Monday, December 30, 2019
Literary Analysis Of Recitatif - 1135 Words
Literary Analysis Paper: â€Å"Recitatif†by Toni Morrison Many authors write fictional novels about historical events. A common topic written about is the racial integration between African Americans and whites during the 1950’s. Although the short story â€Å"Recitatif†explicate many different themes, the central topic of Morrison’s writing is about racism. Throughout the story, the author expresses examples of hatred between black and white races at the shelter, the different encounters they have, and the remarks to Maggie’s race in conversations between Twyla and Roberta. The short story titled â€Å"Recifatif†is written by Toni Morrison. Morrison was born in 1931 in Ohio, and is known for writing novels with African American history involved. She†¦show more content†¦When the mothers of Twyla and Roberta visit on Easter Sunday, the two friends are happy for them to meet each other. As they are introduced to each other, Twyla’s mother stuck her hand out to shake hands, Roberta’s mother looked at her, grabbed Roberta and walked away. Roberta’s mother presented a snobbish attitude, and the generation of prejudice still existed. Throughout the short story, Twyla and Roberta have multiple encounters after they are old enough to leave the shelter. In the first scene, Twyla is a cashier at a restaurant as Roberta visits with a few friends. As Twyla approaches Roberta, she attempts to have a conversation to catchup with each other. Roberta presents herself as snobby as her mother was, and laughs at her when mentioning a famous singer Twyla does not know. As years pass by, they run into one another in line at a grocery store. This time, Roberta greets Twyla to engage the conversation. As they talk, the event of Roberta acting snobby at the restaurant is brought up by Twyla. Roberta’s response was â€Å"you know how it was in those days: black-white†. As Roberta seems much friendlier, â€Å"those days†appear to be over, as they exchange phone numbers before departing. Another event displaying racism was when Roberta was spotted at a high school. Her and other mothers were outside â€Å"picketing†about their children attending a racial integrating school. Twyla was driving by, andShow MoreRelatedRecitatif: Toni Morrison Essay935 Words  | 4 Pageslife. This story takes place during the time period of the Civil Rights Movement. The idea of civil rights was encouraged by the government but not enforced by the states, leaving many black Americans suffering every day. In Morrison’s short story Recitatif, Morrison manipulates the story’s diction to describe the two women’s races interchangeably resulting in the confusion of the reader. Because Morrison never establishes the â€Å"black character†or the â€Å"white character†, the reader is left guessing theRead MoreMetaphors from Slavery to Post Emancipation: An Exploration of The Loophole of Retreat and The Veil1613 Words  | 7 Pagesslaveholders. A uthors had to reach southern and northern audiences and have an appearance of humbleness to attract some and action to attract others. One of the methods that was used to make their writings attractive across audiences was metaphor. This literary device allowed them to code meaning to present information in the dosage that each type of audience needed. This paper will explore â€Å"the loophole of retreat†in Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and â€Å"the Veil†in W.E.B. Dubois’
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Essay about William Wordsworth - 1193 Words
William Wordsworth William Wordsworth was born April 7, 1770, at Cockermouth in Cumberland, England. His poetry, and especially his poems on solitude, must have been heavily influenced by the death of his mother and the splitting up of his family when he was only eight (Kilvert 1). At that time, fate sent him to live in Hawkshead, England, where his teacher started him writing poetry. Wordsworth got his higher education at Cambridge, his memories of which play a part in his later poetry (Noyes 201). Fate again stepped in when, as a young man, he received an inheritance, which gave him the freedom to study literature. One might guess that this is when he first became part of the Romantic movement, (Pinion, 21). The poetry of†¦show more content†¦Martha was in love with Stephen, who betrayed her by marrying another woman. Martha was pregnant by Stephen, and the rumor was that she had murdered her baby. The reader feels all her pain when she cries, Oh misery! oh misery! Oh woe is me! oh misery! These words express her heartbreak at losing Stephen; her anguish at finding herself pregnant; her shame at being an unwed mother; her guilt and regret for murdering her baby; her grief over the babys death; and her knowledge that her life is ruined. The thorn is a powerful symbol of all this misery. Just as the thorns, Marthas appearance makes it seem as if she, too, could never have been young. She, too, is A wretched thing forlorn. By contrast, what seems to be the infants grave lies in a beautiful mound of color. Of coarse, the child is innocent and its beauty is forever filled with color; but Marthas only color is her scarlet cloak of shame. The power of imagination is the theme of Most Sweet It Is With Uplifted Eyes. The title, itself, is full of meaning-- when we walk with our eyes uplifted, we are not looking at the real world around us, but are dreaming on the stars. While the real world may be beautiful, it may also be very ugly and painful. However, imagination gives us the power to block out what is bad and to create a special world. We can look insideShow MoreRelatedWilliam Wordsworth1477 Words  | 6 PagesWordsworth’s Use of Literary Devices Related to Nature William Wordsworth’s frequent references to nature in his poetry shows that he paid close attention to the details of the physical environment around him. His poetry relates to nature by focusing primarily on the relationship between inner life with the outer world. William Wordsworth uses literary devices such as personification, similes, and the impressions nature makes on him to show the importance of the relationship that man should haveRead More William Wordsworth Essay1402 Words  | 6 Pages William Wordsworths â€Å"The World is Too Much With Us†is a Romantic Sonnet that can be broken into two parts. The speaker tells us in the first part that we have lost our connection with nature, and that that connection was one of our most important relationships. The speaker the goes on to tell us that that he is willing to sacrifice everything to recover this relationship, and begins on line 9. In romantic poems, the speaker tries to convince us of our flaws, in this case our skewed relationshipRead MoreDaffodils by William Wordsworth1871 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam Wordsmiths I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud or Daffodils: Analysis A BESTWORD ANALYSIS As far as there is to mention, there is little of weight or consequence to speak of in the direct analysis of William Wordsworth’s â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud†, or â€Å"Daffodils†as it is popularly referred to today. From introduction to conclusion, William Wordsworth cleanly describes the act of watching a patch of country daffodils swaying in the breeze and the lasting effect this pleasant image hasRead More William Wordsworth Essay3686 Words  | 15 PagesWilliam Wordsworth William Wordsworth is considered to be the greatest among all of the English Romantic poets. Although he did not always get the recognition that he rightfully deserved in the early part of his career, only through trials and tribulations did he reach the pinnacle of the literary world. Wordsworth said of the Prelude that it was a thing unprecedented in the literary history that a man should talk so much about himself: I had nothing to do but describe what I had feltRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth Essay1942 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. He grew up surrounded by beautiful scenery. He was very close to his sister, Dorothy Wordsworth. (William Wordsworth Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb 2012. His sister led the way for him to love nature by showing him its beauty. His mom died when he was eight years old and then his father die d when he was thirteen years oldRead MoreThe Prelude, By William Wordsworth1031 Words  | 5 Pages Mind and Imagination An elevated concentration to the way the mind works is without a doubt one of the most significant attributes of Romantic poetry. In William Wordsworth’s poem, The Prelude, the poet allows several memories from his youth to be brought up again in his adulthood and looks to grasp onto these certain influences that have assisted in establishing his mind and could potentially help him become the best poet possible. John Keats described his idea of imagination to a friend in anRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth s The Prelude1008 Words  | 5 PagesIn William Wordsworth’s poem, The Prelude, he describes how he imagines London to be. He is very descriptive when he touches on what he expects upon arrival to the city, and then realizes London was not the paradise he alluded to earlier in his poem. William Wordsworth use of imagery and diction reflect the city’s natural environment, which he also uses in order to convey his feelings of anticipation and dissatisfaction with w hat he has discovered. In the beginning of The Prelude, William Wordsworth’sRead MoreTintern Abbey, by William Wordsworth664 Words  | 3 PagesWilliam Wordsworth was a fanatic towards nature. From one of the texts written by William Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey describes nature at its finest. While this story was set in the Romantic time periods, Wordsworth would be the most important poet in the generation one poets. After spending five years away from what he had loved, Tintern Abbey, Wordsworth learned that it was the little things in life that mattered the most. Tintern Abbey is located somewhere in the United Kingdom. Once was a greatRead MoreNature And Time By William Wordsworth1197 Words  | 5 Pagesmarked not by reason and rationalism, but by feelings, emotion, and nature. Of the writers of the Romantic era, William Wordsworth was one of the most representative, spearheading the movement by co-authoring â€Å"Lyrical Ballads†with his contemporary Samuel Coleridge. Thus, to gain a better understanding the Romantic period as a whole, it is useful to focus on the works of William Wordsworth, the period’s flagship writer. To do this, one can conduct a close reading of â€Å"Lines Written a Few Miles aboveRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth s Poetry :. Eliot And W. Wordsworth1442 Words  | 6 Pages Theories in Poetry: T.S. Eliot and W. Wordsworth T. S. Eliot and William Wordsworth were both well-known poets, born 100 years apart; both were famous poets in their own right. Both men were influential in changing the face of poetry as the world had known it. Eliot looked at poetry in a Modernistic view, while Wordsworth was a writer who chose a Romantic view. Eliot’s view seems to be one of disconnect, where Wordsworth’s view is one of emotion and feelings. Both men wrote with a different
Friday, December 13, 2019
Ramses II’s Victory Free Essays
The victory of Ramses II over the Khita’s was probably one of the greatest stories of Egyptian literary works on war that had survived thousands of years to convey to us, the present generation, the underlying truths on how the centuries-past generations of Egyptians had regarded their Pharaohs: as a leader, a warrior, a general, and a man-god. WAR The poem starts with the king of Khita, together with his enormous armies and chariots, laid in wait for an ambush on the Egyptian Pharaoh. He had his armies divide into two groups, the first initiated a surprise attack on the Legion of Hormakhu, south of Kadesh, and successfully annihilated the Egyptian armies in that town who were not expecting such an attack (Halshall, 1998). We will write a custom essay sample on Ramses II’s Victory or any similar topic only for you Order Now Upon being informed of the tragedy that befell his troops, Ramses II quickly readied himself for war, donning his weapons and armors, and galloping on his majestic horses. But soon he found himself in the middle of the Hittite army; completely surrounded and alone, in an impossible battle between 2,500 chariots against one (Halshall, 1998). Due perhaps to his imminent defeat and utter helplessness, the Pharaoh-god called upon his deceased father for help. Enumerating the many glorious monuments, temples, shrines, and sacrificial offerings he had made for the glory of the deceased former god/Pharaoh Ammon, his father (Poem of Pentaur, 2003). And behold! Ammon had heard his cry from the temple of Hermonthis and had come for his beloved son for help. With strength as the sun-god Ra, and arms as strong as hundreds of thousands of men, Ammon found grace in Ramses II’s valor and bravery, and allowed for Ramses II to use Ammon’s god-strength in defeating the Hittites. And when Ramses II, alone except for his charioteer, Menna, finally assaulted the 2,500 strong enemy, the entire Khita army, together with their king, were stunned, frozen with fea r, unable to wield their sword and spear, for Ramses II fought with the spirit of a god. And when the day had come to pass, Egypt’s Pharaoh was able to slay each and every army of the Khita. No one was able to escape alive, each and everyone was fell by the Pharaoh. Propagandistic Element The Battle of Kadesh, as written by the ancient Egyptian authorities during Ramses’ reign, was a literature made for propagandistic purpose. Perhaps the ruler’s aim, other than for the citizens’ assertion of their belief of the Pharaoh as a god-man, was also to use this as a psychological tool on other nations against planning an invasion against Egypt. These types of exploits of Egypt’s Pharaohs being engraved on the walls of temples further amplify the effect of invincibility and immortality of the rulers of Egypt, by making it as a monument for all nations to see. Such is the case in one of the walls (Fig. 1. 1) where Egyptian chariotry is engaged in a battle between Hittite foot soldiers, when in actuality based on facts, it had been Hittites’ tradition to do battle using chariots (Battle of Kadesh, 2003). Thus, using politics in asserting control and obedience over the populace, as well as in warfare, rulers of ancient kingdoms often relied on exaggerated literature on war-victories as a means in achieving these. In the modern history, we have witnessed similar propagandistic methods used by governments, usually in defense of its purpose in declaring war: Hitler’s Arian race ideology, Marx’s and Lenin’s Russian Proletariat Revolution, the Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Vietnam War, Desert Storm, and so forth. Almost always, the adage that goes, the victors write history, is appropriate. How to cite Ramses II’s Victory, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Globalization and human resource management -
Question: Discuss about the Globalization and human resource management. Answer: Introduction Airlines industry is one of the growing sectors of todays world due to increasing demand of flight service. The industry has always worked in alliance with the International Air Transport Association. The industry has always formed an alliance because of the fear of staying behind of others. The International Air Transport Association has recently formed association with three big airlines company such as Star Alliance, Oneworld Alliance and the Sky Team Alliance. Sincethe alliance the relation between the partner companies have grown deeper, benefitting the industry (Belobaba, Odoni and Barnhart 2015). The paper analyses the micro and macro factors that affects the industry directly or indirectly. Further, it presents a SWOT analysis to be informed about the strength and weaknesses about the industry. Micro Industry Analysis Micro environmental analysis analyses the factors that affects the industry directly. The factor also affects the internal process of the business (Indiatsy et al. 2014). Some of the factors that are considered in the micro industry analysis are customers, competitors and suppliers. Customers Customers play a vital role in the growth and existence of the industry. The position of the industry in the market largely depends on the competitors in a large way. With the rising dead from the customers, many companies in the industry are forming alliance with each other. This shows the importance customers play in this sector (Grant 2016). The customers of airlines industry are the passengers that fly from one place to others with both commercial and personal purpose. Moreover, the customers have the powers on the industry as they have huge options to choose from. Competitors Competitive nature of the industry is visible in the case study, which shows that with the growing competitive nature, companies in this industry are finally forming alliance with each other with the fear of being left behind others. As the number of airline companies is increasing, the competitive level of the industry is increasing to a large extent (Fleisher and Bensoussan 2015). This is the reason the companies are being encouraged to form alliance and survive in the industry for longer time. Macro Industry Analysis To analyze the macro environment of the industry a Porters Five Forces Analysis is the ideal concept. Threat of substitute The industry faces moderate treat from substitute. The major substitute that poses a threat on the industry is other mode of transports such as land transport and water transport. However, the threat is limited because customers will have options to choose these substitutes within the domestic zone (Iata 2018). While travelling internationally most of them only have the option of choosing air transport. Threat from competitors The industry faces a huge threat from competitors because with the growing demand large number of companies is adding in the industry. This makes the competitive environment much severe. Due to huge competition and threat of being left behind has caused many airlines companies to form an alliance with each other (Aapairlines 2018). This shows the level of competition the industry is facing with growing time. Threat from new entrant The industry faces huge threat from new entrants because huge number of small and medium size airline companies is continuously increasing in the industry. This is because with the improvement in technology new companies are finding easy to enter the industry (Shaw 2016). Moreover, the industry needs one time huge investment, which a new entrant can plan and successfully enter the industry. Bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers of this industry face low bargaining power because the suppliers of this industry do not want to lose business from such big airline companies. Due to no switching cost,the companies can switch from one supplier to the other (Eaton 2017). Thus, this makes the bargaining power of the supplier week in this industry. Bargaining power of buyers In case of bargaining power, the buyers faces high bargaining power in the industry. This is because of availability of large number of competitors in the industry, which makes the buyers choose from one company to the other. Moreover, due to no switching cost in case of the buyers, the buyers can easily switch from one company to the other according to their preference (Eaton 2017). Thus, the airline companies need to maintain their prices and facilities that would be preferential for the customers to hold back the demand. SWOT analysis Thus, the resultof both micro and macro will help to recognize the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat of the industry (Fleisher and Bensoussan 2015). Strength Strength of forming alliance and partnership within companies Partnership help to gain better customer segments Huge control over the suppliers with their competitive position Fast growing industry on a global range Offering huge and advanced facilities to the customers with the flight Strong management power with improving technologies Weakness Huge competition from small and medium size airline companies Huge control from buyers which forces the airline to reduce flight fares Opportunities Huge growth potential in the coming years Increasing chance of alliances with great market leaders of airline industry Improving the position of the company by offering extraordinary facilities to the customers Develop future opportunities due to uncertainties in the external environment Better management with rising computer reservation system that will improve monitoring and controlling power Threat Huge threat from rising competitors with much advanced technologies Elimination of price regulating powers from the hand of the companies Table: SWOT Analysis Source: Authors creation Conclusion From the above analysis,it can be concluded that the airline industry faces huge threats and opportunities both from the customers and from the competitors. The industry has established its position by being one of the fastest growing sectors. The industry is experiencing huge threat from competitors. This has led to the formation of alliance between many airline companies in order to stay ahead of competitors. The growing technological advancement has helped the industry to manage and control their processes such as booking, facility offered and demand in a better way compared to before. Thus, businesses in this industry has to focus on offering extraordinary facility to customers. References 2018.Future Growth of the Airline Industry. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. Belobaba, P., Odoni, A. and Barnhart, C. eds., 2015.The global airline industry. John Wiley Sons. Eaton, J., 2017.Globalization and human resource management in the airline industry. Routledge. Fleisher, C.S. and Bensoussan, B.E., 2015.Business and competitive analysis: effective application of new and classic methods. FT Press. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. 2018.Outlook for airline markets and industry performance [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Jan. 2018]. Indiatsy, C.M., Mwangi, M.S., Mandere, E.N., Bichanga, J.M. and George, G.E., 2014. The Application of Porters Five Forces Model on Organization Performance: A Case of Cooperative Bank of Kenya Ltd.European Journal of Business and Management,6(16), pp.75-85. Shaw, S., 2016.Airline marketing and management. Routledge.
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