoises. The strength of their unions and their demands is highly dependent on whether they will remain unified in the long run. For the proletariats to have a fair share in the society, they need to keep on fighting for their rights. A doll’s house is about a woman who leaves her husband and children to
Friday, November 15, 2019
Saudi Arabias Health System
Saudi Arabias Health System Ibraheem Mohammed Ali Alnaheelah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lies at the furthermost part of southwestern Asia. It occupies about four-fifths of the Arab Peninsula, with a total area of around 2,000,000 square kilometers. On 2010, the number of population in SA reached to (27.563.432) 9,525,178 male and 9,448,437 female and 31% less than 15 years and 65.37% between 15 and 65 and elderly group represent 2.86%. More than one third of population was non-Saudi (8,589,817) came to government with different employment contracts.1 Under the system of regions issued by the Royal order No. (1/92), dated 27/08/1412 H., the Kingdom has been divided into (13) administrative regions. Each one of them is divided into a number of governorates differentiating in number from one region to another according geographical and population number. Before the discovery of oil, Saudi society was traditional, isolated and poor which implies that the way of life was very much backward most of them depend on agriculture and lives stocks products. Without any health care organizations and healthcare services were largely based on traditional practices and medicines, most of the patients treated by some of traditional methods. On 1926, Saudi Arabia under its visionary leader, King Abdulaziz Al-Saud issued a decree establishing a Health Department. Health system one of the most indicators for developing in each nation, all of the governments put the health services in front of services which provided to its citizen. Organizations of a health system different from one country to others according many factors include state of budget and nation developed. WHO provide some gaudiness to provide health care to all people worldwide and make some of conversances and meeting for achieve main objective of health. The Declaration of Alma-Ata was adopted at the International Conference on Primary Health Care that defined primary care that provided to all population and expressed the need for urgent action by all governments to protect and promote all health of all people. Health system in SA provided mainly by ministry of health in addition to 10 agencies provided the health care; some agencies provide some of services to its employee. Ministry of Defense represent second most important ministry provides health services. It provide primary care through different centers and secondary care through military hospitals , all soldiers of ministry of defense receive card for receive the services in any center of care at any regi ons in Saudi Arabia , parent of soldiers and their family receive health care service by center of ministry of defense . Ministry of interior provides health service also. Ministry of Education concentrates on preventive care through health school that provides health education. Armco represent one of the most oil companies in the world. It provides the health services to its employee. Ministry of health stills the corner stone of health in SA. Preventive program started early in al-Qatif and al-Hassa Oasis in the eastern region. On 1950, first campaign against malaria done by Saudi Armco Oil Company and WHO in the Eastern. One of the most porn to the citizen in Saudi Arabia is free of health service provided to all citizens and expatriates working in the public sector because the objective of the Saudi government is to provide free medical care for all.2 Thirteen health directorates cover all areas in different regions in Saudi Arabia. Each directorate divided to sectors provides primary care level and hospitals to provide secondary care level at least. The Ministry of Health provides healthcare services through a network of primary healthcare centers numbering 2,295 on 2012 located in both large cities and small towns. primary health care provide the service to all Saudi families who lived in catchment area and families of non Saudi who worked in government ,one of the most important advantages that assist in development of health system is provide free preventive service to all population without regard to nationalities . improvement of infra structure appeared clearly in last years and the number of hospitals increase to 435 among them 78% general hospital, 10% psychiatric hospital and 8% maternity and child hospital. On 2012 , number of beds increased to reach 35.825 beds ( 20.9 per 10000 of population) , 13.6% for pediatric ,13% for medical, 12% for maternity ,11 , 9% for surgical and 8% for ICU beds. 1 A lot of programs introduced to the PHC concentrated on preventive care include expanded immunization program which represent the most preventive program in the world, antenatal care, well baby and sexual transmitted disease. In addition to preventive care PHCs provide curative care, and it deal with some of emergency case, the secondary care which represented by hospitals cover the curative services. There is referral system between primary and secondary cases for consultation. Most of emergency cases shifted directly to the secondary cases through ambulance. Tertiary care provide for cases that need special care. Now there are five medical cities under construction. Organization and development of health services in SA reflected on population health and appeared clearly in most of health indicators like crude death rate about which reduced to 3.8/1000 compared with global average 7.9/1000 and neonatal mortality rate 16.2/1000 compared with global average 37/1000 and maternal mortal ity rate decreased to 1.4/10000 in 2010. 1 Development of health information system and establishment of statistics unit at all level of the health services is one of the first priorities at the current situation to achieve most benefit of consultation and save resources and time of medical staff and patients availability of automated health information system assist current situation of services and evaluate the treatment protocols. Health electronic surveillance network is recent electronic programs introduced by preventive department in ministry of health to improve surveillance of communicable disease. 3, 4 Source of financing are essential component for development of health system in each governments. More than 60% of health services in SA provided by MOH and the total expenditure on public health services come from the governments which funded through oil revenues and it represent of one of the most important disadvantages in health system in SA . The budgetary provision for the MOH has continued to increase from 5.1% of the national budget in 1992 to 8% in 2001.3 WHO statistics for 2008 indicate that the SA spentUS$621 per person on healthcare, of which 77.6% was paid for by the government and 16.3% was an out-of-pocket expenditure , the rapid growth in the population with high price of medication and new technology considerable cost pressure on the government in addition to high depletion of services in health care center that came from free-of-charge services which include medications and repeat unnecessary investigations . Also, growing a awareness about health increase the chall enges on funding of health services to accommodate with these increased in health care prices and to improve funding of healthcare in SA. 3, 5 Health insurance began in 2002, gradually increased of foreign employee in country was one of the most factor that accelerate introducing of health assurance, After improved living and increased economic. In 1960, only1.6% (63,400) of the population comprised non-Saudis, but in 2005, the number increased to reach 26.8% (6.33 million) consisted of non-Saudis. Health insurance implemented in various phase, millions of foreign workers in the country healthcare at privately owned for-profit facilities has been paid for either by the employer or by the individual. the total private sector spending on health, 68% is paid for by the employer in the form of health insurance premiums, direct payments to providers or cost of services provided at company-owned facilities , The government now plans to cover all Saudi citizens the transition to a national health program will decrease expenditure of governmental on health services and will improve health service later according to the high competi tion in the health insurance business, which increased by 57% in 2008 to a total of US$1.2 billion, compared with US$826 million in 2007. 5 Private health care sector has grown rapidly over past several years and expanding services to reach to 2168 medical center included hospitals and clinic center and 6974 pharmacy On 2012 and accounting for approximately 21% of all hospital beds on 2005.1 Another unique aspect of healthcare in Saudi Arabia is that every year the country serves more than 5 million pilgrims and visitors to the Holy Mosque in Makkah hajj and omera seasons on of the commonest challenges in face of MOH , In 2012, 69.8% of pilgrims came from outside Saudi Arabia, most of them came from endemic area . The country serves free health services to all hajjis according to the Saudi authorities. MOH assigned 22 hospitals and 165 primary care centers to serve pilgrims during the Hajj pilgrimage activities with more than 9 600 personnel, including physicians, nurses and other health personnel, engaged to work in these health centers. 1 Medical staff is a corner stone to develop health service in any health system, they communicate directly with patients and provide the service to them , unfortunately, most of professional staff in SA expatriates and some of them do not speak Arabic and have difficult communication with the patients, it represented one of defect in health system and effect directly on the health services that provided including health education that provided to the patients and community. Other factors such as a high staff turnover rates and leaving of skilled physicians from MOH center to a broad or to other private sectors in addition to shortage of number in some specialty all these factors effect on the services provided to population and increase the number of patients in waiting list in hospital.. the high number of graduation from medical effect on the quality of training and some of them didn’t have chance to proceed the training later .Studies on this subject have also noted problems related to a lack of management training and postgraduate qualifications among technical supervisors and mid-level regional managers , with the increase of medical college and increase number of graduation the shortage of Saudi staff still one of the common problem for health services in SA . On 2012 , Saudi physician constitute 21% (4331 male and 2185 female) and Saudi nurse 27% (11906 male and 19098 female) ., 58.7% of total medical staff constitutes by Saudi , 9119 Saudi doctors from total number of doctors in MOH 35.841. 45.875 Saudi nurse from total number of nurses 82948 and 1810 Saudi pharmacist from total number of pharmacist 2154. 1, 6, 7 Generally, Change in Life style during last decides effect on health state of community, pattern of disease changed from communicable diseases to non communicable disease. Saudi Arabia one of the highest prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the world in addition to high prevalence of other chronic diseases like hyper tension , heart disease and obesity. Cost of treatment of chronic diseases high and used for long period of time and sometimes have less effective. Around 7 billion riyal served for treatment of diabetes annually. MOH put a lot of plans and introduce many programs to control of these health problems. Premarital screening program one of the most important programs to reduce the prevalence of sickle cell anemia, thalasemia. It detects hepatitis B, C and AIDS to take early prevention tools. Also there is early screening program for DM and HTN to prevent complications. For maternity health there is program for screening of breast and cervical cancer one of the most important s creening programs for maternity health. In SA, road traffic accident appeared as the 1st cause of death in the country and reflected on expenditure of health service unfortunately, SA is the highest prevalence of RTA in the world, on 1430, 484805 road traffic accident registered by ministry of interior 6142 person lost by these accidents that’s mean more than 16 person lost every day in addition to 34605 injured during the same period some of them need treatment in intensive care unit for long time.7-8 Conclusions Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lies at the furthermost part of southwestern Asia and occupied area around 2,000,000 square kilometers and population around (27.563.432). Health system in Saudi Arabia provide free service to all citizen and employee of government .unfortunately, the free service have indirect effect on expenditure of resources in health system ,. Health system includes comprehensive services which started from primary health care center that covered all rural and urban area and provide preventive and curative services. 435 hospitals spread in the country to provide secondary and tertiary health care service. Five medical cities will support tertiary level of care in future . comprehensive health services reflect on health status of population and lead to decrease neonatal death rate and maternal mortality rate to level under than global average. The health services provided by other agencies like ministry of defense, ministry of interior and ministry of education in addition to private centers. Medical staff represents the most important issue in front of stakeholders. Despite of increase number of medical college, Saudi medical staff still under expectancy level and most of the health services provided by non Saudi. Quality of training in postgraduate must be improved to deal with a higher number of graduations from medical college. .there was a lot of programs introduced by MOH in last decides to the population and showed good impact on health, Expanded Program of Immunization represent the best preventive program and coverage of the immunization for some disease exceed on 99% and no notified for some targeted diseases of immunization like a polio. Premarital screening program provide a good counseling to decrease the case of Sickle Cell Anemia and thalasemia and also assist in control hepatitis B,C and AIDS Funding of health system depends on governments and MOH provide services to more than 60%of population. Currently, search for other source of fu nding is highest priority to compensate on the high expenditure of services and increased of price of technology and medications , health insurance one of the options to support health system after beginning of insurance of foreign employee and Saudi employee in private company . Life style change of Saudi population effect on health status generally, increase of prevalence of DM and HTN represent one of the 1st priority in front of health planner to reduce. RTA represents one of the highest prevalence in the world.. Development of electronic information connection all level of health care to assist medical staff to access all important information at any center and provide good option to reduce waste of resources. Finally to improve the health system need good analyses of the current situation and determines priorities of services in addition to concentrate on preventive measures and make good coordination with other agencies to provide good health service. Finally ,free health ser vices to Saudi citizen and comprehensive care in addition to introduced effective preventive programs are most positive issues in health system while the source of funding with shortage trained professional staff is the most negative points of health system that will need to improve in future. References: Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia. Health Statistical Year Book 1433-2012. Riyadh: Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 2012:33-89 Al -Mazrou Y. Prologue. In: Principles and practice of primary health care. Riyadh,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health, 1990:7-9. M. Al-Yousuf, TM. Akerelel and Y.Y. Al-Mazrou2, Organization of the Saudi health System, Eastern Mediterranean Hearth Journal, Vol. 8, Nos 4/5, 2002 M. Almalki,1,2 G. Fitzgerald 2 and M. Clark 2, Health care system in Saudi Arabia: an overview, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 17 No. 10 †¢ 2011 Amir A. Khaliq , The Saudi Healthcare System: A View from the Minaret , Wo r l d H e a lt h P o p u l at i o n †¢ V o l . 1 3 N o . 3 †¢ 2 0 1 2 Berhie G., Emergecing issues in health planning in Saudi Arabia: the effects of organization and development on the health care system, Social. Science. Med. Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 815-824, 1991 Zohair A. Sebai, Waleed A. Milaat, , Abdulmohsen A. Al-Zulaibani, health care services in Saudi Arabia : past ,present and future, Family Community Med. 2001 Sep-Dec; 8(3): 19–23. Ministry of interior, Saudi Arabia. Accident Statistical Year Book 1430. Riyadh: Ministry of intreior, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 1430:37-50
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Harry Elmer Barnes :: essays research papers
In 1952, Harry Elmer Barnes wrote a timely article, "How 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' Trends Threaten American Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity" as the final chapter of the classic revisionist anthology, Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. Barnes analyzed George Orwell's classic novel as a work of prophecy and sounded the alarm to reverse the "1984" trends prevalent in the America of his day. Barnes argued that propagandists and "court historians" were fashioning a present, based on a falsified and inaccurate telling of the past, that was designed to meet Establishment desires to participate in world wars. Ironically,Barnes' article was omitted from the first edition the collection.(1) Barnes may be best remembered as the author of the generally accepted definition of "revisionism," "Revisionism means nothing more or less than the effort to correct the historical record in the light of a more complete collection of historical facts, a more calm political atmosphere, and a more objective attitude." (2) Barnes had discovered that a more nearly accurate version of the history of the First World War was only possible after the fighting had ended and the emotional excesses had lessened. He was unable to predict that similar corrections of Allied propaganda and popularized conceptions of the methods of warfare in the Second World War would meet even sterner resistance. Today - half a century after the conclusion of the Second World War - it would be fair to expect a less emotional environment, one in which historians, researchers and writers were free to examine the actual causes of the war as well as the atrocities committed by both sides in the conflict. However, those and other topics are more forbidden than ever with the greatest taboo surrounding analysis of the fate of Europe's Jews and others in what has come to be known as the Holocaust. In 1950, three years prior to Barnes' article concerning "1984" trends another author, Ray Bradbury, set out a foreboding vision of the future in a short story titled, "The Fireman." Later, Bradbury's story would be renamed Fahrenheit 451 after the temperature at which paper burns. Fahrenheit 451 describes a horrific future in which millions of books are banned and firemen set fires instead of extinguishing them. In order to maintain a society of brainwashed, "happy" people, the firemen kick down doors and burn the hated volumes along with the homes that housed them. Barnes would never have suspected how fast the world would progress from the "1984" trends he identified to the trends Bradbury identified in Fahrenheit 451(3).
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A Guide to Internet Privacy Laws and Ethics Essay
With information systems, privacy deals with the collection and use or misuse of data More and more information on all of us is being collected, stored, used, and shared among organizations Who owns this information and knowledge? Privacy is a status wherein an individual can work on his/her information in seclusion, resulting in a selective revelation of one’s identity and information. Privacy can mean anonymity in case a person wants to remain unidentified. Privacy can also be related to the security aspect of an individual or information. The definitions of privacy can differ across individuals and cultures. The invasion of privacy can be avoided by the issue of privacy laws. Internet Privacy and Ethics Using the Internet often comprises the use of social networking sites, email facilities and the browse of various other websites. Internet privacy comes on the scene when it comes to website users giving out their personal details on the Internet. For certain websites, which facilitate online shopping, the users are made to input their credit card numbers. In case of emailing sites, there are issues about whether third parties should be allowed to store or read emails without informed consent. Whether or not, the third parties should be permitted to track the visitors on a website, is another major privacy concern. The other important Internet privacy issue is whether the sites that gather personally identifiable information from the users should store or share it. Internet privacy can be considered as a subset of computer privacy. Computer privacy consists of the data privacy relating to the avoidance of the improper disclosure of the personally identifiable information collected and stored by websites. The effective sharing of data while protecting the private information is the real challenge. Privacy and the Internet * Huge potential for privacy invasion on the Internet * E-mail messages * Visiting a Web site * Buying products over the Internet * Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P): screening technology * Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), 1998: requires privacy policies and parental consent * Potential dangers on social networking Web sites E-Mail Privacy * Federal law permits employers to monitor e-mail sent and received by employees * E-mail messages that have been erased from hard disks can be retrieved and used in lawsuits * Use of e-mail among public officials might violate â€Å"open meeting†laws Computer Matching is a mass surveillance technique involving the comparison of data about many people, which has been acquired from multiple sources. Its use offers potential benefits, particularly financial savings. It is also error-prone, and its power results in threats to established patterns and values. The imperatives of efficiency and equity demand that computer matching be used, and the information privacy interest demands that it be used only where justified, and be subjected to effective controls Computer matching is the comparison of machine-readable records containing personal data relating to many people, in order to detect cases of interest. The technique is called ‘computer matching’ in the United States, and ‘data matching’ in Australia and Canada. Although the latter term is perhaps more usefully descriptive, the United States term is more common in the literature, and is used in this paper. The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act The Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act of 1988 (5 U.S.C. 552a(o) et seq.) amended the Privacy Act by describing the manner in which computer matching involving Federal agencies could be performed and by adding certain protections for individuals applying for and receiving Federal benefits. As amended by the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act, the Privacy Act requires Federal agencies involved in computer matching programs to: Negotiate written agreements with the other agency or agencies participating in the matching programs; Obtain the relevant Data Integrity Boards’ approval of the match agreements; Furnish detailed reports about matching programs to Congress and OMB; Notify applicants and beneficiaries that their records are subject to matching; and Verify match findings before reducing, suspending, terminating, or denying an individual’s benefits or payments. Though the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act certainly involves detailed procedures, including obscure ‘Data Integrity Boards,’ it is probably most notable for the fact that it institutionalizes sharing of data among federal government agencies. Information collected for one purpose may be used for different purposes by a different federal agency. Though integrity and fairness seem assured by the Act, privacy is not. Flaming also known as bashing, is hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users, often involving the use of profanity. Flaming usually occurs in the social context of an Internet forum, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Usenet, by e-mail, game servers such as Xbox Live or PlayStation Network, and on video-sharing websites. It is frequently the result of the discussion of heated real-world issues such as politics, religion, and philosophy, or of issues that polarise subpopulations, but can also be provoked by seemingly trivial differences Spam is most often considered to be electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings. Some people define spam even more generally as any unsolicited email. However, if a long-lost brother finds your email address and sends you a message, this could hardly be called spam, even though it is unsolicited. Real spam is generally email advertising for some product sent to a mailing list or newsgroup.
Friday, November 8, 2019
birth and death of a star essays
birth and death of a star essays The night sky, unimaginably deep, is a breathtaking sight. Some three thousand stars can be seen with the naked eye, twinkling points of light that have inspired the human spirit since the dawn of time. Study of the stars, based on data collected from visible-light telescopes, radio telescopes, and detectors wavelengths can now reveal extraordinary amounts of information: size, temperature, chemical composition, internal structure, distance and rotation rate, among other factors. One of the most important discoveries that scientists and astronomers have made is mapping out the life cycle of a star. Little by little, they have discovered all the different stages of a star; from its birth to its eventual death. As giant molecular clouds orbit the center of a galaxy, they are tugged by gravitational and magnetic fields. How fast their constituent particles move depends on their temperatures: the colder the cloud, the slower the particles. Fast moving particles resist collapsing together, and so stars can form only in the dense cores of cold clouds. Typically, these clouds are only about 15 degrees above absolute zero. Periodically, the clouds begin to collapse. The trigger mechanisms for such collapses are thought to be collision between giant molecular clouds or entry onto galactic spiral arms. Both of these occurrences set up compression waves within the cloud, which cause isolated regions to become so dense that gravity overwhelms all other processes and the could collapses. These isolated regions can often contain enough mass to create several hundred stars of similar mass to the sun. They are known as Barnard objects, and often appear as black regions in front of stars. Sometimes regions with emission nebulas reach the appropriate density and collapse. These appear as round, black bubble within the glowing gas. They are referred to as Bok globules. As Barnard objects and Bok globules collapse, isolat...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Cooper Industries Corporate Strategy Essay Example
Cooper Industries Corporate Strategy Essay Example Cooper Industries Corporate Strategy Essay Cooper Industries Corporate Strategy Essay Q1. What is Cooper’s corporate scheme Cooper Industries’ chief corporate scheme is wide variegation through M A ; A. Cooper Industries acquired houses in order to decrease its dependance on cyclical natural gas industry and to exhibit stable net incomes. Cooper Industries acquired houses that had stable earning, a wide client base and proved fabrication operations utilizing well-known engineerings. Cooper Industries had a good corporate degree scheme of variegation. Copper Industries acquired both related and non-related concerns. As a consequence, Cooper Industries could exhibit stable net incomes. Reasons for Cooper’s variegation Menaces of its original industry: Low growing degree Unstable market ( cyclic ) Technology Issues Expensive labour and high costs. Cooper’s strengths: Skilled labour and high engineering that could be used in other concerns Financially abundant. In order to forbear from possible menaces and maximise its strengths, Cooper chose to diversify its concern both in size and range. By variegation, Cooper could accomplish: Update of procedures and equipment Retain of Brand power Retain of skilled labour and consolidated workss Retain of inexpensive labour and capital ( by traveling to Southern country ) Overall, Cooper’s corporate degree scheme can be regarded every bit good because it adds value in assorted ways. Cooper could derive market power and economic systems of range by related variegation By related variegation and perpendicular integrating, Cooper could cut down costs of primary goods and support activities below competitory degree. Cooper could besides develop and work economic systems of range by: Uniting duplicate merchandise lines to one division. Apologizing fabrication installations to shut underutilized workss. Consolidating gross revenues and selling plans to assist develop a incorporate market individuality. Uniting gross revenues members from other companies to advance efficiency. Q2. How does it make value? Cooper besides created value by: Geting houses that exhibit stable net incomes and counter-cyclical to those Cooper Industries had. ( e.g. Invested in the electrical concern in late 70’s ) Acquiring houses with high quality merchandises and houses that were market leaders. Concentrating on merchandises that served basic demands and were manufactured by proved engineerings so that Cooper gained consistent net incomes from stable markets with predictable growing. Transfering proved patterns around the company instead than utilizing outside advisers. Experience and judgement of senior direction staffs. Cooper Industries’ cardinal resources Structural behaviours Experienced direction executives. Cash flow is king believing – implementing attending to working capital. Bottom-up strategic programs Centralized activities among divisions. Skilled labour and capital Cooper had skilled labour and capital with low costs. Acquisition-related facets Cooper had strict guidelines for geting houses Cooper conducted systematic supervising over acquired houses. Cooper’s construction Chief Executive Officer Cizik, three Senior Vice Presidents who manage Administration, Finance and Manufacturing services, and three Executive Vice Presidents who manage each division: Electrical A ; Electronic, Commercial A ; Industrial and Compression A ; Drilling. Central control over corporate policy but delegated daily operating determinations to each operating unit. Senior direction is composed of former operators so that it knew what were good determinations to do. Cooper maintained a st rong union-avoidance policy. Cooper’s inducements Executives were paid wages based on the Hay system. Their fillips were 20~40 % of base wages. Division directors had a fillip determined by Corporate Administration and EVP’s discretion. Cardinal directors were granted stock options. When Cooper acquired a house, disposal adjusted wage graduated tables to the same as other Cooper divisions. Cooper besides adopted its standard benefits for medical insurance and pensions for new acquisitions. Cooper’s rating Evaluation was based on Management Development A ; Planning ( MD A ; P ) MD A ; P evaluated organisational effectivity and single strengths and failings by concentrating on the public presentation of cardinal directors. Employees were reviewed by their supervisors. Each EVP conducted one-year reappraisals of all directors in the division. MD A ; P uncovered bing or possible direction spreads and identified people worthy of publicity. It besides distinguished campaigners for interdivisional transportations, which is a cardinal resource for Cooper Industry. Q3. Should Cooper get Champion Spark Plugs? Why or Why non? Cooper should get Champion Spark Plugs Champion was making automotive industry, which was profitable concern and related to Cooper’s concerns. Champion had a strategic tantrum with Cooper’s long term programs such as variegation. Champion Spark Plugs fits good with Cooper’s acquisition guidelines for Diversification. Stable net incomes and gaining forms that are countercyclical to those Cooper had. ( Little lessening in gross revenues, nevertheless, occurred yearly ) Although Champion suffered from diminutions in gross revenues, Champion was recognized worldwide and was a market leader in the flicker stopper market. Champion had an internationally recognized trade name name. Overall, Champion was enduring from worsening demands in spark stopper market at the clip of the coup detat conflict. Champion was seeking to perforate the automotive tool concern in malice of its hapless engineering degree. So, in order for both Champion and Cooper to do more net incomes, Cooper should get Champion. Champion and Cooper can both fulfill each other’s demands. While Champion can utilize Cooper’s experience and skilled labour to perforate the automotive tool concern, Cooper can utilize Champion’s world-widely recognized trade name name to research abroad markets.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Outsourcing - Essay Example The location comes into it when the third party operates from beyond the borders making it off shore outsource process. The process of off shore on the other hand pertains to relatively large scale hand over of resources and other functions. There are number of salient features to this concept and these include restoring function, crisis management, economic utility, broader options and variety of field selection. The potential downsides to it include more hassle of handling the global operations, ensuring for overall safety of operations and other potential embezzlements and privacy breaches. The given concepts do bring along trends of cross cultural interaction as well. India in this regard serves as a hub towards the growing outsourced market. India’s I.T based sector is seeing a gradual expansion in this regard. Business Process Outsourcing’ (BPO) is another generic concept which pertains to the outsource practices in numerous disciplines. It entails the business engagement activities between the stakeholders. (Sharma 2004). Another understanding of BPO is making use of the modern techniques and technology for an overall better output yield. BPO stands distinctive from the generally prevailing off shore outsource process. Application Service Provider’ (ASP) is an aided tool in the entire process where BPO entails a whole set of digital system including state of the art web browsers and other online databases. Incorporating BPO against ASP brings about element of risk to the incumbent organization in authority. The outsourced entities and domains within the organizations that are subjected to the practices of outsource and off shore business ventures include the ones that are in front line of action in the organization, namely the information system based networks, the human resource aspect which brings about the cultural context, the financial handling aspect. In short the BPO enables keeping a regular check upon
Friday, November 1, 2019
Health Promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Health Promotion - Essay Example It has been seen that the period of adolescence is like a conversion phase which brings unpredictable emotional sufferings, and it takes a shape of depreciation and anxiety. Similarly like young adults, middle aged people also suffer from severe mental disorders because women and men in their mid life think themselves as a old generation who have difference needs and choices than the younger ones, thus in many cases they feel a sense of loneliness and ignorance. During the age of 50, people experience transitions and changes in their decision regarding work and life balance, death of older parents and children growing up and creating their separate lifestyle. It is the when men and women find that their taste and preferences are changing, mood swings, anxiety about spouse and children. Mental issues should be resolved before it creates any serious situation and life risk. This part of the project includes the reason behind carrying out the project. This research has been undertaken to understand about the difficult part of human psychology and the various mental disorders that are faced by young adults and middle aged people. The research has mainly focused on the population of UK. Participants are residents of UK and the target groups are young adults who belong to the age group of 14-25 and middle aged people. Several questions and approaches have been taken for the intervention process. Different types of mental disorders and theories of health promotion have been discussed in the project. This project will be useful for general public to understand about mental health disorders and it will also be helpful for future researchers to understand the concept. Aim of the research is to create various policies for several mental disorders that are affecting the young adults and the middle aged people throughout the world. It also aims to create
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Trademark Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Trademark Assignment - Essay Example The definition and nature of the tort of passing off as well as the protection accorded the registration of a trademarks will best illustrate the significance of passing off since the introduction of the registered trademark system. This paper is therefore divided into two parts. The first part of this paper is committed to the definition and nature of the tort of passing off. The second part of this paper will examine the trademark registration system and will analyse how it runs parallel to the tort of passing off. I. The Tort of Passing Off A. Definition and Essential Elements of Passing Off Passing off is a common law concept created by judges. Lord Parker’s definition of passing off in Spalding v Gammage (1915) sets out the general significance of an action for passing off. Lord Parker defined passing off as a prohibition against the representation of one’s goods as those of another.3 A more detailed definition of passing off is provided in the Advocaat case in whi ch Lord Diplock’s definition encapsulates the essential elements of passing off. In this regard, passing off is required to be made by virtue of a misrepresentation. This misrepresentation must be made by a business trader operating in the course of his business dealings. The misrepresentation must also be made to consumers with respect to the goods and services provided by the trader. The misrepresentation must be such that it is designed to bring about harm to the goodwill or the business of a comparative business. The misrepresentation must bring about actual damages to the goodwill of business or must be likely to bring about damages.4 The essential elements of passing off which ultimately defines the tort of passing off are more particularly delineated in the House of Lords decision in Reckitt and Colman Ltd. v Borden (1990). In this case, the House of Lords described what has come to be known as the classic trinity. The classic trinity sets out the three essential eleme nts that the claimant relying on the tort of passing off must prove. First the claimant must demonstrate that the claimants services or goods have established a reputation or goodwill that separates those goods or services from comparable goods or services. Secondly, there must be evidence that the defendant misrepresented his/her goods or services with the result that it creates confusion in that the goods or services offered by the defendant are mistaken for those of the claimant. Finally, there must be evidence that the claimant is likely to incur damages as a result of the misrepresentation.5 It therefore follows that that definition and the essential elements of passing off was trimmed down by the House of Lords in the Reckitt case to encapsulate three factors. What can be gleaned from the definition and essential elements of passing off is that it aimed at protecting the reputation attached to a trade mark rather than the mark itself. This aspect of the tort of passing off is demonstrative of its significance since the introduction of the trade mark registration system. Essentially, registration protects the mark whereas a parallel right of action exists in protection of the reputation and goodwill attached to the trademark. Therefore an unregistered trademark remains
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Baskivilles so sucessful over 100 years after it was written Essay Example for Free
The Baskivilles so sucessful over 100 years after it was written Essay The fast dynamic is emphasised by the exclamation marks, the short, snappy sentences and the abundance of commas. These three factors also add a lot of suspense to the book. This pacey style to the book was something that was unique in Victorian Times and has become more common in the modern day but because of Arthur Conan Doyles unique writing style it is a book that stands out from the other and is still loved today. As Doctor Watson is the main character it brings out a rather mean and arrogant side to Homes that has not been seen in any of the previous books. This may be because Arthur Conan Doyle by this time (his fifth Sherlock homes book) was so sick of writing Sherlock Homes books that he decided to make him a mean man in order to decrease his popularity in the hope that he would not have to write any more. This contrast to his other books gives the reader a different interest and another portal to explore, thus ironically making the novel popular for all readers. An example of Homes arrogance is seen near the start of the book when Homes says to Watson It may be that you yourself are not luminous, but you are yourself a conductor of light. This rather subtle insult means that Dr Watson gets it so wrong all the time that it helps Sherlock Homes get to the correct answer by a process of elimination. However, ironically Sherlock Homes gets vital things in the book wrong giving him a hypocritical side after he criticised Dr. Watson for always getting things wrong. An example of Sherlock Homes getting it wrong was when he misinterpreted the thickness of the fog putting Sir Henrys in life danger after he was used as bait to draw the hound in. The set is also very important in the success of the book. Dartmoor is unfamiliar countryside that was very similar in 1902. The similarity in Dartmoor between 1902 and the modern day gives both readers a sense of reality and makes the book more realistic, even in the modern day. The unfamiliar, gloomy and mysterious setting of Dartmoor makes it a good place to hide the hound. The many caves and cliff faces also make it easy for the Hound to be hidden and this gives the book another sense of believability. The novel relies heavily on the people of the moor being superstitious and believing in supernatural events. For example the hound itself is believed to be a figure of imagination and superstition. Many people in 1902 were heavily superstitious but nowadays superstition is around in a much milder form. For example many people suffer from Triskaidekaphobia (the fear of the number thirteen) but it has never caused much harm to anyone. But because superstition is still around it makes the supernatural events in the book intriguing and believable thus contributing to the overall success of the book. Overall I feel that the main reasons why The Hound of the Baskervilles is still so successful is because of the reputation of the author Arthur Conan Doyle and the fact that his legacy has been passed down though families. I also feel that his unique writing style makes this particular book stand out from books written by other authors and published at a similar time. His unique writing style adds suspense, drama, unpredictability and believability and I feel that these are the crucial factors in why The Hound of the Baskervilles is so successful over 100 years after it was written. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Irony in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Pride and Prejudice
Irony in Pride and Prejudice Critics have examined Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, since its creation. In this novel, Austen uses and irony to produce a masterpiece. Austen opens the novel with what appears to be a sarcastic sentence. She writes, "IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" (Austen 5). Most readers think of this as humorous and quite laughable. It does not necessarily follow that a man with a large fortune is searching for a wife. However, by the end of the first page, the reader may find himself asking, "Was Austen being sarcastic or was she simply stating a fact?" In Pride and Prejudice, the opening sentence is merely a fact. The text presents two men with large fortunes. Moreover, the end of the novel unites both men "of a good fortune" with wives. Austen sealed their ends. What appears mere sarcasm becomes ironic when one realizes "IT is a truth universally acknowledged." The first character to express sarcasm and irony is Mr. Bennett. Austen brings forth the irony of her opening thesis in his sarcastic speech. The opening dialogue between Mr. Bennett and his wife is a worthy example. She comments on a man leasing a piece of property, Netherfield Park. Mr. Bennett shows very little interest in her story. His disinterest perturbs her and she asks him if he wants to know who has rented the property. He replies "You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it" (5). She remarks that the man is "a young man of large fortune" (5). Aside from asking his name, the first thing Mr. Bennett wants to know about this man is: "Is he married or single?" "Oh single my dear, to be sure! A single man of large... ...e seems like utter stupidity to the reader. Yet the most important irony is the irony between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. As the novel progresses, Darcy and Elizabeth put away their pride and prejudice to unite in marriage. Also, Mr. Darcy mutates from the villain to the hero as Wickham goes from hero to villain. Finally, Austen's use of authorial intrusion adds a final touch of sarcasm and irony that completes the novel.  WORKS CITED Brower, Reuben A. "Light and Bright and Sparkling: Irony and Fiction in Pride and Prejudice." Ed. Donald Gray. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1966. 374-388. Mudrick, Marvin. "Irony as Dicrimination: Pride and Prejudice." Ed. Donald Gray. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1966. 388-409. Wright, Andrew H. "Feeling and Complexity in Pride and Prejudice." Ed. Donald Gray. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1966. 410-420.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Jailbreaking an iPod, IPhone, or Ipad Essay -- ios device, cydia
By jailbreaking an iPod, iPhone, iPad, jailbreakers can have more access to an IOS device than a person who owns an unmodified IOS device. I’m going to explain what jailbreak is? When people hear the word jailbreak, they will first think of the traditional jailbreaking which is where convicts escape from a heavy security area like a prison, but that is not the case in today’s modern world of IOS devices also known as idevices. Jailbreaking in electronic terms is where people with knowledge of IOS technology use public software provided by white hat hackers to get access into any compatible device of Apple. Jay Freeman explains how jailbreaking works by the â€Å"removal of the older files of BSD Subsystem†which means that in order to gain jailbreak access, it removes the installed BSD subsystem (UNIX utilities) found on the idevice to replace them with new BSD files that came packaged with a jailbreaking software to install Cydia. (Freeman) You might be wondering, who Jay Freeman (a.k.a Saurik) is and what is a Cydia? He is the creator of Cydia which is an open source app store to give users access to add tweaks such as savegram, f.lux or plugication onto a jailbroken idevice which it makes it an alternative to Apple’s App store which is more closed source since it has no modifications with limited customization by user interactions. By having Cydia installed after a jailbreak, it allows users to search for tweaks by default sources or any installed sources because each day, developers upload new tweaks to sources and if a user has the same source, then Cydia will can show a feed of new uploaded sources. People who use Instagram don’t have the option to save pictures found on Instagram, but with help of savegram, they can which makes... ...orbes Magazine, 27 Dec. 2013. Web. 12 May 2014. . Lee, Timothy. "Jailbreaking now legal under DMCA for smartphones, but not tablets." Ars Technica. Conde Nast Digital, 25 Oct. 2012. Web. 12 May 2014. . Russell, Kyle. "10 Ways Jailbreaking Your iPhone Will Make Life Better." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 29 May 2013. Web. 12 May 2014. . Titlow, Joyn Paul. "12 Really Good Reasons To Jailbreak iOS 6 Right Now."ReadWrite. Ascio Technologies, Inc, 8 Jan. 2013. Web. 12 May 2014. .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Child Rearing Practices Essay
A relationship between a parent and a child begins the day the child is born. First, the child has many powerful gifts to offer to his parents. His unqualified love, absolute trust, emotions and thrill to discover revolves all around the parents from the day he is born. As the parent, you have many gifts to offer your child in return. Some are subtle, but all are very powerful. Giving them will make you a good parent. Receiving them will help your child become a healthy, happy, capable individual. Your unconditional love, self-esteem, values and traditions, joy, health, secure surroundings and skills will help your child grown into a healthy adult someday. Many parents know a lot more about parenting than they give themselves credit for. You spent years observing your own parents and other families. All your instinctive responses will help you be a giving parent. In today’s society things have become very complex when raising children. Sometimes parents benefit by education from pediatricians and other parents. They are concerned and interested in helping when issues may seem frustrating. As you receive advice remember that some is valuable but not all of it. One of the ways to protect your child is from advice that may not suit your need or family. You will know what is best for you and your child and what works! One of the ways your child shows you her love is by imitating you. This is also a way she learns how to behave, develop new skills, and take care of herself. From a very early age she watches you and shows this through her behavior. Your examples become permanent images, which will shape her attitude and actions the rest of her life. Setting a good example for your child means you must be responsible, loving, and consistent with her. Setting a good example also means taking care of yourself. As a parent, it is hard to lose sight of your needs. That’s a mistake! Your child depends on you to be physically and emotionally healthy. When you take care of yourself you are showing your child that you have self-esteem, which is important for the both of you. The healthier and happier you keep yourself, the better it will be for the both of you since your child ultimately patterns some of her habits after your own. A child needs to be shown that they are loved. Giving is more than just saying it. Your child doesn’t understand the words unless you show her. Show your child how much you care and love them by being affectionate and relaxed. Give plenty of physical contact such as hugging and kissing. Take time to show them by singing and playing. Listen to your child and watch as they respond to you. This will show your affection and make your child feel safe and secure. One of the skills you teach your child is to communicate. Her communication starts when she is just a baby and watches and listens to you. It is important to communicate with all family members since your child watches and listens to your interactions with others. You must express yourself and encourage your child to be open with you. Look to see if she has changes in her behavior that are affecting her negatively. The more sensitive and honest you are the more your child will feel comfortable with you and will have no problem communicating. As parents we realize that the journey of raising a child is the most wonderful and exciting time of our life. It will have many up and downs, times of joy and times of sadness. It is important that the responsibilities of parenthood become easier and a lot more fun. I hope a few of my recommendations will help you along your wonderful journey of parenthood!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essays
Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essays Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essay Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essay Abstrak Taufiq Ismail merupakan sosok yang mempunyai bakat dalam memberikan pemasukan. Pemasukan-pemasukan tersebut diekpresikannya lewat puisi-puisi yang Iowa tulis. Pada umumnya Taufiq mengarang puisi dalam konteks bernafaskan politik dan agama. Puisi-puisi yang bersangkut paut dengan politik, khususnya tahun 1960an, sering dikritik oleh Taufiq Ismail karena pada zaman tersebutlah Republik Indonesia mengalami krisis ; seperti, PKI dan perubahan orde lama ke orde baru. Dengan adanya aspirasi keagamaan, menunjukkan kita bahwasannya Taufiq Ismail merupakan Pongo pygmaeus yang taat dan teguh dalam memeluk keimanan. Aspirasi politik dan agama tersebut sering dikaitkan kedalam puisi-puisinya agar kita sebagai pembaca atau pendengar dapat mengkaitkan kritiknya dengan posisi kita dalam seseorang yang menganuti ajaran agma. Puisi-puisinya juga terkadang terbentuk dalam sebuah nasehat. Pada umumnya, puisi yang bersifat nasehat terdapat unsur-unsur keagamaan demi membuat kita tersentuh akan saran dan pendapat yang Iowa berikan. Dalam pembuatan puisi, pemilihan kata yang tepat seperti kata kita sering digunakan demi membuat suasana cosmopolitan dan nyata. Ada pula rima yang bersamaan demi membuat puisi lebih bermakna. Banyak kata-kata figuratif yang digunakan oleh Taufiq seperti halnya Gayatri yang mengartikan reinkarnasi akan semangat untuk melanjutkan perjuangan. Penulisan puisi yang cukup jenius ini memberikan kita sebagai pembaca atau pendengar minat untuk mengamatinya serta memberikan kita inspirasi. Pada dasarnya, esai ini merangkupi analisa terhadap karangan Taufiq Ismail yang berunsur politik dan agama yang terbentuk dalam puisi. Terdapat kata pengantar yang member penjelasan tentang Taufiq Ismail dan karangannya yang akan di bahas, Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence Dari analisa tersebut sendiri, dan kesimpulan atas analisa dari puisi-puisi itu. Analisa ini Akan setidaknya memberi gambaran atas bagaimana seorang Taufiq Ismail membuat puisi dalam konteks kea gamaan dan politik. KATA PENGANTAR Taufiq Ismail ialah seorang penyair yang lahir di Bukittinggi pada tanggal 25 Juni, 1935. Sosok kelulusan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan di Universitas Indonesia ini lebih dikenal sebagai penyair yang unik atas karangan-karangannya yang bernafaskan politik dan agama. Semangat untuk menjadi penyair diawali dengan rasa cinta untuk membaca lembaran-lembaran puisi karangan orang sebelumnya dan juga sejarah, politik, dan agama. Karya-karya Taufiq banyak mendapatkan penghargaan Dari negeri sendiri maupun negeri luar: penghargaannya diatara lain ialah, Anugerah Seni Dari Pemerintah ( 1970 ) , Cultural Visit Award Pemerintah Australia ( 1977 ) , South East Asia Write Award dari Kerajaan Thailand ( 1994 ) , Penulisan Karya Sastra Dari Pusat Bahasa ( 1994 ) . Dua kali ia menjadi penyair tamu di Universitas Iowa, Amerika Serikat ( 1971-1972 dan 1991-1992 ) , lalu pengarang tamu di Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur ( 1993 ) [ 1 ] . Taufiq Ismail merupakan seseorang yang mempunyai aspirasi politi k dengan rasa nasionalisme yang cukup kuat disertai keimanan sebagai umat Islam yang teguh. Atas karakteristik yang Iowa miliki, Taufiq pun memberi pendapatnya melewati puisi-puisi yang dikarangnya. Keunikannya inilah yang mengantarnya untuk mendapatkan penghargaan-penghargaan tersebut. Banyak contoh-contoh puisi yang menunjukan rasa nasionalisme yang dapat membangun semangat akan citra bangsa dengan gambaran kondisi yang sedang dialami pada Masa tertentu. Banyak juga contoh-contoh puisi yang mempunyai unsur-unsur keagamaan. Contoh-contoh puisinya dapat ditemukan di kumpulan puisi Tirani dan Benteng . Puisi-puisi dalam rangkuman Tirani dan Benteng dikarang pada tahun 1960an dimana Indonesia pada saat tersebut sedang mengalami banyak krisis. Kata tirani datang Dari kata tiran dalam Indonesian Yunani yang bermakna seorang aristokrat pada rain tree dahulu di Yunani. Pada waktu 1960an, terjadi perubahan Dari orde lama ke orde baru. Taufiq Ismail wordplay banyak menunjukan komentar nya Dari sudut aspirasi kepolitikannya dan juga dikaitkan dengan unsur-unsur keagamaan. Bagaimanakah Taufiq Ismail dapat menunjukan sudut pandangnya tersebut kedalam puisi sehingga pembaca dapat mengambil kesimpulan tentang keadaan dan kondisi pada saat tersebut? Disinilah dimana puisi-puisi Taufiq dapat dianalisa untuk mengetahui mengapa kita sebagai pembaca dapat merasakan semangat di dalam jiwa sang penyair terhadap kondisi pada zamannya. Akan ada terbagi dalam tiga bagian: puisi-puisi yang bergerak pada bidang politik, puisi yang bergerak pada bidang politik, dan puisi yang bergerak pada bidang politik dan agama. Dengan adanya pembagian ini, akan lebih terlihat jelas makna dari unsur-unsur politik dan agama yang ingin disampaikan Taufiq. CONTOH PUISI YANG BERGERAK PADA BIDANG POLITIK Salah satu contoh puisi yang mempunyai sifat pada bidang kepolitikan dapat dilihat di dalam rangkuman Tirani . Puisi tersebut ialah Sebuah Jaket Berlumur Darah dan puisi tersebut berbunyi: Ada penggunan diksi atau tata Indonesian yang unik. Menurut saya, kata-kata seperti Kami, mereka, dan semuanya bersifat universal. Ia membuat puisi ini menjadi bagian Dari masyarakat-masyarakat pada rain tree tersebut. Puisi ini seolah-olah berbicara untuk persepsi yang luas dan bermasyarakat. Jaket berlumur darah menunjukkan sebuah perjuangan yang menumpahkan darah dilanjutkan dengan kalimat kami semua menatapmu yang bermakna harapan. Kata jaket mengartikan alma mater parity mahasiswa dan darah mengindikasikan sifat Dari perjuangan. Duka yang agung dan kepedihan bertahun-tahun menunjukkan bahwasannya mereka telah lama menahan rasa sakit yang sangat dalam ; rasa tersiksa. Kata bertahun-tahun memberitahukan kita bahwa kejadian ini tercipta bertahun sebelum pemberontakkan terjadi, 1966. Dengan kata lain, tahun sebelumnya, 1965, ada persitiwa yang telah menyakitkan hati parity masyarakat ; peristiwa tersebut ialah ganyang PKI. Salah satu tokoh yang dapat menyimbolisasikan jaket berlumur darah ialah A.R. Hakim yang tertembak di saat pemberontakkan terjadi. Di come-on kedua, pendapat saya ialah sungai itu menyibolisasikan aparat keamanan. Mereka menahan parity mahasiswa untuk mencari kebebasan. Satu bukti bahwa sungai itu ialah aparat adalah mereka berlapis senjata dan sangkur baja . Sang penyair wordplay membuat parity pendengar atau pembaca untuk berpikir tentang kejadian apabila mereka tengah mundur dan meninggalkan perjuangan mereka selama ini ; mereka akan mematuhi peraturan yang tidak adil . Taufiq wordplay lalu membuat pernyataan di come-on berikutnya bahwasannya mereka telah menatap spanduk-spanduk yang berisi tentang ajakan untuk melawan pemerintahan. Disambung pada come-on berikutnya dimana penyair menyatakan spanduk atau slogan-slogan ajakan untuk memberntas ketidak adilan societal di pemerintahan ini telah tersebar luas ; melalui ocular maupun verbal. Namun yang unik Dari puisi ini ialah puisi ini diakhiri dengan ajakan LANJUTKAN PERJUANGAN! yang berarti mereka, walaupun risau dah gelisah serta merasa tertekan, tetap melanjutkkan perjuangannya untuk membentuk pemerintahan yang lebih baik. Kalimat ini dengan sengaja dikapitalisasikan atau dihuruf besarkan dengan tujuan memberi penegasan atau tekanan kepada parity pembaca atau pendengar bahwa mereka harus tetap melanjutkan perjuangan dan tidak menyerah begitu saja walaupun mereka berlumurkan darah maupun gugur. Alma Mater merupakan simbolisasi akan mahasiswa. Kalimat pertama merupakan pemberian semangat kepada mahasiswa yang berada di tengah demonstrasi epoch reformasi. Dari puisi ini, dapat di lihat bait per come-on bahwasannya sang penyair memberi semangat kepada rekan-rekan mahasiswa agar tetap tegar walau salat satu Dari mereka telah gugur. Sebagai tanda penjelasan yang lebih, ada pula potongan dari come-on pertama dimana dinyatakan menuju pemakaman ; siang ini memberi petunjuk untuk pembaca atau pendengar agar kita dapat mengidentifikasikan salat satu Dari mereka telah gugur. Sebagaimana telah dijelaskan, ada kemungkinan bahwa seseorang yang gugur tersebut ialah A.R. Hakim. Terletak di come-on ke dua, anakmu yang berani ; telah tersungkur ke bumi ; ketika melawan tirani memberi isyarat bahwa kepada orang tua daripada anak tersebut untuk tetap tegar karena anaknya wafat sebagai seorang pahlawan. Kata tirani menunjukkan kita bahwa Si anak tersebut melawan seorang aristokrat yang bertindak seperti penguasa besar karena kata tirani yang berdasarkan Dari Tiran merupakan seorang aristokrat yang cukup berkuasa di rain tree yunani kuno. Pada kesimpulannya, puisi ini menceritakan bagaimana seorang mahasiswa yang tengah memperjuangkan keadilan dengan melawan American ginseng tirani dan lalu gugur. Pengunaan rima yang sama pada come-on kedua seperti berani, bumi, dan tirani dapat memberikan sebuah sentuhan akan perasaan agar makna puisi dapat lebih ditangkap. Puisi di atas melukiskan kejadian demostrasi parity mahasiswa. Terjadi di saat pagi hari tiba, jalan parity mahasiswa wordplay diblokir. Kita sebagai pembaca dapat mengethaui bahwa jalannya telah diblokir Dari potongan kalimat barikade yang telah di oryx . Ketika itu langit pucat ; di atas harmoni membuat seolah-olah mereka yang datang untuk mencari keharmonisan dan lalu diricaukan oleh aparat yang ditetapkan oleh tirani . Di come-on kedua, telah di beritahukan kondisi yang cukup parah di mana parity aparat telah mempersiapkan baju dan persenjataan yang lengkap dan sebaliknya parity pemberontak, mahasiswa, hanya dapat menunggu dengan rasa gelisah. Kondisi yang sangat panas disertai debaran jantung akan penantian aparat di balik kawat. Bendera setengah tiang adalah sebuah petunjuk untuk memberi informasi bahwasannya adenosine deaminase yang gugur Dari mereka. Faktor oleh tertulisnya setengah tiang melambangkan seorang pahlawan yang telah gugur ; Taufiq melihat dirinya dan parity mahasiswa lainnya sebagai pemberontak yang adenosine deaminase untuk membela bangsa. Kata Gayatri yang dikapitalisasikan ialah seorang dewi yang dapat mengiterpretasikan harta, pendidikan, atau wordplay reinkarnasi. Karena puisi ini berhubungan dengan kematian maka asumpsi saya ialah Gayatri di sini merupakan interpretasi Dari reinkarnasi. Reinkarnasi itu wordplay dapat diartikan sebagai rasa semangat yang tiada matinya. Puisi wordplay namun ditutup oleh seorang ibu menengadah ; menyeka matanya yang basah yang menunjukan betapa sedihnya sang ibunda akan anaknya yang menjadi korban. Menurut saya, Taufiq Ismail membuat puisi ini dengan artian untuk menyadarkan kita sebagai pendengar untuk lebih menuaikan perasaan Akan pemerintahan orde lama yang terlihat tidak adil sehingga dunia politik wordplay kacau dan kemiskinan bertambah. Puisi di atas menceritakan suasana setelah serpihan demonstrasi parity mahasiswa dilaksanakan. Terlihat dari cara American ginseng penyair menulis bahwa mereka kurang berhasil dalam upaya melawan aparat setempat karena mereka mempunyai persenjataan lengkap sedangkan parity pemberontak hanya bermodalkan nyali dan semangat. Lalu merekapun mundur, bukan berarti menyerah, hanya tidak berdaya untuk melawan. Pilihan kata seperti merenung memperlihatkan kepada kita sebagaimana mereka tampak cukup kecewa. Mereka wordplay beristirahat di kampus, dan lalu melihat segeromboloan anak mahasiswa Dari Kota seberang seperti Bogor. Mereka dari mana-mana ; semuanya kumal, semuanya tak bicara menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Dari Bogor tersebut juga di tengah memperjuangkan epoch reformasi yang baru. Meski mereka terlihat letih dan kumal, mereka pantang menyerah ; menyerah akan senjata Dari aparat yang ditetapkan oleh sang pemimpin. Karena keributan di Masa 1966 ini, parity mahasiswa ini juga sepakat bahwasannya mereka secara tidak langsung melupakan tugas aslinya parity mahasiswa, belajar, karena mereka tidak tahu apa yang bisa terjadi kapan wordplay. Kejadian pemberontakkan tersebut merupakan unsur-unsur politik yang lalu dijadikan ke dalam bentuk puisi oleh Taufiq. Namun, pemberontakkan yang dibicarakan itu berkaitan dengan keguguran dari salat seorang Dari mereka yang ternama ialah di saat Arif Rahman Hakim tertembak. Taufiq wordplay menunjukan keunikannya dalam mengemukakan pendapatnya Dari puisi dengan cara berbeda-beda. Salah satunya ia menggunakan nama temannya itu, Arif Rahman Hakim, di dalam puisinya. Taufiq memulai dengan seruan Kami tidak bisa dibubarkan ; apalagi dicoba dihalaukan ; dari gelanggan ini untuk mengispirasikan masyarakat bahwa mereka tidak akan menyerah. Taufiq pun seakan-akan ingin menyampaikan bahwa semangat yang tinggi dapat menghasilkan pasukan yang kokoh. Sejarah sedang singgah adalah sebuah ekspresi akan petunjuk mereka ingin membuat sebuah perubahan. Di sertai dengan sambutan yang baik untuk merubah Masa lalu sehingga kehidupan yang mendatang akan menjadi lebih baik. Di dalam puisi ini terdapat ingatan untuk pembaca atau pendengar untuk tidak menunda waktu untuk berbuat apa yang telah direncanakan. Lalu, penyair meletakkan nama Arif di dalam puisi untuk memperkuat makna perjuangan yang harus dilakukan secara cepat dan tegas. Menurut saya, kata Arif itu juga dapat diartikan sebagai kebijaksanaan ; jadi, Arif yang telah gugur dapat mengiterpretasikan kebijaksanaan yang hilang. CONTOH PUISI YANG BERGERAK PADA BIDANG AGAMA Taufiq Ismail walaupun seorang yang mengeritik keadaan sosial Dari beragam macam puisi, ia juga merupakan seseorang yang taat dalam beragama. Ia menulis puisi dalam aspek keagamaan yang cukup teguh. Salah satu contoh puisi yang memuat ansur-ansur keagamaan ialah Doa . Puisi di atas berwujud sebuah doa ; percakapan antara manusia kepada Tuhannya. Selain dari judul yang secara jelas memberitahukan kepada kita bahwasannya Iowa sedang berdoa, percakapan kepada Tuhan dapat dilihat dari hurup M yang dikapitalisasikan pada setiap kata yang mengartikan kamu. Ada kemungkin dimana Taufiq Ismail merasa berdosa akan tingkah lakunya yang mengelapkan hati akibat Dari demonstrasi terhadap pemerintahan. Seperti dituliskan di atas, telah nista Kami dalam dosa bersama ; bertahun-tahun membangun kultus ini ; dalam pikiran yang ganda ; dan menutupi hati nurani Taufiq Ismail bersama rekannya tidak sepenuhnya dapat memastikan apa yang mereka lakukan ini merupakan hal yang baik di sisi American ginseng pencipta, namun pemberontakkan ini ialah rasa keinginan untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan yang lebih baik. Akibat dari kontroversi ini, ada kemungkinan Taufiq Ismail memanjatkan doa agar segala kesalahnya dalam bertindak demi kebaikan itu segera diampunkan. Keseriusan T aufiq dalam mempanjatkan permohonan atas pengampunan dosa dapat dilahat dari cara Iowa mengulangi come-on yang berbunyi ampunilah Kami ; ampunilah ; amin sebanyak dua saltwort. Selain menjadi seseorang yang memandang tinggi soal sosial, Taufiq juga peduli dengan keteguhan agamanya. Demikianlah salat satu conoh puisi yang bergerak pada bidang agama yang dikarang oleh Taufiq Ismail. Karena rasa keteguhannya pada keagamaan cukup kuat, ia wordplay namun mencoba mengkombinasikan unsur-unsur keagamaan dengan politik. Bentuk daripada puisi seperti tersebut beragam ; ada yang berupa himbauan dan juga adenosine deaminase yang bersifat nasehat. Kedua komponen puisi itu Akan dianalisa pada bagaian selanjutnya. CONTOH PUISI YANG BERGERAK PADA BIDANG POLITIK A ; AGAMA Seperti yang diinformasikan di atas, ada puisi yang mengkombinasikan antara agama dan politik. Puisi pertama ini Akan mempunyai elemen himbauan. Himbain disini merupakan sebuah puisi yang menceritakan soal seorang ibunda yang merelakan serta mengikhlaskan kepergian anaknya untuk berdemonstrasti melawan pemerintahan yang dianggap salat pada zamannya. Judul dari pada puisi tersebut ialah Dari Ibu Seorang Demonstran . Terdapat pada puisi di atas dimana rasa keagamaan yang bercampur dengan rasa keinginan untuk membentuk epoch reformasi yang baru. Di mulai dengan Ibu telah merelakan hookah ; untuk berangkat demonstrasi ; karena kalian pergi menyempurnakan ; kemerdekaan negeri ini yang menceritakan bagaimana seorang ibu bersedia anaknya untuk berjuang demi hak-hak rakyat yang belum tercapai serta kedamaian sosial untuk seluruh rakyat karena apalah arti kemerdekaan apabila kesengsaraan masih tetap meraja lela. Sang ibu juga bercerita tentang bagaimana aparat langsung menambak mati parity demonstran tanpa melempar gas air mata terlebih dahulu. Ada juga kutipan di atas dimana disebutkan delapan belas tahun yang lalu American ginseng ayah tertembak. Delapan belas tahun yang lalu merukapa periode Indonesia memperjuangkan kemerdekaannya di saat Belanda memasuki Indonesia kembali. demikian, sang ibu tetap ingin mereka, anak-anaknya, untuk tetap berjuang. Ciuman dari ibunda tersebut merupakan simbolisasi Akan doa restu atau persetujuan untuk melanjutkan perjuangan walau berbahaya. Ibunda juga memberi pengajaran agama di balik sebuah perjuangan dengan melafaskan nama Allah sebelum melakukan sesuatu. Melawan orang-orang yang bertindak tidak primanusiawi merupakan bagian Dari jihad dan oleh karena itu sangi ibu ingin mereka untuk berjuang di jalan Allah, sang pencipta, agar mereka selalu mendapat tuntunan yang benar. Dari kalimat sunyi Dari dendam dan kebencian saya menyimpulkan bahwa American ginseng ibu tidak ingin anaknya untuk membawa pemberontakkan ini dengan rasa dendam dan benci. Melawan karena rasa kebencian itu merupakan hal yang tidak baik, maka Dari itu sang ibunda menganjurkan anak-anaknya untuk berjuang di jalan yang Maha kuasa. Puisi di akhiri dengan aksi mulia pamitan Dari ketiga anak tersebut: Iwan, Ida, dan Hadi, untuk melanjutkan perjuangan. Pamitan tersebut menyimbolisasikan ke harmonisan dan juga kata pamit itu berkonotasi perpisahan. Penutupan terakhir yang terd apat di tanda kurung, tanpa menoleh lagi, tanpa kata-kata memberitahukan kita bahwasannya anak-anak tersebut telah rela untuk meninggal. Di dalam puisi ini, terdapat Taufiq Ismail memberi dukungan terhadap pemberontakan melalui unsur-unsur agama. Puisi ini merupakan salat satu contoh bagaimana Taufiq Ismail dapat mengabungkan aspirasi politik dan agama. Sifat dari kepolitikannya dapat dilihat dari dorongan untuk memberontak melawan aristokrat dan juga sifat Dari keagamaannya dapat dilihat dari himbauan American ginseng ibu untuk selalu mengingat kepada Allah dalam berjuang. Unsur politik yang mengandung nilai-nilai agama lainnya yang ditunjukkan oleh Taufiq Ismail dapat dilihat dari puisi Nasehat-Nasehat Kecil Orang Tua Pada Anaknya Berangkat Dewasa. Puisi ini mempunyai elemen yang berupa nasehat. Dapat di analisa bahwa pesan-pesan di atas berakhir pada tingkatan tertinggi yaitu Tuhan. Menyampaikan kebenaran dapat ditujukan kepada kepala pemerintahan rain tree tersebut. Di sambung dengan keyakinan yang tidak dapat di perjual belikan karena hal itu bersifat emosional dan menjadi rakyat yang di terus ditipu ialah tindakkan yang tidak manusiawi. Kalimat ini ditujukan lagi kepada kepala pemerintahan. Selanjutnya, di tujukan untuk semua secara cosmopolitan bahwa tindakan yang zalim harus segera di berantaskan ; termasuk hal-hal seperti pemerintahan yang tidak baik. Pohon-pohon di puisi ini menyimbolisasikan aristokrat-aristokrat yang zalim dan harus ditumbangkan. Bukan lah sang aristokrat seperti itulah yang harus diagungkan, melaikan American ginseng Rasul. Di rain tree 1966 ini, pemimpin berlaku kuasa dan tidak adil ; jadi, bukanlah Pongo pygmaeus seperti itu yang harus diharumkan namanya. Dan yang terakhir, gugur secara syahid di jalan Ilahi merupakan jalan yang terbaik. Seperti mana disebutkan pada puisi sebelumnya, memberantas keburukan ialah suatu pembentukan Dari jihad dimana apabila seseorang mati, dianggap Pongo pygmaeus tersebut mati syahid. Puisi ini sepertinya membandingkan sosok pemimpin dengan cara memberitahukan kepada kita bahwasannya bukan Pongo pygmaeus yang seperti mereka miliki di rain tree itu yang harus diagungkan, melainkan sosok seperti Rasul. Pengunaan rima yang sama pada puisi ini juga dipergunakan untuk memberi sentuhan kepada perasaan kita agar dapat memahami arti yang ingin Iowa sampaikan. Taufiq menyempatkan unsur agama di dalam nasehat tersebut yang secara tidak langsung mencerminkan bahwa Taufiq merupakan sosok yang mempunyai keteguhan dalam beragama. KESIMPULAN Kesimpulan dari semua puisi di atas ialah mereka berbicara untuk cosmopolitan serta makna yang cukup dalam untuk keadaan dan kondisi pada rain tree tersebut. Dapat terlihat pada seluruh puisi di atas, saya memilih epoch tahun 1966. Tahun 1966 merupakan epoch reformasi dimana keributan tengah terjadi ; jejak-jejak bekas PKI ( Partai Komunis Indonesia ) masih tersisa, revolusi yang cukup mengempar, dan perubahan orde lama. Banyak terdapat unsur-unsur kritik politik dan keadaan sosial. Di dalam kritik-kritik tersebut, Taufiq menyempatkan diri untuk meletakkan sisi keagamaan. Dari pernyataan ini, kita dapat mengetahui Taufiq Ismail ini ialah seseorang yang mempunyai keteguhan dalam beragama dan selalu bertindak dalam kriteria-kriteria yang ditentukan dalam agamanya. Ada kalanya dimana Iowa mungkin sedikit takut akan dosa yang Iowa lakukan di saat berdemonstrasi, maka Dari itulah Iowa menunjukan rasa hibanya Dari puisi doa . Mengapa pada awalnya saya mengatakan universal? Saya mengataka n cosmopolitan berdasarkan kata kita yang terus dipakai oleh Taufiq dalam menulis puisi ini. Kata kita terus dipergunakan karena mengandung arti kebersamaan. Mereka secara bersama-sama berontak terhadap pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan kata kita, puisi wordplay akan terasa lebih dramatis karena perasaan yang mendengar atau membaca akan lebih kompak antara satu dengan lainnya. Segala kita di puisi ini mempunyai tujuan yang sama sehingga mereka semua terlihat bersatu. Taufiq Ismail membuat puisi-puisi ini seolah-olah parity mahasiswa adalah orang-orang yang benar. Apakah demikian? Itu tergantung kepada yang menginterpretasikannya. Walau bagaimanapun juga, Taufiq Ismail tetap menjadi seseorang yang legendaris di mata saya karena keunikannya. Ia unik dalam membuat kritik yang bersifat samar-samar namun melekat di jiwa. Seperti halnya puisi Arithmatik Sederhana, puisi ini merupakan puisi yang sangat sederhana dan lalu kritiknya wordplay terlihat samar, namun Pongo pygmaeus secara t idak langsung dapat merasakan efek sampingnya. Ada pula puisi yang berbentuk restu seorang ibu yang merelakan anaknya untuk bergegas melawan tirani. Puisi ini dapat menjadi sebuah himbauan untuk parity ibu-ibu untuk merelakan anak-anaknya berjuang. Dukungan atas semangat wordplay dapat dicurahkan melewati puisi, seperti puisi Sebuah Jaket Berlumur Darah. Pada puisi ini terdapat seseorang yang gugur. Orang yang gugur tersebut merupakan salat satu keguguran yang cukup dikenal oleh masyarakat, yaitu keguguran Arif Rachman Hakim. Ada juga puisi yang diciptakan berupa nasehat. Nasehat ini mempunyai alur cerita yang menyentuh permukaan agama ; contohnya, Nasehat-Nasehat Kecil Orang Tua Pada Anaknya Berangkat Dewasa. Apabila dianalisa, puisi Taufiq Ismail sering mempunyai unsur keagamaan terutama di saat puisi-puisi tersebut berwujud nasehat. Hampir segala karya Taufiq Ismail mempunyai pesan moral atau himbauan untuk kita di balik puisi-puisinya ; dengan cara yang berbeda-beda, Taufiq membuatnya unik dan berbeda. Bibliography Taufiq Ismail . Wikipedia Indonesian Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . TIRANI dan BENTENG. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; li ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Taufik Ismail | Penyair | Ensiklopedi Tokoh Indonesia. Tokoh Indonesia Ensiklopedi Tokoh Indonesia Ensikonesia | Tokoh Nasional Indonesian Famous | The Journalistic Biography. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Tiran . Wikipedia Indonesian Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Ismail, Taufiq. Tirani ; dan, Benteng dua kumpulan puisi. Djakarta: Yayasan Ananda, 1992. Print. Taufiq Ismail, Janji untuk Bertindak, dan Komunitas Terbayang. Kabut Institut. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Tirani dan Benteng. Mengumpulkan Puisi Membaginya Juga. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . hypertext transfer protocol: //
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