Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Trademark Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Trademark Assignment - Essay Example The definition and nature of the tort of passing off as well as the protection accorded the registration of a trademarks will best illustrate the significance of passing off since the introduction of the registered trademark system. This paper is therefore divided into two parts. The first part of this paper is committed to the definition and nature of the tort of passing off. The second part of this paper will examine the trademark registration system and will analyse how it runs parallel to the tort of passing off. I. The Tort of Passing Off A. Definition and Essential Elements of Passing Off Passing off is a common law concept created by judges. Lord Parker’s definition of passing off in Spalding v Gammage (1915) sets out the general significance of an action for passing off. Lord Parker defined passing off as a prohibition against the representation of one’s goods as those of another.3 A more detailed definition of passing off is provided in the Advocaat case in whi ch Lord Diplock’s definition encapsulates the essential elements of passing off. In this regard, passing off is required to be made by virtue of a misrepresentation. This misrepresentation must be made by a business trader operating in the course of his business dealings. The misrepresentation must also be made to consumers with respect to the goods and services provided by the trader. The misrepresentation must be such that it is designed to bring about harm to the goodwill or the business of a comparative business. The misrepresentation must bring about actual damages to the goodwill of business or must be likely to bring about damages.4 The essential elements of passing off which ultimately defines the tort of passing off are more particularly delineated in the House of Lords decision in Reckitt and Colman Ltd. v Borden (1990). In this case, the House of Lords described what has come to be known as the classic trinity. The classic trinity sets out the three essential eleme nts that the claimant relying on the tort of passing off must prove. First the claimant must demonstrate that the claimants services or goods have established a reputation or goodwill that separates those goods or services from comparable goods or services. Secondly, there must be evidence that the defendant misrepresented his/her goods or services with the result that it creates confusion in that the goods or services offered by the defendant are mistaken for those of the claimant. Finally, there must be evidence that the claimant is likely to incur damages as a result of the misrepresentation.5 It therefore follows that that definition and the essential elements of passing off was trimmed down by the House of Lords in the Reckitt case to encapsulate three factors. What can be gleaned from the definition and essential elements of passing off is that it aimed at protecting the reputation attached to a trade mark rather than the mark itself. This aspect of the tort of passing off is demonstrative of its significance since the introduction of the trade mark registration system. Essentially, registration protects the mark whereas a parallel right of action exists in protection of the reputation and goodwill attached to the trademark. Therefore an unregistered trademark remains
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Baskivilles so sucessful over 100 years after it was written Essay Example for Free
The Baskivilles so sucessful over 100 years after it was written Essay The fast dynamic is emphasised by the exclamation marks, the short, snappy sentences and the abundance of commas. These three factors also add a lot of suspense to the book. This pacey style to the book was something that was unique in Victorian Times and has become more common in the modern day but because of Arthur Conan Doyles unique writing style it is a book that stands out from the other and is still loved today. As Doctor Watson is the main character it brings out a rather mean and arrogant side to Homes that has not been seen in any of the previous books. This may be because Arthur Conan Doyle by this time (his fifth Sherlock homes book) was so sick of writing Sherlock Homes books that he decided to make him a mean man in order to decrease his popularity in the hope that he would not have to write any more. This contrast to his other books gives the reader a different interest and another portal to explore, thus ironically making the novel popular for all readers. An example of Homes arrogance is seen near the start of the book when Homes says to Watson It may be that you yourself are not luminous, but you are yourself a conductor of light. This rather subtle insult means that Dr Watson gets it so wrong all the time that it helps Sherlock Homes get to the correct answer by a process of elimination. However, ironically Sherlock Homes gets vital things in the book wrong giving him a hypocritical side after he criticised Dr. Watson for always getting things wrong. An example of Sherlock Homes getting it wrong was when he misinterpreted the thickness of the fog putting Sir Henrys in life danger after he was used as bait to draw the hound in. The set is also very important in the success of the book. Dartmoor is unfamiliar countryside that was very similar in 1902. The similarity in Dartmoor between 1902 and the modern day gives both readers a sense of reality and makes the book more realistic, even in the modern day. The unfamiliar, gloomy and mysterious setting of Dartmoor makes it a good place to hide the hound. The many caves and cliff faces also make it easy for the Hound to be hidden and this gives the book another sense of believability. The novel relies heavily on the people of the moor being superstitious and believing in supernatural events. For example the hound itself is believed to be a figure of imagination and superstition. Many people in 1902 were heavily superstitious but nowadays superstition is around in a much milder form. For example many people suffer from Triskaidekaphobia (the fear of the number thirteen) but it has never caused much harm to anyone. But because superstition is still around it makes the supernatural events in the book intriguing and believable thus contributing to the overall success of the book. Overall I feel that the main reasons why The Hound of the Baskervilles is still so successful is because of the reputation of the author Arthur Conan Doyle and the fact that his legacy has been passed down though families. I also feel that his unique writing style makes this particular book stand out from books written by other authors and published at a similar time. His unique writing style adds suspense, drama, unpredictability and believability and I feel that these are the crucial factors in why The Hound of the Baskervilles is so successful over 100 years after it was written. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Irony in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Essay -- Pride and Prejudice
Irony in Pride and Prejudice Critics have examined Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, since its creation. In this novel, Austen uses and irony to produce a masterpiece. Austen opens the novel with what appears to be a sarcastic sentence. She writes, "IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife" (Austen 5). Most readers think of this as humorous and quite laughable. It does not necessarily follow that a man with a large fortune is searching for a wife. However, by the end of the first page, the reader may find himself asking, "Was Austen being sarcastic or was she simply stating a fact?" In Pride and Prejudice, the opening sentence is merely a fact. The text presents two men with large fortunes. Moreover, the end of the novel unites both men "of a good fortune" with wives. Austen sealed their ends. What appears mere sarcasm becomes ironic when one realizes "IT is a truth universally acknowledged." The first character to express sarcasm and irony is Mr. Bennett. Austen brings forth the irony of her opening thesis in his sarcastic speech. The opening dialogue between Mr. Bennett and his wife is a worthy example. She comments on a man leasing a piece of property, Netherfield Park. Mr. Bennett shows very little interest in her story. His disinterest perturbs her and she asks him if he wants to know who has rented the property. He replies "You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it" (5). She remarks that the man is "a young man of large fortune" (5). Aside from asking his name, the first thing Mr. Bennett wants to know about this man is: "Is he married or single?" "Oh single my dear, to be sure! A single man of large... ...e seems like utter stupidity to the reader. Yet the most important irony is the irony between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth. As the novel progresses, Darcy and Elizabeth put away their pride and prejudice to unite in marriage. Also, Mr. Darcy mutates from the villain to the hero as Wickham goes from hero to villain. Finally, Austen's use of authorial intrusion adds a final touch of sarcasm and irony that completes the novel.  WORKS CITED Brower, Reuben A. "Light and Bright and Sparkling: Irony and Fiction in Pride and Prejudice." Ed. Donald Gray. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1966. 374-388. Mudrick, Marvin. "Irony as Dicrimination: Pride and Prejudice." Ed. Donald Gray. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1966. 388-409. Wright, Andrew H. "Feeling and Complexity in Pride and Prejudice." Ed. Donald Gray. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1966. 410-420.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Jailbreaking an iPod, IPhone, or Ipad Essay -- ios device, cydia
By jailbreaking an iPod, iPhone, iPad, jailbreakers can have more access to an IOS device than a person who owns an unmodified IOS device. I’m going to explain what jailbreak is? When people hear the word jailbreak, they will first think of the traditional jailbreaking which is where convicts escape from a heavy security area like a prison, but that is not the case in today’s modern world of IOS devices also known as idevices. Jailbreaking in electronic terms is where people with knowledge of IOS technology use public software provided by white hat hackers to get access into any compatible device of Apple. Jay Freeman explains how jailbreaking works by the â€Å"removal of the older files of BSD Subsystem†which means that in order to gain jailbreak access, it removes the installed BSD subsystem (UNIX utilities) found on the idevice to replace them with new BSD files that came packaged with a jailbreaking software to install Cydia. (Freeman) You might be wondering, who Jay Freeman (a.k.a Saurik) is and what is a Cydia? He is the creator of Cydia which is an open source app store to give users access to add tweaks such as savegram, f.lux or plugication onto a jailbroken idevice which it makes it an alternative to Apple’s App store which is more closed source since it has no modifications with limited customization by user interactions. By having Cydia installed after a jailbreak, it allows users to search for tweaks by default sources or any installed sources because each day, developers upload new tweaks to sources and if a user has the same source, then Cydia will can show a feed of new uploaded sources. People who use Instagram don’t have the option to save pictures found on Instagram, but with help of savegram, they can which makes... ...orbes Magazine, 27 Dec. 2013. Web. 12 May 2014. . Lee, Timothy. "Jailbreaking now legal under DMCA for smartphones, but not tablets." Ars Technica. Conde Nast Digital, 25 Oct. 2012. Web. 12 May 2014. . Russell, Kyle. "10 Ways Jailbreaking Your iPhone Will Make Life Better." Business Insider. Business Insider, Inc, 29 May 2013. Web. 12 May 2014. . Titlow, Joyn Paul. "12 Really Good Reasons To Jailbreak iOS 6 Right Now."ReadWrite. Ascio Technologies, Inc, 8 Jan. 2013. Web. 12 May 2014. .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Child Rearing Practices Essay
A relationship between a parent and a child begins the day the child is born. First, the child has many powerful gifts to offer to his parents. His unqualified love, absolute trust, emotions and thrill to discover revolves all around the parents from the day he is born. As the parent, you have many gifts to offer your child in return. Some are subtle, but all are very powerful. Giving them will make you a good parent. Receiving them will help your child become a healthy, happy, capable individual. Your unconditional love, self-esteem, values and traditions, joy, health, secure surroundings and skills will help your child grown into a healthy adult someday. Many parents know a lot more about parenting than they give themselves credit for. You spent years observing your own parents and other families. All your instinctive responses will help you be a giving parent. In today’s society things have become very complex when raising children. Sometimes parents benefit by education from pediatricians and other parents. They are concerned and interested in helping when issues may seem frustrating. As you receive advice remember that some is valuable but not all of it. One of the ways to protect your child is from advice that may not suit your need or family. You will know what is best for you and your child and what works! One of the ways your child shows you her love is by imitating you. This is also a way she learns how to behave, develop new skills, and take care of herself. From a very early age she watches you and shows this through her behavior. Your examples become permanent images, which will shape her attitude and actions the rest of her life. Setting a good example for your child means you must be responsible, loving, and consistent with her. Setting a good example also means taking care of yourself. As a parent, it is hard to lose sight of your needs. That’s a mistake! Your child depends on you to be physically and emotionally healthy. When you take care of yourself you are showing your child that you have self-esteem, which is important for the both of you. The healthier and happier you keep yourself, the better it will be for the both of you since your child ultimately patterns some of her habits after your own. A child needs to be shown that they are loved. Giving is more than just saying it. Your child doesn’t understand the words unless you show her. Show your child how much you care and love them by being affectionate and relaxed. Give plenty of physical contact such as hugging and kissing. Take time to show them by singing and playing. Listen to your child and watch as they respond to you. This will show your affection and make your child feel safe and secure. One of the skills you teach your child is to communicate. Her communication starts when she is just a baby and watches and listens to you. It is important to communicate with all family members since your child watches and listens to your interactions with others. You must express yourself and encourage your child to be open with you. Look to see if she has changes in her behavior that are affecting her negatively. The more sensitive and honest you are the more your child will feel comfortable with you and will have no problem communicating. As parents we realize that the journey of raising a child is the most wonderful and exciting time of our life. It will have many up and downs, times of joy and times of sadness. It is important that the responsibilities of parenthood become easier and a lot more fun. I hope a few of my recommendations will help you along your wonderful journey of parenthood!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essays
Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essays Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essay Menunjukannya dalam bentuk puisi Essay Abstrak Taufiq Ismail merupakan sosok yang mempunyai bakat dalam memberikan pemasukan. Pemasukan-pemasukan tersebut diekpresikannya lewat puisi-puisi yang Iowa tulis. Pada umumnya Taufiq mengarang puisi dalam konteks bernafaskan politik dan agama. Puisi-puisi yang bersangkut paut dengan politik, khususnya tahun 1960an, sering dikritik oleh Taufiq Ismail karena pada zaman tersebutlah Republik Indonesia mengalami krisis ; seperti, PKI dan perubahan orde lama ke orde baru. Dengan adanya aspirasi keagamaan, menunjukkan kita bahwasannya Taufiq Ismail merupakan Pongo pygmaeus yang taat dan teguh dalam memeluk keimanan. Aspirasi politik dan agama tersebut sering dikaitkan kedalam puisi-puisinya agar kita sebagai pembaca atau pendengar dapat mengkaitkan kritiknya dengan posisi kita dalam seseorang yang menganuti ajaran agma. Puisi-puisinya juga terkadang terbentuk dalam sebuah nasehat. Pada umumnya, puisi yang bersifat nasehat terdapat unsur-unsur keagamaan demi membuat kita tersentuh akan saran dan pendapat yang Iowa berikan. Dalam pembuatan puisi, pemilihan kata yang tepat seperti kata kita sering digunakan demi membuat suasana cosmopolitan dan nyata. Ada pula rima yang bersamaan demi membuat puisi lebih bermakna. Banyak kata-kata figuratif yang digunakan oleh Taufiq seperti halnya Gayatri yang mengartikan reinkarnasi akan semangat untuk melanjutkan perjuangan. Penulisan puisi yang cukup jenius ini memberikan kita sebagai pembaca atau pendengar minat untuk mengamatinya serta memberikan kita inspirasi. Pada dasarnya, esai ini merangkupi analisa terhadap karangan Taufiq Ismail yang berunsur politik dan agama yang terbentuk dalam puisi. Terdapat kata pengantar yang member penjelasan tentang Taufiq Ismail dan karangannya yang akan di bahas, Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence Dari analisa tersebut sendiri, dan kesimpulan atas analisa dari puisi-puisi itu. Analisa ini Akan setidaknya memberi gambaran atas bagaimana seorang Taufiq Ismail membuat puisi dalam konteks kea gamaan dan politik. KATA PENGANTAR Taufiq Ismail ialah seorang penyair yang lahir di Bukittinggi pada tanggal 25 Juni, 1935. Sosok kelulusan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan di Universitas Indonesia ini lebih dikenal sebagai penyair yang unik atas karangan-karangannya yang bernafaskan politik dan agama. Semangat untuk menjadi penyair diawali dengan rasa cinta untuk membaca lembaran-lembaran puisi karangan orang sebelumnya dan juga sejarah, politik, dan agama. Karya-karya Taufiq banyak mendapatkan penghargaan Dari negeri sendiri maupun negeri luar: penghargaannya diatara lain ialah, Anugerah Seni Dari Pemerintah ( 1970 ) , Cultural Visit Award Pemerintah Australia ( 1977 ) , South East Asia Write Award dari Kerajaan Thailand ( 1994 ) , Penulisan Karya Sastra Dari Pusat Bahasa ( 1994 ) . Dua kali ia menjadi penyair tamu di Universitas Iowa, Amerika Serikat ( 1971-1972 dan 1991-1992 ) , lalu pengarang tamu di Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur ( 1993 ) [ 1 ] . Taufiq Ismail merupakan seseorang yang mempunyai aspirasi politi k dengan rasa nasionalisme yang cukup kuat disertai keimanan sebagai umat Islam yang teguh. Atas karakteristik yang Iowa miliki, Taufiq pun memberi pendapatnya melewati puisi-puisi yang dikarangnya. Keunikannya inilah yang mengantarnya untuk mendapatkan penghargaan-penghargaan tersebut. Banyak contoh-contoh puisi yang menunjukan rasa nasionalisme yang dapat membangun semangat akan citra bangsa dengan gambaran kondisi yang sedang dialami pada Masa tertentu. Banyak juga contoh-contoh puisi yang mempunyai unsur-unsur keagamaan. Contoh-contoh puisinya dapat ditemukan di kumpulan puisi Tirani dan Benteng . Puisi-puisi dalam rangkuman Tirani dan Benteng dikarang pada tahun 1960an dimana Indonesia pada saat tersebut sedang mengalami banyak krisis. Kata tirani datang Dari kata tiran dalam Indonesian Yunani yang bermakna seorang aristokrat pada rain tree dahulu di Yunani. Pada waktu 1960an, terjadi perubahan Dari orde lama ke orde baru. Taufiq Ismail wordplay banyak menunjukan komentar nya Dari sudut aspirasi kepolitikannya dan juga dikaitkan dengan unsur-unsur keagamaan. Bagaimanakah Taufiq Ismail dapat menunjukan sudut pandangnya tersebut kedalam puisi sehingga pembaca dapat mengambil kesimpulan tentang keadaan dan kondisi pada saat tersebut? Disinilah dimana puisi-puisi Taufiq dapat dianalisa untuk mengetahui mengapa kita sebagai pembaca dapat merasakan semangat di dalam jiwa sang penyair terhadap kondisi pada zamannya. Akan ada terbagi dalam tiga bagian: puisi-puisi yang bergerak pada bidang politik, puisi yang bergerak pada bidang politik, dan puisi yang bergerak pada bidang politik dan agama. Dengan adanya pembagian ini, akan lebih terlihat jelas makna dari unsur-unsur politik dan agama yang ingin disampaikan Taufiq. CONTOH PUISI YANG BERGERAK PADA BIDANG POLITIK Salah satu contoh puisi yang mempunyai sifat pada bidang kepolitikan dapat dilihat di dalam rangkuman Tirani . Puisi tersebut ialah Sebuah Jaket Berlumur Darah dan puisi tersebut berbunyi: Ada penggunan diksi atau tata Indonesian yang unik. Menurut saya, kata-kata seperti Kami, mereka, dan semuanya bersifat universal. Ia membuat puisi ini menjadi bagian Dari masyarakat-masyarakat pada rain tree tersebut. Puisi ini seolah-olah berbicara untuk persepsi yang luas dan bermasyarakat. Jaket berlumur darah menunjukkan sebuah perjuangan yang menumpahkan darah dilanjutkan dengan kalimat kami semua menatapmu yang bermakna harapan. Kata jaket mengartikan alma mater parity mahasiswa dan darah mengindikasikan sifat Dari perjuangan. Duka yang agung dan kepedihan bertahun-tahun menunjukkan bahwasannya mereka telah lama menahan rasa sakit yang sangat dalam ; rasa tersiksa. Kata bertahun-tahun memberitahukan kita bahwa kejadian ini tercipta bertahun sebelum pemberontakkan terjadi, 1966. Dengan kata lain, tahun sebelumnya, 1965, ada persitiwa yang telah menyakitkan hati parity masyarakat ; peristiwa tersebut ialah ganyang PKI. Salah satu tokoh yang dapat menyimbolisasikan jaket berlumur darah ialah A.R. Hakim yang tertembak di saat pemberontakkan terjadi. Di come-on kedua, pendapat saya ialah sungai itu menyibolisasikan aparat keamanan. Mereka menahan parity mahasiswa untuk mencari kebebasan. Satu bukti bahwa sungai itu ialah aparat adalah mereka berlapis senjata dan sangkur baja . Sang penyair wordplay membuat parity pendengar atau pembaca untuk berpikir tentang kejadian apabila mereka tengah mundur dan meninggalkan perjuangan mereka selama ini ; mereka akan mematuhi peraturan yang tidak adil . Taufiq wordplay lalu membuat pernyataan di come-on berikutnya bahwasannya mereka telah menatap spanduk-spanduk yang berisi tentang ajakan untuk melawan pemerintahan. Disambung pada come-on berikutnya dimana penyair menyatakan spanduk atau slogan-slogan ajakan untuk memberntas ketidak adilan societal di pemerintahan ini telah tersebar luas ; melalui ocular maupun verbal. Namun yang unik Dari puisi ini ialah puisi ini diakhiri dengan ajakan LANJUTKAN PERJUANGAN! yang berarti mereka, walaupun risau dah gelisah serta merasa tertekan, tetap melanjutkkan perjuangannya untuk membentuk pemerintahan yang lebih baik. Kalimat ini dengan sengaja dikapitalisasikan atau dihuruf besarkan dengan tujuan memberi penegasan atau tekanan kepada parity pembaca atau pendengar bahwa mereka harus tetap melanjutkan perjuangan dan tidak menyerah begitu saja walaupun mereka berlumurkan darah maupun gugur. Alma Mater merupakan simbolisasi akan mahasiswa. Kalimat pertama merupakan pemberian semangat kepada mahasiswa yang berada di tengah demonstrasi epoch reformasi. Dari puisi ini, dapat di lihat bait per come-on bahwasannya sang penyair memberi semangat kepada rekan-rekan mahasiswa agar tetap tegar walau salat satu Dari mereka telah gugur. Sebagai tanda penjelasan yang lebih, ada pula potongan dari come-on pertama dimana dinyatakan menuju pemakaman ; siang ini memberi petunjuk untuk pembaca atau pendengar agar kita dapat mengidentifikasikan salat satu Dari mereka telah gugur. Sebagaimana telah dijelaskan, ada kemungkinan bahwa seseorang yang gugur tersebut ialah A.R. Hakim. Terletak di come-on ke dua, anakmu yang berani ; telah tersungkur ke bumi ; ketika melawan tirani memberi isyarat bahwa kepada orang tua daripada anak tersebut untuk tetap tegar karena anaknya wafat sebagai seorang pahlawan. Kata tirani menunjukkan kita bahwa Si anak tersebut melawan seorang aristokrat yang bertindak seperti penguasa besar karena kata tirani yang berdasarkan Dari Tiran merupakan seorang aristokrat yang cukup berkuasa di rain tree yunani kuno. Pada kesimpulannya, puisi ini menceritakan bagaimana seorang mahasiswa yang tengah memperjuangkan keadilan dengan melawan American ginseng tirani dan lalu gugur. Pengunaan rima yang sama pada come-on kedua seperti berani, bumi, dan tirani dapat memberikan sebuah sentuhan akan perasaan agar makna puisi dapat lebih ditangkap. Puisi di atas melukiskan kejadian demostrasi parity mahasiswa. Terjadi di saat pagi hari tiba, jalan parity mahasiswa wordplay diblokir. Kita sebagai pembaca dapat mengethaui bahwa jalannya telah diblokir Dari potongan kalimat barikade yang telah di oryx . Ketika itu langit pucat ; di atas harmoni membuat seolah-olah mereka yang datang untuk mencari keharmonisan dan lalu diricaukan oleh aparat yang ditetapkan oleh tirani . Di come-on kedua, telah di beritahukan kondisi yang cukup parah di mana parity aparat telah mempersiapkan baju dan persenjataan yang lengkap dan sebaliknya parity pemberontak, mahasiswa, hanya dapat menunggu dengan rasa gelisah. Kondisi yang sangat panas disertai debaran jantung akan penantian aparat di balik kawat. Bendera setengah tiang adalah sebuah petunjuk untuk memberi informasi bahwasannya adenosine deaminase yang gugur Dari mereka. Faktor oleh tertulisnya setengah tiang melambangkan seorang pahlawan yang telah gugur ; Taufiq melihat dirinya dan parity mahasiswa lainnya sebagai pemberontak yang adenosine deaminase untuk membela bangsa. Kata Gayatri yang dikapitalisasikan ialah seorang dewi yang dapat mengiterpretasikan harta, pendidikan, atau wordplay reinkarnasi. Karena puisi ini berhubungan dengan kematian maka asumpsi saya ialah Gayatri di sini merupakan interpretasi Dari reinkarnasi. Reinkarnasi itu wordplay dapat diartikan sebagai rasa semangat yang tiada matinya. Puisi wordplay namun ditutup oleh seorang ibu menengadah ; menyeka matanya yang basah yang menunjukan betapa sedihnya sang ibunda akan anaknya yang menjadi korban. Menurut saya, Taufiq Ismail membuat puisi ini dengan artian untuk menyadarkan kita sebagai pendengar untuk lebih menuaikan perasaan Akan pemerintahan orde lama yang terlihat tidak adil sehingga dunia politik wordplay kacau dan kemiskinan bertambah. Puisi di atas menceritakan suasana setelah serpihan demonstrasi parity mahasiswa dilaksanakan. Terlihat dari cara American ginseng penyair menulis bahwa mereka kurang berhasil dalam upaya melawan aparat setempat karena mereka mempunyai persenjataan lengkap sedangkan parity pemberontak hanya bermodalkan nyali dan semangat. Lalu merekapun mundur, bukan berarti menyerah, hanya tidak berdaya untuk melawan. Pilihan kata seperti merenung memperlihatkan kepada kita sebagaimana mereka tampak cukup kecewa. Mereka wordplay beristirahat di kampus, dan lalu melihat segeromboloan anak mahasiswa Dari Kota seberang seperti Bogor. Mereka dari mana-mana ; semuanya kumal, semuanya tak bicara menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa Dari Bogor tersebut juga di tengah memperjuangkan epoch reformasi yang baru. Meski mereka terlihat letih dan kumal, mereka pantang menyerah ; menyerah akan senjata Dari aparat yang ditetapkan oleh sang pemimpin. Karena keributan di Masa 1966 ini, parity mahasiswa ini juga sepakat bahwasannya mereka secara tidak langsung melupakan tugas aslinya parity mahasiswa, belajar, karena mereka tidak tahu apa yang bisa terjadi kapan wordplay. Kejadian pemberontakkan tersebut merupakan unsur-unsur politik yang lalu dijadikan ke dalam bentuk puisi oleh Taufiq. Namun, pemberontakkan yang dibicarakan itu berkaitan dengan keguguran dari salat seorang Dari mereka yang ternama ialah di saat Arif Rahman Hakim tertembak. Taufiq wordplay menunjukan keunikannya dalam mengemukakan pendapatnya Dari puisi dengan cara berbeda-beda. Salah satunya ia menggunakan nama temannya itu, Arif Rahman Hakim, di dalam puisinya. Taufiq memulai dengan seruan Kami tidak bisa dibubarkan ; apalagi dicoba dihalaukan ; dari gelanggan ini untuk mengispirasikan masyarakat bahwa mereka tidak akan menyerah. Taufiq pun seakan-akan ingin menyampaikan bahwa semangat yang tinggi dapat menghasilkan pasukan yang kokoh. Sejarah sedang singgah adalah sebuah ekspresi akan petunjuk mereka ingin membuat sebuah perubahan. Di sertai dengan sambutan yang baik untuk merubah Masa lalu sehingga kehidupan yang mendatang akan menjadi lebih baik. Di dalam puisi ini terdapat ingatan untuk pembaca atau pendengar untuk tidak menunda waktu untuk berbuat apa yang telah direncanakan. Lalu, penyair meletakkan nama Arif di dalam puisi untuk memperkuat makna perjuangan yang harus dilakukan secara cepat dan tegas. Menurut saya, kata Arif itu juga dapat diartikan sebagai kebijaksanaan ; jadi, Arif yang telah gugur dapat mengiterpretasikan kebijaksanaan yang hilang. CONTOH PUISI YANG BERGERAK PADA BIDANG AGAMA Taufiq Ismail walaupun seorang yang mengeritik keadaan sosial Dari beragam macam puisi, ia juga merupakan seseorang yang taat dalam beragama. Ia menulis puisi dalam aspek keagamaan yang cukup teguh. Salah satu contoh puisi yang memuat ansur-ansur keagamaan ialah Doa . Puisi di atas berwujud sebuah doa ; percakapan antara manusia kepada Tuhannya. Selain dari judul yang secara jelas memberitahukan kepada kita bahwasannya Iowa sedang berdoa, percakapan kepada Tuhan dapat dilihat dari hurup M yang dikapitalisasikan pada setiap kata yang mengartikan kamu. Ada kemungkin dimana Taufiq Ismail merasa berdosa akan tingkah lakunya yang mengelapkan hati akibat Dari demonstrasi terhadap pemerintahan. Seperti dituliskan di atas, telah nista Kami dalam dosa bersama ; bertahun-tahun membangun kultus ini ; dalam pikiran yang ganda ; dan menutupi hati nurani Taufiq Ismail bersama rekannya tidak sepenuhnya dapat memastikan apa yang mereka lakukan ini merupakan hal yang baik di sisi American ginseng pencipta, namun pemberontakkan ini ialah rasa keinginan untuk mewujudkan pemerintahan yang lebih baik. Akibat dari kontroversi ini, ada kemungkinan Taufiq Ismail memanjatkan doa agar segala kesalahnya dalam bertindak demi kebaikan itu segera diampunkan. Keseriusan T aufiq dalam mempanjatkan permohonan atas pengampunan dosa dapat dilahat dari cara Iowa mengulangi come-on yang berbunyi ampunilah Kami ; ampunilah ; amin sebanyak dua saltwort. Selain menjadi seseorang yang memandang tinggi soal sosial, Taufiq juga peduli dengan keteguhan agamanya. Demikianlah salat satu conoh puisi yang bergerak pada bidang agama yang dikarang oleh Taufiq Ismail. Karena rasa keteguhannya pada keagamaan cukup kuat, ia wordplay namun mencoba mengkombinasikan unsur-unsur keagamaan dengan politik. Bentuk daripada puisi seperti tersebut beragam ; ada yang berupa himbauan dan juga adenosine deaminase yang bersifat nasehat. Kedua komponen puisi itu Akan dianalisa pada bagaian selanjutnya. CONTOH PUISI YANG BERGERAK PADA BIDANG POLITIK A ; AGAMA Seperti yang diinformasikan di atas, ada puisi yang mengkombinasikan antara agama dan politik. Puisi pertama ini Akan mempunyai elemen himbauan. Himbain disini merupakan sebuah puisi yang menceritakan soal seorang ibunda yang merelakan serta mengikhlaskan kepergian anaknya untuk berdemonstrasti melawan pemerintahan yang dianggap salat pada zamannya. Judul dari pada puisi tersebut ialah Dari Ibu Seorang Demonstran . Terdapat pada puisi di atas dimana rasa keagamaan yang bercampur dengan rasa keinginan untuk membentuk epoch reformasi yang baru. Di mulai dengan Ibu telah merelakan hookah ; untuk berangkat demonstrasi ; karena kalian pergi menyempurnakan ; kemerdekaan negeri ini yang menceritakan bagaimana seorang ibu bersedia anaknya untuk berjuang demi hak-hak rakyat yang belum tercapai serta kedamaian sosial untuk seluruh rakyat karena apalah arti kemerdekaan apabila kesengsaraan masih tetap meraja lela. Sang ibu juga bercerita tentang bagaimana aparat langsung menambak mati parity demonstran tanpa melempar gas air mata terlebih dahulu. Ada juga kutipan di atas dimana disebutkan delapan belas tahun yang lalu American ginseng ayah tertembak. Delapan belas tahun yang lalu merukapa periode Indonesia memperjuangkan kemerdekaannya di saat Belanda memasuki Indonesia kembali. demikian, sang ibu tetap ingin mereka, anak-anaknya, untuk tetap berjuang. Ciuman dari ibunda tersebut merupakan simbolisasi Akan doa restu atau persetujuan untuk melanjutkan perjuangan walau berbahaya. Ibunda juga memberi pengajaran agama di balik sebuah perjuangan dengan melafaskan nama Allah sebelum melakukan sesuatu. Melawan orang-orang yang bertindak tidak primanusiawi merupakan bagian Dari jihad dan oleh karena itu sangi ibu ingin mereka untuk berjuang di jalan Allah, sang pencipta, agar mereka selalu mendapat tuntunan yang benar. Dari kalimat sunyi Dari dendam dan kebencian saya menyimpulkan bahwa American ginseng ibu tidak ingin anaknya untuk membawa pemberontakkan ini dengan rasa dendam dan benci. Melawan karena rasa kebencian itu merupakan hal yang tidak baik, maka Dari itu sang ibunda menganjurkan anak-anaknya untuk berjuang di jalan yang Maha kuasa. Puisi di akhiri dengan aksi mulia pamitan Dari ketiga anak tersebut: Iwan, Ida, dan Hadi, untuk melanjutkan perjuangan. Pamitan tersebut menyimbolisasikan ke harmonisan dan juga kata pamit itu berkonotasi perpisahan. Penutupan terakhir yang terd apat di tanda kurung, tanpa menoleh lagi, tanpa kata-kata memberitahukan kita bahwasannya anak-anak tersebut telah rela untuk meninggal. Di dalam puisi ini, terdapat Taufiq Ismail memberi dukungan terhadap pemberontakan melalui unsur-unsur agama. Puisi ini merupakan salat satu contoh bagaimana Taufiq Ismail dapat mengabungkan aspirasi politik dan agama. Sifat dari kepolitikannya dapat dilihat dari dorongan untuk memberontak melawan aristokrat dan juga sifat Dari keagamaannya dapat dilihat dari himbauan American ginseng ibu untuk selalu mengingat kepada Allah dalam berjuang. Unsur politik yang mengandung nilai-nilai agama lainnya yang ditunjukkan oleh Taufiq Ismail dapat dilihat dari puisi Nasehat-Nasehat Kecil Orang Tua Pada Anaknya Berangkat Dewasa. Puisi ini mempunyai elemen yang berupa nasehat. Dapat di analisa bahwa pesan-pesan di atas berakhir pada tingkatan tertinggi yaitu Tuhan. Menyampaikan kebenaran dapat ditujukan kepada kepala pemerintahan rain tree tersebut. Di sambung dengan keyakinan yang tidak dapat di perjual belikan karena hal itu bersifat emosional dan menjadi rakyat yang di terus ditipu ialah tindakkan yang tidak manusiawi. Kalimat ini ditujukan lagi kepada kepala pemerintahan. Selanjutnya, di tujukan untuk semua secara cosmopolitan bahwa tindakan yang zalim harus segera di berantaskan ; termasuk hal-hal seperti pemerintahan yang tidak baik. Pohon-pohon di puisi ini menyimbolisasikan aristokrat-aristokrat yang zalim dan harus ditumbangkan. Bukan lah sang aristokrat seperti itulah yang harus diagungkan, melaikan American ginseng Rasul. Di rain tree 1966 ini, pemimpin berlaku kuasa dan tidak adil ; jadi, bukanlah Pongo pygmaeus seperti itu yang harus diharumkan namanya. Dan yang terakhir, gugur secara syahid di jalan Ilahi merupakan jalan yang terbaik. Seperti mana disebutkan pada puisi sebelumnya, memberantas keburukan ialah suatu pembentukan Dari jihad dimana apabila seseorang mati, dianggap Pongo pygmaeus tersebut mati syahid. Puisi ini sepertinya membandingkan sosok pemimpin dengan cara memberitahukan kepada kita bahwasannya bukan Pongo pygmaeus yang seperti mereka miliki di rain tree itu yang harus diagungkan, melainkan sosok seperti Rasul. Pengunaan rima yang sama pada puisi ini juga dipergunakan untuk memberi sentuhan kepada perasaan kita agar dapat memahami arti yang ingin Iowa sampaikan. Taufiq menyempatkan unsur agama di dalam nasehat tersebut yang secara tidak langsung mencerminkan bahwa Taufiq merupakan sosok yang mempunyai keteguhan dalam beragama. KESIMPULAN Kesimpulan dari semua puisi di atas ialah mereka berbicara untuk cosmopolitan serta makna yang cukup dalam untuk keadaan dan kondisi pada rain tree tersebut. Dapat terlihat pada seluruh puisi di atas, saya memilih epoch tahun 1966. Tahun 1966 merupakan epoch reformasi dimana keributan tengah terjadi ; jejak-jejak bekas PKI ( Partai Komunis Indonesia ) masih tersisa, revolusi yang cukup mengempar, dan perubahan orde lama. Banyak terdapat unsur-unsur kritik politik dan keadaan sosial. Di dalam kritik-kritik tersebut, Taufiq menyempatkan diri untuk meletakkan sisi keagamaan. Dari pernyataan ini, kita dapat mengetahui Taufiq Ismail ini ialah seseorang yang mempunyai keteguhan dalam beragama dan selalu bertindak dalam kriteria-kriteria yang ditentukan dalam agamanya. Ada kalanya dimana Iowa mungkin sedikit takut akan dosa yang Iowa lakukan di saat berdemonstrasi, maka Dari itulah Iowa menunjukan rasa hibanya Dari puisi doa . Mengapa pada awalnya saya mengatakan universal? Saya mengataka n cosmopolitan berdasarkan kata kita yang terus dipakai oleh Taufiq dalam menulis puisi ini. Kata kita terus dipergunakan karena mengandung arti kebersamaan. Mereka secara bersama-sama berontak terhadap pemerintah. Dengan menggunakan kata kita, puisi wordplay akan terasa lebih dramatis karena perasaan yang mendengar atau membaca akan lebih kompak antara satu dengan lainnya. Segala kita di puisi ini mempunyai tujuan yang sama sehingga mereka semua terlihat bersatu. Taufiq Ismail membuat puisi-puisi ini seolah-olah parity mahasiswa adalah orang-orang yang benar. Apakah demikian? Itu tergantung kepada yang menginterpretasikannya. Walau bagaimanapun juga, Taufiq Ismail tetap menjadi seseorang yang legendaris di mata saya karena keunikannya. Ia unik dalam membuat kritik yang bersifat samar-samar namun melekat di jiwa. Seperti halnya puisi Arithmatik Sederhana, puisi ini merupakan puisi yang sangat sederhana dan lalu kritiknya wordplay terlihat samar, namun Pongo pygmaeus secara t idak langsung dapat merasakan efek sampingnya. Ada pula puisi yang berbentuk restu seorang ibu yang merelakan anaknya untuk bergegas melawan tirani. Puisi ini dapat menjadi sebuah himbauan untuk parity ibu-ibu untuk merelakan anak-anaknya berjuang. Dukungan atas semangat wordplay dapat dicurahkan melewati puisi, seperti puisi Sebuah Jaket Berlumur Darah. Pada puisi ini terdapat seseorang yang gugur. Orang yang gugur tersebut merupakan salat satu keguguran yang cukup dikenal oleh masyarakat, yaitu keguguran Arif Rachman Hakim. Ada juga puisi yang diciptakan berupa nasehat. Nasehat ini mempunyai alur cerita yang menyentuh permukaan agama ; contohnya, Nasehat-Nasehat Kecil Orang Tua Pada Anaknya Berangkat Dewasa. Apabila dianalisa, puisi Taufiq Ismail sering mempunyai unsur keagamaan terutama di saat puisi-puisi tersebut berwujud nasehat. Hampir segala karya Taufiq Ismail mempunyai pesan moral atau himbauan untuk kita di balik puisi-puisinya ; dengan cara yang berbeda-beda, Taufiq membuatnya unik dan berbeda. Bibliography Taufiq Ismail . Wikipedia Indonesian Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . TIRANI dan BENTENG. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; li ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Taufik Ismail | Penyair | Ensiklopedi Tokoh Indonesia. Tokoh Indonesia Ensiklopedi Tokoh Indonesia Ensikonesia | Tokoh Nasional Indonesian Famous | The Journalistic Biography. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Tiran . Wikipedia Indonesian Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Ismail, Taufiq. Tirani ; dan, Benteng dua kumpulan puisi. Djakarta: Yayasan Ananda, 1992. Print. Taufiq Ismail, Janji untuk Bertindak, dan Komunitas Terbayang. Kabut Institut. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . Tirani dan Benteng. Mengumpulkan Puisi Membaginya Juga. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. A ; lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; . hypertext transfer protocol: //
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Cutting Classes
The news that you are considering elimination of the Career and Technical Education classes has left me quite disturbed. Although the school district budget is already being stretched, it is not a good idea to eliminate the Career and Technical Education classes because they are a way for students to have fun, learn information that pertains to core curriculum, and feel stimulated. Students are able to have fun in these classes because they teach them about the real world and what their future occupations may be. With these classes, students are able to relax in a class that is a requirement to graduate. The students will not be focusing so much on grades, and will instead be focused on learning information that pertains to core curriculum in a more relaxed and fun environment. Career and Technical Education classes not only give the students a more fun and less demanding class, but also enable them to feel more motivated and excited towards school Without such enjoyable classes, students will feel more worn out and will not feel motivated to participate in required classes. If students stop participating in their classes, their grades and test scores will go down. Since the NCLB Act is in effect, that is the last thing that the district wants. Government funding will be withdrawn and the budget will be even tighter. The district will not be able to pay for the necessities the school needs. Eliminating the Career and Technical Education classes is not the course of action to take to solve the budget problem.... Free Essays on Cutting Classes Free Essays on Cutting Classes The news that you are considering elimination of the Career and Technical Education classes has left me quite disturbed. Although the school district budget is already being stretched, it is not a good idea to eliminate the Career and Technical Education classes because they are a way for students to have fun, learn information that pertains to core curriculum, and feel stimulated. Students are able to have fun in these classes because they teach them about the real world and what their future occupations may be. With these classes, students are able to relax in a class that is a requirement to graduate. The students will not be focusing so much on grades, and will instead be focused on learning information that pertains to core curriculum in a more relaxed and fun environment. Career and Technical Education classes not only give the students a more fun and less demanding class, but also enable them to feel more motivated and excited towards school Without such enjoyable classes, students will feel more worn out and will not feel motivated to participate in required classes. If students stop participating in their classes, their grades and test scores will go down. Since the NCLB Act is in effect, that is the last thing that the district wants. Government funding will be withdrawn and the budget will be even tighter. The district will not be able to pay for the necessities the school needs. Eliminating the Career and Technical Education classes is not the course of action to take to solve the budget problem....
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on Thomas Jefferson
(Born April 13, 1743 at Shadwell, Virginia; died July 4, 1826, Monticello) Thomas Jefferson author of the Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, third president of the United States, and founder of the University of Virginia voiced the aspirations of a new America as no other individual of his era. As public official, historian, philosopher, and plantation owner, he served his country for over five decades. His father Peter Jefferson was a successful planter and surveyor and his mother Jane Randolph a member of one of Virginia's most distinguished families. Having inherited a considerable landed estate from his father, Jefferson began building Monticello when he was twenty-six years old. Three years later, he married Martha Wayles Skelton, with whom he lived happily for ten years until her death. Their marriage produced six children, but only two survived to adulthood. Jefferson, who never remarried, maintained Monticello as his home throughout his life, always expanding and changing the house. Jefferson inherited slaves from both his father and father-in-law. In a typical year, he owned about 200, almost half of them under the age of sixteen. About eighty of these lived at Monticello; the others lived on adjacent Albemarle County plantations, and on his Poplar Forest estate in Bedford County, Virginia. Jefferson freed two slaves in his lifetime and five in his will and chose not to pursue two others who ran away. All were members of the Hemings family; the seven he eventually freed were skilled tradesmen.Having attended the College of William and Mary, Jefferson practiced law and served in local government as a magistrate, county lieutenant, and member of the House of Burgesses in his early professional life. As a member of the Continental Congress, he was chosen in 1776 to draft the Declaration of Independence, which has been regarded ever since as a charter of American and univer... Free Essays on Thomas Jefferson Free Essays on Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson is remembered in history not only for the offices he held, but also for his belief in the natural rights of man as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and his faith in the people’s ability to govern themselves. He left an impact on his times equaled by few others in American history. Born on April 13, 1743, Jefferson was the third child in the family and grew up with six sisters and one brother. Though he opposed slavery, his family had owned slaves. From his father and his environment he developed an interest in botany, geology, cartography, and North American exploration, and from his childhood teacher developed a love for Greek and Latin. In 1760, at the age of 16, Jefferson entered the College of William and Mary and studied under William Small and George Wythe. Through Small, he got his first views of the expansion of science and of the system of things in which we are placed. Through Small and Wythe, Jefferson became acquainted with Governor Francis Fauquier. After finishing college in 1762, Jefferson studied law with Wythe and noticed growing tension between America and Great Britain. Jefferson was admitted to the bar in 1767. He successfully practiced law until public service occupied most of his time. At his home in Shadwell, he designed and supervised the building of his home, Monticello, on a nearby hill. He was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1769. Jefferson met Martha Wayles Skelton, a wealthy widow of 23, in 1770 and married her in 1772. They settled in Monticello and had one son and five daughters. Only two of his children, Martha and Mary, survived until maturity. Mrs. Martha Jefferson died in 1782, leaving Thomas to take care of his two remaining children. Though not very articulate, Jefferson proved to be an able writer of laws and resolutions he was very concise and straight to... Free Essays on Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Who: Thomas Jefferson was born in Albermarle County, Virginia. He attended the College of William and Mary. Jefferson married Martha Wayles Skelton and they lived at Monticello. He was a member of the Continental Congress and the Virginia House of Burgesses. At the age of 33 he wrote the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson became minister to France causing much conflict with Alexander Hamilton. He was the third President of the United States and retired after his second term. Thomas Jefferson pushed for states rights as opposed to a central government. He died in 1826. What: In 1776 at the age of 33 Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence. He would later write a bill for the freedom of religion that would be enacted in 1786. Thomas Jefferson succeeded Benjamin Franklin as minister to france in 1785. As two parties began to form Jefferson took the leadership of the Republicans. He lost the presidential election by three votes to Adams, only to become his Vice President. When he finally became President the revolution in France was over. Jefferson cut back on Army and Navy expenditures, cut the budget, and got rid of the tax on whiskey and still managed to drop the national debt by thirty three percent. The greatest success of his presidency was the Louisiana Purchase. With this he was able to double the size of the United States by purchasing vast amounts of land from Napoleon. The purchase also brought along troubles with Spain since the boundaries were unclear. Jefferson later tried to purchase the Floridas but to no ava il. During his second year Jefferson had to deal with French and English warships forcing American merchants into service. To stop the impressment of Americans Jefferson passed the Embargo Act, cutting off all trade from America. A very unpopular and hard to enforce act, it was later replaced by the NonIntercourse Act prohibiting trade with Great Britain an... Free Essays on Thomas Jefferson (Born April 13, 1743 at Shadwell, Virginia; died July 4, 1826, Monticello) Thomas Jefferson author of the Declaration of Independence and the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, third president of the United States, and founder of the University of Virginia voiced the aspirations of a new America as no other individual of his era. As public official, historian, philosopher, and plantation owner, he served his country for over five decades. His father Peter Jefferson was a successful planter and surveyor and his mother Jane Randolph a member of one of Virginia's most distinguished families. Having inherited a considerable landed estate from his father, Jefferson began building Monticello when he was twenty-six years old. Three years later, he married Martha Wayles Skelton, with whom he lived happily for ten years until her death. Their marriage produced six children, but only two survived to adulthood. Jefferson, who never remarried, maintained Monticello as his home throughout his life, always expanding and changing the house. Jefferson inherited slaves from both his father and father-in-law. In a typical year, he owned about 200, almost half of them under the age of sixteen. About eighty of these lived at Monticello; the others lived on adjacent Albemarle County plantations, and on his Poplar Forest estate in Bedford County, Virginia. Jefferson freed two slaves in his lifetime and five in his will and chose not to pursue two others who ran away. All were members of the Hemings family; the seven he eventually freed were skilled tradesmen.Having attended the College of William and Mary, Jefferson practiced law and served in local government as a magistrate, county lieutenant, and member of the House of Burgesses in his early professional life. As a member of the Continental Congress, he was chosen in 1776 to draft the Declaration of Independence, which has been regarded ever since as a charter of American and univer... Free Essays on Thomas Jefferson In this article â€Å"Thomas Jefferson and the Meanings of Liberty,†scholar and historian Douglas L. Wilson warns of the dangers of presentism when evaluating the character of Thomas Jefferson and his contributions. Wilson used the alleged affair between Jefferson and Sally Hemings to present his case of presentism. He then showed how presentism has distorted history as in the case of how Americans now perceive the stories of the Old West. Wilson took great effort to show that Jefferson had many qualities and talents that were never justly emphasized. In fact, he portrayed Jefferson as a modern futuristic thinker whose own personal life did not reflect his beliefs in regards to freedom and race. Thomas Jefferson’s ideas and beliefs about equality of man were heavily influenced from European thinkers during the eighteenth century, or the Age of Reason. Fawn M. Brodie published a book in 1974 where she tried to prove that Thomas Jefferson and his slave girl, Sally Hemings, had a thirty-eight year love affair. Jefferson himself denied the allocation. Jefferson biographer Dumas Malone stated the book had no historical merit. Wilson believed that great Americans, including Kennedy, should be judged by their accomplishments and not by their personal weaknesses. Wilson argues how presentism has distorted history regarding stories and tales that used to glorify the Old West. These have now turned to lessons on how man has ruined the land and mistreated the Indians. A generation ago children admired the stories of Davy Crocket and other Indian fighters and today the old heroes of the west are regarded as killers who destroyed the land and personal rights of the Indian. Wilson strongly argues that using our values today alter the heroes of yesterday. Douglas showed in his article that Jefferson was a contemporary on such views as exercise and diet and architecture. In his youth he was a runner and later believed in the benefits of wal... Free Essays on Thomas Jefferson When the name Thomas Jefferson is mentioned we consider it a prastejuse name of one of this great nation’s Founding Fathers. We are proud to have such a brilliant man representing the history of this nation. If an individual were to take a step closer they may be a little surprised at what they might find, and even upset that this man represents a part of this nation’s history. The greatest of conflicting issues with Thomas Jefferson was his issue on slavery. Was Thomas Jefferson for slavery, against it, or is this an issue that will boggle the minds of many people for eternity? This paper will provide facts and opinions on what the answer to those questions might be. Did Thomas Jefferson’s contributions help or hinder the creation of our nation today? Thomas Jefferson was born into a life as a slave owner. He inherited twenty-two slave and 5,000 acres of land from is father’s death. A decade later he inherited 135 more slaves and more land from his father-in-laws death (Finkelman, 186). At the end of the Revolution Thomas Jefferson had what seemed to be a miniature state, containing his family and around two hundred slaves (Finkelman, 186). Throughout his entire life he would buy and sell a great number of slaves, and as a slave owner he was nether to helpful or to hindering. He would punish them if they needed it and reward them if they did something out of their regular duties. He was considered to be an ordinary southerner and master (Finkelman, 186). Despite the many men of his stature at that time were manumitting or emancipating their slaves Thomas Jefferson would never conform to any such thing. He would own his slaves until the day that he died, and even then they would be sold to pay off the debt he owed at his death (Thomas). Through his life he would only free seven of the hundreds of slaves he owned....
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Literature - Essay Example â€Å"Barn Burning,†is also set in the Southern part of the United States, and tells the story of a little boy named Colonel Sartoris Snopes, or Sarty, whose father, Abner Snopes, bitter due to the class differences, is virulently acting out against the rich and influential even as he works for them. The story highlights the awkward relationship between the boy and his father, while also touching upon the young boy’s conscious and difficult decision to choose between familial loyalty and the truth. At the outset, both stories seem to have very different themes and plots. â€Å"A Rose for Emily†starts at the end of the story, and is a tale with gothic elements. â€Å"Barn Burning†on the other hand starts at the middle, and is essentially a tale regarding the triumph of what the protagonist perceives to be right over wrong. However, upon closer inspection, they do seem to have an identical theme – that of exploring a strange and strained relationsh ip of children with their respective fathers. It is suggested in â€Å"A Rose for Emily†that Miss Grierson’s father was a strict patriarch. ... However, after his death, she comes out of the hold that her father had on her. Although it is interesting to note that she does not want to come out of that hold herself. She is caught off guard when her father dies, and not knowing how to handle life now that her father is dead, is shown to have denied the death altogether. This, in essence, shows that she could not come to terms with living life independently. In â€Å"Barn Burning,†similarly, the relationship of Sarty with his father, Abner, is explored – although, here the analysis is much more in-depth than in â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Abner Snopes is shown to be a man filled with vengeance and hatred for the rich. He holds them in contempt and carries out acts of, what he perceives to be, rightful retribution. Sarty Snopes observes all this and though he tries to side with his father, based on ideas of familial loyalty, it is shown that the father mistrusts him all the same. Abner is a very controlling man , who does not allow his family to challenge or even question his actions. His hold on his family is complete. However, despite that, Sarty, in the end, goes against his father when he goes to report the burning to the barn’s owner, De Spain. That is where these two stories seem to differ: Emily does not know what to do without her father’s hold on her. She cannot go against her father even after he has died, so much so that she refuses to acknowledge his death. Whereas in â€Å"Barn Burning,†Sarty willfully chooses to go against his father in reporting his actions to De Spain, thus, freeing himself of his hold. Both these stories are set in southern towns and explore certain â€Å"southern†values, so to speak. Miss Emily Grierson is caught between the changing times
Friday, October 18, 2019
DUI class eassy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
DUI class eassy - Essay Example However, Americans still drink alcohol and drive despite the DUI prevention efforts through DUI laws. This is so as alcohol is deeply rooted in the American culture and way of life. Considering this, there is astonishingly large gap in scientific knowledge regarding the drinking under the influence among the American citizens (Bracken, 2012). It is for this reasons that I have decided to undertake a course in DUI laws. Through this class, I intend to partake in the implementation and formulation of traffic policies within my country. More so, I intend to undertake research on the inconsistencies between law and ethics. Personally, I have been a victim of drunk driving and the incidence nearly landed me in prison. I drove through a police checkpoint before the officers stopped my car and requested me to pull to the side of the road. At first, I was hesitant since I felt that this type of laws should not be applied in a free country. I saw this inspection as an invasion of my privacy and a collapse of American democracy. Before I could explain my case, the officers requested me to get out of the car and asked me several questions before they suspected me of drunk driving. Nonetheless, I was adamant that I had not taken any alcohol. According to my own understanding, being drunk is a personal issue and levels of drunkenness vary across different individuals. Before this incidence, I considered drunk driving an imposition that is meant to invade or violate people’s privacy. The officers requested me to undertake certain tests such as balancing my body on one leg before I took a breathalyzer tes t. Through these tests, the officers concluded that I was drunk and that I had violated the drunken driving laws according to state’s regulation. I was detained in the police station for the night. In addition, my driving license was confisiticated. Although I had never had any
Understanding Stock Options Information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Understanding Stock Options Information - Essay Example Understand how accumulation or distribution (Accumulation, the buying of stock, distribution is the sale of stock.), forecast the future expectation of stocks or options. Ascending and Descending tops P. 15 International Encyclopedia of Technical Analysis Page 15 and 16,), these illustrations show ascending and descending price top transitions, from time period- to- time period, that trail stock directions.Volatility charts show extremes â€â€specifically, option volatility charts show relationships between puts, calls, strike prices, and expiration dates. Assumption associations are derived from historical patterns, price patterns,and supply and demand relationship. Historical relationships signal the likeness of direction, whereas, price patterns point to quantity of decrease and increase. â€Å"Market factors (Interest rate changes, economic conditions, political factors, announced pending acquisitions.), are already incorporated into current market price per share. If demand exceeds supply, the stock price will increase, and vice versa.†(International Encyclopedia Page 16 and 17, J. Siegel, J. Shim, A Qureshi, J Brauchler). Charts are technical, and fundamentals play little or no roll when the technician makes decisions to buy or sell. He’s only interested in charts  usually 50 or 200 day moving average charts, volume, and the accumulation or distribution of a stock. WHAT ARE OPTIONS?Options have basic uses. One, to hedgeâ€â€using options to safeguard against the underlying stock reducing in value.... Understand how accumulation or distribution (Accumulation, the buying of stock, distribution is the sale of stock.), forecast the future expectation of stocks or options. (Ascending and Descending tops P. 15 International Encyclopedia of Technical Analysis Page 15 and 16,), these illustrations show ascending and descending price top transitions, from time period- to- time period, that trail stock directions. Volatility charts show extremes -specifically, option volatility charts show relationships between puts, calls, strike prices, and expiration dates. Assumption associations are derived from historical patterns, price patterns, and supply and demand relationship. Historical relationships signal the likeness of direction, whereas, price patterns point to quantity of decrease and increase. "Market factors (Interest rate changes, economic conditions, political factors, announced pending acquisitions.), are already incorporated into current market price per share. If demand exceeds supply, the stock price will increase, and vice versa." (International Encyclopedia Page 16 and 17, J. Siegel, J. Shim, A Qureshi, J Brauchler) Charts are technical, and fundamentals play little or no roll when the technician makes decisions to buy or sell. He's only interested in charts - usually 50 or 200 day moving average charts, volume, and the accumulation or distribution of a stock. WHAT ARE OPTIONS Options have basic uses. O ne, to hedge-using options to safeguard against the underlying stock reducing in value. Much the same way as an insurance policy pays upon death, a put option pays (Or goes up in value.) as the underlying stock goes down.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Sunni-Shia Split Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sunni-Shia Split - Essay Example The U.S. should have supported the Shia Islam more than the Sunni Islam. This is because Sunni Arabs were more associated with Muslim extremists and the Al-Qa’Ida who considered outside powers as enemies and promoted values that were no in tune with world peace5. Al-Qa’Ida promotes monotheism and is against anyone who believes in polytheism6. It declares war on any individual who does not follow the Muslim religion. AQI viewed Shia as individuals who have rejected Islam and declared war on them7. Therefore, it is evident that Al-Qa’Ida should be stopped as they are against individualism and freedom. The U.S should lend help to individuals who are intent on driving AQI out as seen in the case of Amariyah whose new boss rebelled against AQI8. The Baath party was favored the Sunnis and ensured they took up positions of wealth and power9. The Shia Arabs are seen to be oppressed from several angles and would be the ones who would call for help as they do not promote values going against human right and freedom. The reign of Baath party saw that that the Shia did not enjoy higher living standards, prestigious education and jobs as the Sunni10. Sly, L. (2007). New Boss Turns the Tables on Al Qaeda Ex-Sunni Insurgent becomes U.S. Ally. Chicago Tribune, 22nd November 2007. Retrived Online
Engineering Behaviour of Perth's Soils Research Paper - 1
Engineering Behaviour of Perth's Soils - Research Paper Example The determination of the engineering behaviour and properties of soil such as its grain size distribution, relative density, angle of repose and permeability is one of the most fundamental aspects of geotechnical engineering. Although most previous researches have focused on in situ determination of soil properties, the current research uses laboratory analysis of soil properties to investigate and the engineering behaviour of soils in Perth area. The experimental approach involved collecting soil samples from four different locations namely, North- Yanchep, West- Scarborough, South- Southern River, and East- Swan Valley. Various soil classification tests such as sieve analysis, relative density, and angle of repose and permeability tests were them performed on the collected in order to determine their compositional properties and engineering behaviour. The results were then analysed and compared to the findings of the literature review in order to effectively predict the engineering behaviour of soils of soils in Perth area. I wish to acknowledge my project supervisor, Professor Sanjay Kumar Shukla for the valuable assistance, suggestions and positive criticism throughout this project. My sincere thanks also go to my lab supervisor, Dr. Mohamed Ismail, for his tireless efforts in helping us succeed in our experimental tasks. Finally, the work presented in this report would not have been possible without the cooperation and invaluable support of my project partner, Chushu Deng. Perth region is vast area located within the expansive Swan coastal plains, which lies between the Indian Ocean and the Darling Scarp in the South Western parts of Western Australia. There exist different types of soils in Perth area with the main types being sandy, clay soils. The Western region of Perth area, particularly towards the coast, is mostly characterized by sandy loam soils. On the other hand, the Eastern sides including the upper Swan to the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Sunni-Shia Split Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sunni-Shia Split - Essay Example The U.S. should have supported the Shia Islam more than the Sunni Islam. This is because Sunni Arabs were more associated with Muslim extremists and the Al-Qa’Ida who considered outside powers as enemies and promoted values that were no in tune with world peace5. Al-Qa’Ida promotes monotheism and is against anyone who believes in polytheism6. It declares war on any individual who does not follow the Muslim religion. AQI viewed Shia as individuals who have rejected Islam and declared war on them7. Therefore, it is evident that Al-Qa’Ida should be stopped as they are against individualism and freedom. The U.S should lend help to individuals who are intent on driving AQI out as seen in the case of Amariyah whose new boss rebelled against AQI8. The Baath party was favored the Sunnis and ensured they took up positions of wealth and power9. The Shia Arabs are seen to be oppressed from several angles and would be the ones who would call for help as they do not promote values going against human right and freedom. The reign of Baath party saw that that the Shia did not enjoy higher living standards, prestigious education and jobs as the Sunni10. Sly, L. (2007). New Boss Turns the Tables on Al Qaeda Ex-Sunni Insurgent becomes U.S. Ally. Chicago Tribune, 22nd November 2007. Retrived Online
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A Comparative Analysis of Amores Perros and Babel Essay
A Comparative Analysis of Amores Perros and Babel - Essay Example A Comparative Analysis of Amores Perros and Babel Amores Perros marks the debut of Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, as a film maker. This movie shares many common features with the film â€Å"Pulp Fiction. The only difference being that, Pulp Fiction has glorified criminals even to the extent of giving them the status of demigods. On the other hand, in Amores Perros, criminal elements are projected just as they are in actual life, and no attempt is made by the filmmaker to give a positive angle to negative characters. In Amores Perros, stories that are first narrated separately are later connected with each other. Firstly, the audience is introduced to the characters of Susana and Octavia, with the former being the wife of Ramiro, Octavia’s elder brother. Ramiro never shows any affection towards his wife, and it is but natural for the love-starved Susana to be drawn towards the benevolent and relatively kind-hearted Octavia. Susana plans to elope with her brother-in-law and her infant, after he (Octavia) earns some decent money. Octavia, propelled by the objective of making it big, takes to dog fighting and eventually does manage to earn a substantial sum. Next, the characters of Daniel, a magazine publisher, and Valeria, a renowned model, are introduced. Both of them live together, after Daniel leaves his family. Later, a serious road mishap grievously injures Valeria and puts an abrupt end to her successful modeling career, and the prosperous life expected by Daniel becomes just an unfulfilled dream.
Outsourcing To India And China Essay Example for Free
Outsourcing To India And China Essay Outsourcing can be defined as transferring the jobs from the UK to India, China and other third world or low –wage countries. There are many advantages of outsourcing. The following paragraphs explain the relationship of outsourcing and the supply and demand economics theory(Cooke, 2005; pp 173 -180). BODY It is good business senses for multinational companies now outsource from many developing countries (like China and India). In fact, many organizations in the United Kingdom have outsourced their operations, set –up, maintenance of their computer systems and networks and production to other countries. A survey done on 162 European firms showed that half of the interviewed companies had outsourced most of their information technology jobs. These outsourced contracts form only 24 percent of Information Technology jobs. Definitely this had climbed up to 36 percent in 1998 in the United Kingdom alone. The main reason for the increase in outsourcing is the corporate priority to reduce labor and material costs. For, it costs higher to pay a European worker to do the same jobs in the United Kingdom (Bounfour 2003; pp. 84 -92). Likewise, production, call center and other jobs outsourced to China or India would cost less in terms of labor and raw materials (Richardson 1999; pp. 74-94). Evidently, it is good business senses for multinational companies now outsource from many developing countries. (Domberger 1998; p. 84 -90). It is good and bad for the UK economy for multinational companies now outsource from many developing countries (like China and India). Outsourcing is good because the public can buy the same quality products at lower prices. It is also good because lower labor cost will increase net profits. It is bad for the UK labor sector. Outsourcing has changed the labour demand in the UK. Outsourcing has caused the labour jobs especially in the manufacturing sector to decline in the UK and other European Union member states such as France and Germany according to the study by Hijzen et al in 2005. Thus, the imported products and raw materials from low –wage third world countries has greatly affected the UK companies’ demand for European manufacturing and Information Technology workers for the period 1995 to 2000. Also, outsourcing has caused a . 6 percent employment in the European Union countries. Obviously, it is good and bad for the UK economy for multinational companies now outsource from many developing countries (Barrell, Choy and Kirby 2006; pp 63 -67). There are gainers and losers from outsourcing UK jobs. First, the people hired to do the outsourcing jobs in India, China and other third world and low –wage countries will gain from outsourcing contracts. The companies that outsource the jobs will gain because now they will pay lesser labour wages for the same quality job. And, it costs lesser to outsource to China, India and other countries because the raw materials there are definitely cheaper. Further, the biggest gainers here are the entire UK and EU market because they can now buy the goods at lower prices as a result of some outsourcing companies’ reduction of their selling prices brought about by the lower labour and materials costs and expenses(Lever, 1997; pp. 37-42. The losers are the workers in the United Kingdom and the European Union member states because they are fighting a losing battle to the low wage workers in outsourcing country recipients. But the biggest losers are the competitors in the UK and EU market because the UK company that has outsourced production and IT jobs can now lower their selling prices and still earn the same old profit margins which their competitors in the same industry cannot afford to for fear of losing money(Maromonte, 1998; pp. 13-25). Economics’ supply and demand theory states that as the prices of goods decrease, then the demand for the products will increase. Glaringly, there are gainers and losers from outsourcing UK jobs. Outsourcing has many advantages and disadvantages. The supply and demand theory explains that outsourcing jobs will increase demand for products being sold because prices of goods will decline. The competitors and UK work workers are the greatest losers from outsourcing. The UK and EU market(customers) and the company that have outsourced jobs are the greatest winners from outsourcing. Conclusively, outsourcing will benefit more people (market) than if it is not implemented. UK business, including the competitors must now jump into the boat of outsourcing to survive until the next century.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Energy Efficiency of a PRO Process
Energy Efficiency of a PRO Process Introduction The global energy demand is expeditiously increasing due to rapidly expanding population and their improved living standard. Although fossil fuels are mostly contributing to fulfilling this demand, the consumption has already exceeded the capacity of sustainable energy production (Efraty, 2013)(Yip et al., 2011). It is often claimed that we have enough reserves of coal, gas, and oil while the real scenario is different. Environment scientists reported that energy reserves are decreasing with time, which would be diminished within few decades (Figure 1). The lifetime of these reserves would be extended slightly if new reservoirs can be identified. Discovering new wells is becoming harder day-by-day and if it is discovered, the amounts of fuels would be significantly lower than the ones that have been found in the past1. Figure 1: The trends of global fossil fuels reserves[1] The rising energy demand and limited reserves of fossil fuels have motivated to researchers for exploring alternatives sources of renewable energy. Researchers have already discovered various sources of energy while wind, solar, tidal and biomass have been used for sustainable energy production (Straub, Deshmukh, Elimelech, 2015).ÂÂ However, expensive equipment and high installation cost coupled with the uneven distribution of energy throughout the year have prevented them from being used widely (Sharif, Merdaw, Aryafar, Nicoll, 2014). Recently, a newly emerging source of clean energy called Osmotic power has attracted much attention to the researcher, which derived from salinity gradients found worldwide where two sources of water with different salinities are available next to each other (Y. C. Kim Elimelech, 2013).ÂÂ The availability and predictability of osmotic power are much greater than the intermittent renewables like wind and solar. Salinity gradient is the difference in salt concentration between two solutions. The enormous amount of energy released from the mixing of two solutions of different salinities and this amount rises for higher concentration difference between the solutions. Small-scale investigations have been done for the mixing of freshwater and seawater, which reported that 2.6 MW energy produced for a flow of 1m3/s freshwater when mixed with seawater (Veerman, Saakes, Metz, Harmsen, 2009). Several technologies are being used to harvest osmotic power such as reverse electrodialysis (RED) (Achilli Childress, 2010) (Yip Elimelech, 2012),ÂÂ pressure retarded osmosisÂÂ (PRO) (Altaee Sharif, 2015)(Thorsen Holt, 2009)(Norman S., 2016), capacitive mixing (CAPMIX) (Reuters News Agency, n.d.), and hydrogel mixing (J. Kim, Jeong, Park, Shon, Kim, 2015). Among the technologies, RED and PRO are more advanced and demonstrated at pilot scale and both converts chemical potential to useful wo rk by the controlled mixing of two solutions of different salt concentration (Achilli Childress, 2010)(Yip Elimelech, 2014). RED is a membrane-based technology, which is driven by the Nernst potential, a manifestation of chemical potential difference. It uses a stack of altering ion exchange membranes that selectively allows ion permeation across the membranes. The net ion flux across the membranes is converted directly to electric current (Norman S., 2016)(Pattle, 1954). The process is very efficient for power generation but economically inefficient. The cost prices of available RED membrane is out of range, and recent investigations have showed that the price has to be reduced a hundred times to make the technology affordable (Post et al., 2010). The development of such type of membranes is very time consuming and difficult to achieve (Turek Bandura, 2007). Also, The operations of the RED process is complex and highly sensitive to the process parameters, which requires elaborate control system (Altaee Sharif, 2015). Alike reverse electrodialysis, PRO is also a membrane-based technology, but the difference is, PRO uses a single salt-rejecting semipermeable membrane instead of a stack of ion-exchange membranes. It utilizes the salinity gradient as osmotic power difference to drive the water permeation across the membrane from low salinity feed solution to high salinity draw solution. The expanding volume of draw solution flows through a hydro-turbine that generates useful mechanical and electrical works [18][19]. The design and operations of PRO are much simpler, and it does not depend too much on operational parameters except operating pressure of membrane at draw solution side. The recent analysis shows that PRO can achieve both greater efficiencies and power densities than RED and other existing technologies [14]. Most of the PRO studies have been focused on the mixing of seawater and freshwater, but this mixing scheme has been found to be unfeasible due to the lower power densities. Researchers agree that more study is necessary to assess the feasibility of processes based on streams of higher salinity. One of such processes is the energy recovery from desalination units by taking advantages of the mixing of discharged brine and seawater. Another process is the mixing of seawater with high salinity produced water from oil and natural gas exploration. However, the main problems of these process are concentraion polarization and salt leakage, which limit the PRO performance by reducing the driving force across the membrane. Before investigations to establish a viable PRO process for the large-scale operation, have focused on developing high-performance membrane and setting up suitable conditions to maximize the energy yields. Several thermodynamic properties are necessary to set up appropriate conditions to assess the performance of PRO process. The first of them is the Gibbs free energy of mixing because it provides the upper limit to the shaft power that is possible to recover from a mixing process, which occurs at constant temperature and pressure. Another property is osmotic pressure, which in necessary to establish operating pressure at different parts of the plant. Entropies and enthalpies are needed to evaluate the mechanical power of the rotary equipment involved. This work demonstrates a thermodynamic model to evaluate all of them in order to maximize the power recovery from PRO process. The Q-electrolattice equation of (EOS), which extends a lattice-based fluid model for electrolyte solutions, is adopted. The model also includes recently developed equations for PRO that considers concentration polarization; reverse salt permeability, and membrane fouling to predict water and salt flux across the membrane. In addition, most PRO models are based on solutions of Na+ and Cl ions only, whereas, in practice, saline water contains other ions in addition to these two.ÂÂ This work reports simulations of PRO processes that consider the presence of multiple ions in solutions (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl- and SO42-). The existing model mostly uses different platforms to calculate osmotic power, power density, and flux across the membrane (e.g. OLI-software is used to calculate osmotic power and another program for flux and power density), that increase the possibility of getting erroneous value because all these are inter-dependent. On the other hand, this model constantly and accurately determines all of them by a single program. Initial investigations have been done for freshwater+sewater and seawater+brine systems with single-stage PRO configuration. The predicted osmotic pressure, water flux across the membrane and recoveries of mechanical power are in very good agreement with experimental literature data. This set of results suggests that the Q-electrolattice EOS is a suitable model for the calculation of thermodynamic properties needed to assess the performance of PRO plants.ÂÂ Now, it is planning this model for very high salinity solutions with multiple stage configurations. A techno-economic analysis will be done for the feasibility study of PRO process implementing at industrial scale. Aim and Objectives: The aim of this work is to develop a thermoynamic model based on Q-electrolattice equation of state for PRO process, and implement it to predict different thermodynamic properties in order to caltulate water and salt flux across the membrane and power densities. The various objectives associated with this aim are delineated below: Implement Q-electrolattice equation of state for the solutions of multiple salts to calculate osmotic power and verify the results with literature experimental data. Implement recently developed mass and salt flux equations, which considered concentration polarization, reverse salt flux and fouling of membrane. Implement basic thermodynamic relations for PRO units to determine entropies and enethalpies accurately. Develop the model for freshwater-seawater system with single stage configuration and extended it for higher salinity system with multiple stage configuration. Implement the cost equations to determine the capital cost for installation of the PRO units. Literature Review Q-elctrolattice equation of state The elctrolattice equation of state (EOS) was developed using the same methodology presented by Myers et al. (Myers, Sandler, Wood, 2002), based on the Helmholtz energy approach. The residual Helmholtz energy at a given temperature and volume is calculated by the addition various contributions along a hypothetical path.ÂÂ These contributions consist of ion-solvent and solvent-solvent interaction over the short range, solvation effects, and ion-ion interactions over the long range. The total process is divided into four steps along a thermodynamic path( a. Zuber et al., 2013): Step-1: It is assumed that a reference mixture consisting of charged ions and molecules is in a hypothetical ideal gas state at temperature T and volume V. In the first step, the charges on all ions are removed. The change in Helmholtz energy is accounted by the Born equation for ions in a vacuum, Step-2: The short-range attractive dispersion and repulsive forces due to excluded volume are turned on. Also, self-association of solvent molecules can occur. The MTC EOS is used to calculate the change in Helmholtz energy for this step,. Step-3: The ions are recharged. The change in Helmholtz energy is accounted for by the Born equation for ions in a dielectric solvent, Step-4: The long-range interactions among the ions in solution are taken into account using the Mean Spherical Approximation (MSA), and the corresponding change in the molar Helmholtz free energy is denoted by . The residual Helmholtz energy for forming an electrolyte solution is thus given by: wherein So, To model electrostatic interactions, a single salt electrolyte solution is divided into five regions: three for solvent (D, ÃŽÂ ±, and ÃŽÂ ²), one for cation (C) and one for anion (A). To determine the MTC Helmholtz energy change, the model uses seven parameters to represent pure solvents.ÂÂ The model assumes that the region-region interaction (except for ÃŽÂ ±-ÃŽÂ ²) are dispersion interactions, which are temperature dependent. In addition, it also assumed that the short-range interactions between the ÃŽÂ ± and ÃŽÂ ² region are zero.ÂÂ This is summarized below: In addition, hydrogen bonding interactions are taken to be temperature independent. It is assumed that the interaction between the solvent and each charged species is equal; short-range interaction between opposite ions and same charge are neglected altogether.ÂÂ This is summarized below: The Q-electrolattice equation of state is an extended version of the EOS in which an explicit MSA term is used which allows for unequal ionic diameters (which are ultimately regressed using experimental data). PRO principles Basic Theory Reference: Achilli, A., Childress, A. E. (2010). Pressure retarded osmosis: From the vision of Sidney Loeb to the first prototype installation Review. Desalination, 261(3), 205-211. Altaee, A., Sharif, A. (2015). Pressure retarded osmosis: advancement in the process applications for power generation and desalination. In Desalination (Vol. 356, pp. 31-46). Elsevier B.V. Efraty, A. (2013). Pressure retarded osmosis in closed circuit: a new technology for clean power generation without need of energy recovery. Desalination and Water Treatment, 51(40-42), 7420-7430. Kim, J., Jeong, K., Park, M. J., Shon, H. K., Kim, J. H. (2015). Recent advances in osmotic energy generation via pressure-retarded osmosis (PRO): A review. Energies, 8(10), 11821-11845. Kim, Y. C., Elimelech, M. (2013). Potential of osmotic power generation by pressure retarded osmosis using seawater as feed solution: Analysis and experiments. Journal of Membrane Science, 429, 330-337. Myers, J. a., Sandler, S. I., Wood, R. H. (2002). An Equation of State for Electrolyte Solutions Covering Wide Ranges of Temperature, Pressure, and Composition. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 41(13), 3282-3297. Norman, S. L., S., R. (2016). Osmotic Power Plants Author ( s ): Sidney Loeb and Richard S . Norman. Science, 189(4203), 654-655. Pattle, R. E. (1954). Production of Electric Power by mixing Fresh and Salt Water in the Hydroelectric Pile. Nature. Post, J. W., Goeting, C. H., Valk, J., Goinga, S., Veerman, J., Hamelers, H. V. M., Hack, P. J. F. M. (2010). Towards implementation of reverse electrodialysis for power generation from salinity gradients. Desalination and Water Treatment, 16(1-3), 182-193. Reuters News Agency. (n.d.). Norway Opens Worlds First Osmotic Power Plant. Retrieved January 17, 2013, from way-osmotic-idUSTRE5A-N20Q20091124 Sharif, A., Merdaw, A., Aryafar, M., Nicoll, P. (2014). Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of the Potential of Osmotic Energy for Power Production. In Membranes (Vol. 4, pp. 447-468). Straub, A. P., Deshmukh, A., Elimelech, M. (2015). Pressure-retarded osmosis for power generation from salinity gradients: is it viable? Energy Environ. Sci. Thorsen, T., Holt, T. (2009). The potential for power production from salinity gradients by pressure retarded osmosis, 335, 103-110. Turek, M., Bandura, B. (2007). Renewable energy by reverse electrodialysis. Desalination, 205(1-3), 67-74. Veerman, J., Saakes, M., Metz, S. J., Harmsen, G. J. (2009). Reverse electrodialysis: Performance of a stack with 50 cells on the mixing of sea and river water. Journal of Membrane Science, 327(1-2), 136-144. Yip, N. Y., Elimelech, M. (2012). Thermodynamic and energy efficiency analysis of power generation from natural salinity gradients by pressure retarded osmosis. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(9), 5230-5239. Yip, N. Y., Elimelech, M. (2014). Comparison of Energy Efficiency and Power Density in Pressure Retarded Osmosis and Reverse Electrodialysis (7th Editio). Yip, N. Y., Tiraferri, A., Phillip, W. A., Schiffman, J. D., Hoover, L. A., Kim, Y. C., Elimelech, M. (2011). Thin-film composite pressure retarded osmosis membranes for sustainable power generation from salinity gradients{_}. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(10), 4360-4369. Zuber, A., Figueiredo, R., Castier, M. (2014). Fluid Phase Equilibria Thermodynamic properties of aqueous solutions of single and multiple salts using the Q-electrolattice equation of state. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 362, 268-280. Zuber,ÂÂ a., Checoni, R. F., Mathew, R., Santos, J. P. L., Tavares, F. W., Castier, M. (2013). Thermodynamic Properties of 1:1 Salt Aqueous Solutions with the Electrolattice Equation of State. Oil Gas Science and Technology Revue dIFP Energies Nouvelles, 68(2), 255-270. This work focuses on developing a thermodynamic model to analyse the energy efficiency of a PRO process in order to maximize the power recovery. It uses Q-electrolattice equation of state (developed for mixtures with mixed electrolytes) that can accurately determine various thermodynamics properties such as vapor pressure, osmotic coefficient, osmotic pressure, entropy and enthalpy at different conditions of concentration temperature and pressure (A. Zuber, Figueiredo, Castier, 2014). The model is implemented to XSEOS excel tool to calculate these thermodynamic properties. Moreover, it does not have any limitations to calculate osmotic pressure and other properties for very high concentraion solution containing multiple salts at extreme high temperation and pressure conditions. Achilli, A., Childress, A. E. (2010). Pressure retarded osmosis: From the vision of Sidney Loeb to the first prototype installation Review. Desalination, 261(3), 205-211. Altaee, A., Sharif, A. (2015). Pressure retarded osmosis: advancement in the process applications for power generation and desalination. In Desalination (Vol. 356, pp. 31-46). Elsevier B.V. Efraty, A. (2013). Pressure retarded osmosis in closed circuit: a new technology for clean power generation without need of energy recovery. Desalination and Water Treatment, 51(40-42), 7420-7430. Kim, J., Jeong, K., Park, M. J., Shon, H. K., Kim, J. H. (2015). Recent advances in osmotic energy generation via pressure-retarded osmosis (PRO): A review. Energies, 8(10), 11821-11845. Kim, Y. C., Elimelech, M. (2013). Potential of osmotic power generation by pressure retarded osmosis using seawater as feed solution: Analysis and experiments. Journal of Membrane Science, 429, 330-337. Myers, J. a., Sandler, S. I., Wood, R. H. (2002). An Equation of State for Electrolyte Solutions Covering Wide Ranges of Temperature, Pressure, and Composition. Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 41(13), 3282-3297. Norman, S. L., S., R. (2016). 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Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay on Identity in Song of Solomon -- Song Solomon essays
Searching for Identity in Song of Solomon       Abstract: Whether Africans really fly or just escape a monumental burden, perhaps only through death, is a decision Toni Morrison has apparently left to her readers. Never the less, no matter what you believe, within Song of Solomon, the suggestion is, that in order to "fly" you must go back to the beginning, back to your roots. You must learn the "art" from the old messages.  O Sugarman done fly away Sugarman done gone Sugarman cut across the sky Sugarman gone home... (6)1  Milkman was born to fly. Perhaps not! Maybe, he was just doomed to a life of flight. Toni Morrison seemingly presents her readers a choice. Milkman is born under a paradoxical cloud. His life seems to be destined for controversy. Toni Morrison eventually leaves the reader with a "choose your own ending" configuration. As in Beloved, Morrison's unique style of ending a novel with no finalization, only enhances the content and tickles the imagination. Evidence of the influence of Zora Neale Hurston is sprinkled liberally throughout the story. In addition to folklore and mythology, Song of Solomon is also rife with the cold, hard facts of reality. Did Milkman actually become airborne or was he merely a man, consistently trying to escape reality?  Toni Morrison's, Song of Solomon, was inspired in part, by All God's Chillun Had Wings (Andrews et al 103). According to this folk tale, at one time all Africans could fly. Through transgressions, they lost the ability of flight. On occasion, someone would shake off the weight of their burdens and be able to fly. Only a select few held onto remnants of the memory of flight. According to a legend in Hurston, the transgression, ... converge in the distance. Soon they begin to twine and twist together. At the core, is a solid rope, with each strand braided neatly with the others to form a tightly woven story. With its many parts, but only one beginning, Song of Solomon is absolutely, the "perfect soft-boiled egg" (40).  Works Cited Andrews, William L., et al. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1997. 103 Barnhart, C.L., et al. The American College Dictionary. New York: Random House, 1970. 919 Heinze, Denise. The Dilemma of "Double-Consciousness": Toni Morrison's Novels. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1993. 14 Hurston, Zora Neale. Hurston: Folklore, Memoirs, & other Writings. Ed. Cheryl A. Wall. New York: Penguin Books,1995. 315, 581, 597, 618 Morrison, Toni. Song of Solomon. New York: Penguin Books, 1977.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Should the Quest for Knowledge be Boundless? Essay -- Exploratory Essa
  Victor Frankenstein suffered from a lack of foresight. He only planned to reanimate a human being; he did not consider the consequences of such an action, and he did not build protections for unexpected, detrimental effects. Real-life scientists suffer from the same problem. Today we are reminded with every issue of "Time" that scientists in one modern field, nuclear technology, and emerging field genome mapping/genetic engineering wield considerable power. Shelley raises the question whether the quest for scientific knowledge should be bound. The quest for knowledge should never be bound because injunctions against originality would lead to the oppression of mankind's most important resource, our thinkers. But scientists themselves should be bound by foresight. At the inception of a new idea or process, bodies of scientists should review the question before the new methods have been applied. They should try to foresee possible ill effects and seek to minimize these beforeha nd, and contain them afterwards. This would have come in handy for Victor Frankenstein.  The emergence of agriculture at the dawn of civilization was also the emergence of genetic engineering. Everyday varieties of horses and wheat that we know today were crossbred into current, recognizable states from earlier, wild plants and animals well before history began to be recorded. "Crossbreeding is a relatively slow and clumsy method of 'improving' animal and plant species" *1* compared to modern times, when gene manipulation means tests tubes and petri dishes, not dirt or husbandry. While prohibitively expensive (for the time being) DNA manipulation and fertility techniques will become simpler, cheaper, and more accurate. Soon, any hack scientist with... ... 1991. Andrea A Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz, The Presence of Others: Voices and Images that Call for Response Mary Shelly, Frankenstein. Bedford/St.Martins, Boston MA, 2000. 1 Van Doren p.398 2 Van Doren p.293 3 quoted in McGowan p.82 4 quoted in McGowan p.82 5 Van Doren p.398 6 McGowan Ch.12 7 8 9 10,1597,158208-412,00.shtml 11 12 13 McGowan p.191 14 15 16 17 18 Shelley p.232 19 Shelley p.232
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